Wildlife Habitat Canada

3419475-733425FOR WHC USE ONLYGrant Number:Grant Type:Province:Funding Requested:Match:00FOR WHC USE ONLYGrant Number:Grant Type:Province:Funding Requested:Match:-9525-714375002019-2020 Grant Funding Application Form? The deadline to submit an application is 5:00pm EDT on Wednesday October 17, 2018.? The completed Application Form should be submitted in Microsoft Word format using WHC’s online Grant Application Submission form at: grants-form. Please review the submission form before completing your application.? Completed Application Forms should be no more than 12 pages in length, excluding this page (additional appendices will be accepted in Microsoft Word or PDF format via WHC’s online Grant Application Submission form).? To be eligible for funding consideration, the project outlined in the Application must be carried out in the 2019-2020 fiscal year (April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020). WHC grant funds, if approved, must be spent in the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Two-year projects are not currently being accepted. ? All confirmed cash and in-kind contributions to the project must be documented in a letter signed by the supporting partner and accompany the submission of this Application Form. Anticipated cash / in-kind contributions should be clearly identified in the Financial Summary tables.? To be eligible for funding consideration, the project must clearly demonstrate and maintain a minimum 1:1* funding match ratio in the 2019-2020 fiscal year (i.e., WHC contributions cannot exceed 50% of the Project Revenue). *Funding from Government of Canada programs cannot be considered as match.? Applicants must ensure that project implementation complies with all relevant legislation, regulations, licences, permits, etc.Expenditures that are directly related to the acquisition of land or an interest in land, including a lease, conservation easement or conservation covenant are not eligible for grant funding from WHC.WHC funds cannot be used to contribute to any stewardship fund.For infrastructure repair / re-build projects (e.g., water level control structure repairs or replacement), WHC will consider projects that:- increase wetland acres and/or improve the ecological integrity of affected acres; and,- address long term maintenance needs for infrastructure (which do not rely on any future WHC funding).? RESEARCH projects require a letter of support from the scientific or technical committee of the associated North American Waterfowl Management Plan Habitat/Species Joint Venture in Canada. The letter of support must accompany the submission of this Application Form.? CONSERVATION NETWORKING projects are required to clearly outline the curriculum (i.e., program plan) of the program for which they are requesting funds (please attach as an appendix). This should include the purpose/goals of the program, content, order/sequence of learning, instructional methods, approach to evaluation, etc.Before submitting an application, Applicants must review:? the 2019-2020 WHC Call for Proposals document. If applying through an academic institution, please note the requirements.? the WHC Grant Program Guidance Document.? the WHC draft Letter of Agreement.? the information and implementation plans available for the Habitat/Species Joint Venture that applies to the project/project location. If you have questions about the Joint Venture in your region, please contact the appropriate Joint Venture Coordinator.1.0 APPLICATION INFORMATIONProject contact information Name and Title of project lead (primary contact for the project):Telephone number:E-mail address:2.0 PROJECT INFORMATIONa) Project Title:Conservation Networking projects-select project type from this dropdown box--------------------------b) Project Background [maximum 250 words]: Use this space to briefly provide background information on the need for the project, your organization, etc. Project Purpose and Description [maximum 500 words]: Provide a description of the project. Research projects should include research questions, anticipated long-term conservation impacts and benefits and contributions to scientific knowledge base.* If this is an infrastructure repair or a re-build project, please provide information on your long term maintenance commitment for the structure to ensure its continuing function into the future (that does not rely on any future WHC funding). This information can be included as an appendix, if appropriate.d) How will the project contribute to the priorities under the associated NAWMP Canadian Habitat and/or Species Joint Venture Implementation Plan? [maximum 250 words] (e.g., in what priority area/key program area does the project take place; what Joint Venture habitat goals and/or species goals are addressed?) Conservation Networking projects: Describe how the project contributes to Goal #3 of the 2012 NAWMP Revision: “Growing numbers of waterfowl hunters, other conservationists, and citizens who enjoy and actively support waterfowl and wetlands conservation.” e) Goals, objectives, activities and timeline (Projects must be completed within the 2019-2020 fiscal year: April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020).Project start date:Project end date:Please complete the project activity chart below using point form and use the document “Common Language for Canadian NAWMP Habitat Joint Ventures Reference Document, July 9, 2013” to assign each activity to a NAWMP Common Language Category:GoalObjectiveActivitiesTimeline / Event dates and durationNAWMP Common Language CategoryActivity / Event (include event location)Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:f) Describe specific project activities and results/objectives that will be directly supported by WHC’s financial contribution [Point form, maximum 150 words].g) Relevance to habitat planning, decision making and/or managementi. If applicable, what are the project’s direct and indirect influences on (wetland) habitat conservation, land and water planning, habitat management and use, etc.? [maximum 250 words]ii. What groups, agencies, individuals, governments, industries, etc. will benefit from the project and how? [maximum 200 words]h) What are the long-term conservation impacts and benefits from the project? [maximum 200 words]i) Briefly describe any new tools, methodologies, landscape practices or protocols that will be used or developed in the project. [maximum 200 words]j) If applicable, complete the table below, providing the area (acres) of your project.Please review the WHC Grant Program Guidance Document for a definition of the terms.If other types of habitat are included in the project (i.e., riparian, woodland, etc.), please list separately and specify acres.Wetland Habitat(acres)Upland Habitat(acres)Total(acres)ConserveEnhanceRestoreTotal (acres)k) If applicable, indicate if the habitat is used by waterfowl for migration, breeding or staging. Check all that