
 Mrs. MartinezContact InformationEmail: cperaltamartinez@Telephone: (708) 872-5946Course OverviewIntroduction to Visual Arts has been designed to provide an introduction and foundation to the Visual Arts. The course exposes the student to a variety of media while covering the topics involved with the Elements of Arts. You will experiment with different media and process in order to create various art projects. Media may include: pencil, ink, scratchboard, colored pencil, pastel, watercolor. You will also be able to self-reflect on your art projects and your peers art projects through various critique activities.Course GoalsBy the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:List the functions of art and explain the different stages of the creative process.Identify and describe the elements of art.Describe various media techniques and demonstrate effective use of the tools and materials.Describe various methods of evaluating and critiquing art and explain the process of art criticism.Grading40% Daily Class Participation, Activities, and Assignments60% Art Projects Art Project Grades will generally be determined by a rubric based on the following criteria:Following DirectionsEffortCraftsmanshipElements of Design and Principles of DesignCreativity and Originality Grading ScaleA = 90% - 100%B = 80% - 89%C = 70% - 79%D = 60% - 69%F = 0% - 59%PlagiarismAll work submitted (artistic and written) in this course must be the original work, comments, and statements of the student submitting it. Duplicating the work (including photographs) of another artist is plagiarism and is subject to the plagiarism policy in the student handbook. All students must understand and practice artistic and academic integrity.Google Meet ExpectationsCome to Google Meet prepared and on time.Stay in the Google Meet for the entire time.Find a quiet place where you will be able to concentrate and work.Before you sign in, make sure you are following the school dress code (as outlined in the student handbook).Before you sign in, put your cell phone away and out of sight. Follow the “Electronic Device Policy” as outlined in the Outlook Academy Student Handbook..Adhere to the “Internet Safety Policy” as outlined in the Outlook Academy Student Handbook.When you enter the meeting, mute yourself..No chatting while the teacher is talking.When you have a question, type in the chat box and wait for your teacher to call on you.If you want to add to what is being said, but it’s not your turn, type in the chat box.Wait for the teacher to call on you to unmute yourself. Only one student talks at a time.Stay on topic when chatting.Use respectful behavior and school appropriate language.Pay attention to your teacher or other students who are speaking.Refrain from chewing gum or eating food in front of the camera.Hang up at the end of the meeting.Art Class ExpectationsAlways do your best.Respect each other and be kind.Take care of the art supplies.Imagine new things and be creative.Stay on task.Turn mistakes into masterpieces.Attendance PolicySuccess in this class is dependent on the student being present for daily activities and art demonstrations. Attendance will be taken everyday at the beginning of the Google Meet.Late PolicyYou have until 11:59 p.m. of the following calendar day to turn in assignments/art projects for 75% of the available points. After 11:59 p.m., it will no longer be accepted for credit and a grade of 0 will be given. Absent PolicyYou have 3 days to turn in any missing assignments/art projects for full credit.Extra CreditThere is NO extra credit given in this course unless it is a direct assignment given by the instructor to the entire class.MiscellaneousIf your work does not have your name on it and/or is illegible it makes it hard to grade. This may result in a zero.Synchronous Art Class Schedule05 minutes00:00 - 05:00Bell-ringer activity.05 minutes05:00 - 10:00Introduce learning activities and art project for the current unit, including instructions and expectations.10 minutes10:00 - 20:00Step-by-step tutorial for current art project. 25 minutes20:00 - 45:00Work on art project, one-on-one check-ins, and assistance with completing activities for the current unit.05 minutes45:00 - 50:00Clean up, wrap up discussion, and next steps. ................

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