Time - ek021.k12.sd.us

|Time |Mon. |Tues. |Wed. |Thur |Fri |

|8:20-8:30 |Roll, Lunch Count, Pledge |Roll, Lunch Count, |Roll, Lunch Count, Pledge |Roll, Lunch Count, |Roll, Lunch Count, |

| | |Pledge | |Pledge |Pledge |

|8:30-9:15 | Pg. 106-107 |Pg. 108-109 |Pg. 110-111 |Pg. 152-153 |NO SCHOOL |

|Language Arts |Combining Sentences: Nouns |Abbreviations |Mixed Review |Unit 2 Review | |

| |DOL |DOL Quiz |DOL |DOL | |

| |Pg. 106 read and discuss |Pg. 108 |Pg. 110 read and discuss | | |

| |rule together as a class |read and discuss rule |together as a class Review | | |

| |and use Media Guide for |together as a class and|Possessives, Combining |Assign: Sets A-H | |

| |examples |use Media Guide for |Sentence and Abbreviations | | |

| | |examples Assign: pg. | | | |

| |Assign: pg. 106-107 1-15 |108-109 1-20 wk. pr 28|Assign: pg. 110-111 1-20 | | |

|9:15-10:00 | Chapter 1B |Chapter 1B |Chapter 1B |Chapter 1B |NO SCHOOL |

|5th Science |Cycles in Nature |Cycles in Nature |Cycles in Nature |Cycles in Nature | |

|Keninger |Pg. B14-B17 | | | | |

| |Lesson 2 Why the Water |Chapter Review Pg. | | | |

| |Cycle is Important |B22-B23 1-19 Recognize |Jeopardy Review |TEST | |

|**4th goes to |Students will read in |Vocab wk & Essay | | | |

|Keninger Math |groups and complete SUTW |Questions | | | |

| |Notes guide together wk. 83| | | | |

| | | | | | |

|10:10-10:30 |Break w/ Mrs. Masterson |Break w/ Mrs. Masterson|Break w/ Mrs. Masterson |Break w/ Mrs. Masterson|Break w/ Mrs. Masterson|

|BREAK | | | | | |

|10:30-11:20 |Reader’s Workshop |Readers Workshop |Readers Workshop |Readers Workshop |Reader’s Workshop |


| |Read Aloud: Charlotte’s Web|Students will read or |Read Aloud: Charlotte’s Web |Read Aloud Charlotte’s | |

| | |write in their journals| |Web |Students will read or |

| | | |ReRead war with Grandpa & | |write in their journals|

| | | |continue reading as a class | |Students will work on |

| |Read War with Grandpa | | |Students will read or |War with Grandpa |

| |together as a class and |Guidance 10:30-11:00 |Students will read or write |write in their journals|Groups: 1 Journal |

| |work on reading journal | |in their journals |and continue working on|Writing |

| |questions | | |War with Grandpa |2 Mr. Knight Grandpa |

| | |Reading Note: Pgs. War | |Journal Prompts |pgs. 67-72 |

| |Students will read or write|with Grandpa | | |3 Novel |

| |in their journals | |Group 3 Journal Due | |4 Success Maker Reading|

| | | | |Introduce Week 11 | |

| |Group 2 Journal Due | | |Journal: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Group 1 Journals Due |

| | | | |Group 4 Journals Due | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|11:20-11:45 |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |

| | | | | | |

|11:50-12:25 |Recess |Recess |Recess |Recess |Recess |

| | |(DUTY) | | | |


|Social Studies | | | | | |

|1:00-1:30 |Chapter 4A |Chapter 4A |Chapter 1B |Chapter 1B | NO SCHOOL |

|4th Science |Human Body Systems |Human Body Systems |Ecosystems |Ecosystems | |

| | | |Pg. B2-B3 |Pg. B2-B3 | |

| | | |Chapter Introduction and Fast|Chapter Introduction | |

| |Jeopardy Review |TEST |Facts |and Fast Facts | |

| | | |Vocab w/pics |Vocab w/pics | |

|1:30-2:00 |Gym |Music |Gym |Music |Music/Gym |

|MUSIC/GYM | | | | | |

|2:00-2:30 |Lesson 12 |Lesson 12 |Lesson 12 |LIBRARY |Lesson 12 |

|Spelling | |Review Practice 175, |Review Game | |TEST |

| |PreTest |176 Photographer wk. 52| | |Lesson 13 3x each |

| | |Building Vocab wk. 53 | | | |

| | | | | | |


|COMP. | | | | | |

|LIBRARY | | | | | |


Mr. Knight

Lesson Plans



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