apply.Migration?Breeding?Staging?l) If applicable, please list and estimate the population size of NAWMP / Habitat Joint Venture priority species or other significant bird species directly benefitting from your project. Waterfowl (species)Waterfowl (10s; 100s; 1,000s)Wetland Associated Birds (species)Wetland Associated Birds (10s; 100s; 1,000s)Migratory Game Birds (species)Migratory Game Birds (10s; 100s; 1,000s)3.0 PARTICIPATIONa) Provide a description of stewardship opportunities or other voluntary preventative measures (towards the conservation, enhancement or restoration of habitat) that will be engaged or promoted within the scope of the project. [maximum 250 words]Please refer to the WHC Grant Program Guidance Document for a clear definition of stewardship; i.e. Activities that promote or directly result in sustainable land use for the benefit of populations of priority species and their habitat. Can include the direct conservation of wild species and their habitat or improving the quality of habitat through the mitigation of human impact. I.e., installing nest boxes, monitoring wildlife populations and protecting habitat from disturbances, community-based soil erosion projects, etc.b) If applicable, provide the number of private landowners you plan to engage and describe how this will be done.c) Describe the participants/targeted audience of the event or initiative. [maximum 150 words]d) If applicable, using the table below, indicate the total number of participants that will be involved in on-the-ground activities, first-hand education initiatives, or other project events/activities (these should relate to activities listed in Section 2(e) of this application).Please refer to the WHC Grant Program Guidance Document for a clear definition of participants; i.e. Participants are any persons participating in on-the-ground, educational program, outreach event, or stewardship activity.Activity / EventType of Participants(i.e. Students, community members, organization volunteers)Number of ParticipantsTotal Participant Days (i.e., # of days that participants have been involved in the project / program.)Total Participant Person-days(i.e. Number of participants x total participant days)Example:Shoreline plantingExample:University studentsExample:16Example:1.5 daysExample:16 x 1.5 = 24e) Access to hunters: Upon completion of the project, will the public be permitted access for migratory game bird hunting in the project area?? YES? NO (If no, please provide a brief explanation)If this is a Research project, will the findings/outcome of this project improve migratory game bird hunting opportunities in some way? Please describe.f) Partners and their rolesThis section should list the partners that are providing cash and in-kind contributions to the project, with names written in full (no abbreviations). These partners should also be included in section 5(i) of this application.Project PartnerPartner Role / Activity(ies) in the ProjectWildlife Habitat Canada (WHC)4.0 COMMUNICATIONSa) To whom, how, and when will the project achievements and benefits be communicated?b) How and when will WHC’s contributions to the project be acknowledged?c) Will the project recognize the contribution of waterfowl hunters?The primary source of funding for the Grant Program is from the purchase of the Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp (Canadian Duck Stamp) by waterfowl hunters.? YES (If yes, please describe)? NO d) How will the success of this project be evaluated?e) Are there future activities planned to sustain the benefits of this project in future years? Please describe.Conservation Networking projects should highlight follow up activities that are planned to reinforce the objectives of this initiative/activity with participants.5.0 FINANCIAL SUMMARYIn the tables below, please indicate the confirmed and anticipated Project Revenue and Project Expenses for the 2019-2020 fiscal year (April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020). NOTE: Do not include Project Revenue and/or Project Expenses that will be received outside of the 2019-2020 fiscal year.The Total Project Revenue and the Total Project Expenses should be equal.You must indicate the Expense Category (Common Language) for each expense, which should correspond directly with the costs associated to execute the activities listed in Section 2.e) Goals, objectives, activities and timeline.If applying through an academic institution, Applicants must review the institution’s grant application process and requirements prior to submitting an application, as there are often fee requirements involved with the institution’s receipt and processing of grant funding.i) PROJECT REVENUEContributor/Partner (written in full; no abbreviations)CashIn-KindTotalIs this contribution confirmed or anticipated?Wildlife Habitat Canada (WHC)AnticipatedSelect status:Select status:Select status:Select status:Select status:Select status:Select status:Select status:Select status:Select status:Select status:Select status:TOTALS:Total Cash:$Total In-Kind $Total Revenue$ii) PROJECT EXPENSESThese should relate to items listed in Section 2(e) of this applicationExpense Category (NAWMP Common Language)Expense DetailCashIn-KindTotalEXAMPLEWetland RestorationMaterials to construct XX km of livestock exclusion fencing around ABC Wetland.$XX.XX$XX.XXSelect a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:TOTALS:Total Cash:$Total In-Kind: $Total Expenses:$iii) USE OF WHC FUNDINGExpense Category(NAWMP Common Language)Expense DetailCashEXAMPLEManagement (Habitat Assets)Monitoring and maintenance of XX existing nest boxes.$XX.XXSelect a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:Select a category:TOTAL EXPENSES /WHC Grant Amount Requested:$6.0 MAPPlease include a map of the project location(s). The map can be included as an Appendix if the image cannot be placed in this Microsoft Word document.7.0 APPENDICESIf there are any appendices being submitted as part of this Application, please include them within the body of this document OR as one separate Microsoft Word OR PDF file.All confirmed cash and in-kind contributions to the project must be documented in a letter signed by the supporting partner.Conservation Networking projects must attach a Program curriculum, 1-2 pages in length (purpose/goals of the program, content, order/sequence of learning, instructional methods, approach to evaluation, etc.)Research projects must include a Letter of support from the scientific or technical committee of the associated North American Waterfowl Management Plan Habitat/Species Joint Venture in Canada, AND if applying through an academic institution, a letter from the administrative office confirming that the draft WHC Letter of Agreement has been reviewed, noting any comments or changes that may need to be considered if the grant application is successful.Title of appendix file (If attached as a separate file): ................

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