PDF Nonpoint Source Water Pollution lesson plan - This is Our ...



I. What is Pollution?

A. Allow students to brainstorm different types of pollution. B. Then tell them that pollution is: harmful substances deposited in the air, in

the water, or on the land. C. Today's lesson will focus on water pollution; what causes it and how we can

help prevent the pollution.

II. Watershed A. Explain that this model is a "watershed". A watershed is simply an area of

land that drains into a particular body of water. The rainwater that falls on the land flows down hills/slopes and drains into a creek/river. Many watersheds make up a much larger "river basin". B. Point out the various areas in the watershed model: The construction area, farm, subdivison, industrial plan, river banks, golf course, etc. C. Explain that everyone lives in a watershed and has a watershed address. Some students might know which body of water is nearest to their home or school. Some of the larger watershed areas in Gwinnett are: Yellow River, Ocmulgee River, Chattahoochee River, and the Oconee River.

III. The Two Types of Water Pollution A. Point Source Pollution

1. Point source pollution can be traced back to a specific source. 2. Some examles include:

a. Industrial Plant (-Point to building with pipe) We often refer to this as the "Pokemon Plant" which makes pokemon' cards, plastic toys, etc. You can refer to the plant as anything you would like ? for older kids we refer to the plant as an electronics plant.

b. Sewage Treatment Plant (building near the de-forested area).

(Enviroscape Action: pour the cocoa/water sludge mixture from small bottle into both of these areas. For the Industrial Plant, squirt the mixture into the top of the plant and watch it flow through the pipe and into the water/creek. For the Water Treatment Plant, squirt the mixture into the (2)

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Enviroscape Lesson Plan round recessed areas in front of the plant. These represent the sewage tanks.)

3. Have students watch the results. The "pollutants" are discharged

directly into the water.

4. Explain that sometimes Industrial plants have accidental discharges

into the water and that Water Treatment Plants sometimes can malfunction (lightning strikes) and discharge sewage into the water. Luckily in Gwinett, this happens infrequently. But in other metro areas ?like Fulton County, accidental discharges happen more frequently. Case in point: the summer of 2000 ?major fish kill in Metro Atlanta river due to excessive amounts of Chlorine. EPD officials have yet to determine where the Chlorine spill orginated.

B. Non-Point Source Pollution

1. Non-point source pollution originates from many sources. Each time it rains, run-off from the street picks up litter, car lubricants, pet waste, excess fertilizers and pesticides, leaves, etc. These pollutants reach our waterways via wind, storm-drains, and general run-off.

2. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has determined that nonpoint sources are the main cause of of our nation's water quality problems.

3. Examples include:


(Enviroscape Action: sprinkle "cocoa" on the listed site as it is discussed.)

? construction site

Loose soil is often found where there is construction.

? deforested areas

A forested area has lots of trees and vegetation; therefore a deforested area does not have a lot of trees and vegetation. Think of when new deveopments are being built. The land is cleared, so there is loose soil.

? shore of river, lake, creek, etc.

Along the banks, animals often trample vegetation. Rainwater washing over the banks also causes erosion.

? plowed farm field

The farmer has plowed his field to prepare for planting a good crop. (Enviroscape Action: using one of the water bottles, make it "rain" over the areas where you have sprinkled "cocoa" and over the areas from the pointsource of pollution: Industrial Plant and Water Treatment Plant.)

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Enviroscape Lesson Plan Now Discuss that when it rains, the rainwater runs off our roof tops, down the streets, etc. and carries pollutants with it. The rainwater travels either directly into a river/stream or travels down the storm drains. Point to the cocoa "dirt" that has now entered our water body.


(Enviroscape Action: sprinkle drink powder on the listed site as it is discussed. Can use red for pesticides & green for fertilizers if desired.)

Ask the students what fertilizer and pesticides are. You want to prompt their anwers to include: Fertilizer is a nutrient that helps things grow nicely and helps yards green up. Pesticides are used to get rid of bugs and pests.

? farm fields ? homes ? golf course

Discuss each site: The farmer wants his crop to stay free of pests and to grow nice so he has a good crop to sell. The homeowner would like his yard to look nice and green (and get rid of "pests") Golf course owners want the course to look attractive & green.


Mention that cars, trucks, construction vehicles, etc. leak lubricants (oil, antifreeze, grease, etc.) when not propertly maintained. You often see dark spots on paved areas where this has happened. (Enviroscape Action: Use cocoa and water mixture in "sludge bottle" and squirt on these areas as they are discussed.)

? Driveways ? road ? parking lots

(Enviroscape Action: using one of the water bottles, make it "rain" over the areas where you have sprinkled fertilizer and pesticide drink mix and the areas you squirted "slurry" representing lubricants.)

Again, point out that the rainwater carries these pollutants directly into bodies of water. Look how dirty the water is getting. Prompt the student to think of how this might affect our water quality and aquatic life.

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(Enviroscape Action: using the cocoa/water "slurry" bottle, squirt some down the storm drain tubing (near the houses) and watch the mixture come out of the other end of the tubing near the water body).

Explain that storm drains are found on the curbing in neighborhoods and along all streets and are designed to allow rain water to flow off of the pavement. Often times people pour things directly down a storm drain (such as paint, motor oil, household chemicals, etc.) All Storm drains lead to a body of water. We should never pour anyting down a storm drain. They are designed only for "storm water".

Also address car washing. Ideally we should wash our cars at a carwash, as the water goes through drains in which the water would be cleaned. If you have to wash the car at home...then wash it on the grass, where some of the soap/suds would be absorbed rather then running off the driveway.


(Enviroscape Action: using the cocoa/water "slurry" bottle, squirt on these areas as discussed).

? farm animals

Often times, farm animals walk directly in the creeks and deposit "animal shoo-shoo." This animal waste leaves bacteria (fecal coliform) in the water. Sometimes, the animals are further back from a stream, yet the bacteria from the waste gets washed into the water in a heavy rain.

? pet waste

We often walk our pets in our neighborhoods and even along stream banks. Using the dog figurine provided with this model, pretend to be walking your dog. Usually, we do not pick up after our pets, but we must learn to do so. This would help prevent the build up of fecal coliform in the waters.

? septic tanks not properly maintained

(Optional) Point to the subdivision area and mention to the kids that older septic tanks may not function properly or they have not been properly maintained from the beginning.


(Enviroscape Action: sprinkle the "colored sprinkles" (if provided) at various place around map to illustrate litter. Litter can be carried into the water via the wind or the rain.)

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(Enviroscape Action: using one of the water bottles, make it "rain" over the areas where you poured slurry representing animal waste, septic tanks and make it "rain" over the sprinkled litter.)

III. Why are these pollutants harmful to our rivers/streams?

A. These pollutants affect Water Quality and Aquatic Life 1. Fertilizer is a nutrient ? therefore you have increased nitrogen

and phosphorus in the water. This increases the growth of algae, thus decreasing oxygen levels in the water (can cause fish kill). This algae can also suffocate other plant life.

2. Pesticide is toxic. The toxins enter the waterbody and are

ingested by the macroinvertebrates and other oganisms in the water. The fish eat these organisms; then other animals eat the fish; thus the toxins travel up the food chain/web.

3. Soil adds "sediment" to the water. This increases the cloudiness

of the water which increases the temperature -resulting in a decrease of oxygen. The sediment also forms like a "slip-n-slide" on the bottom of the water and many organisms cannot lay eggs and reproduce. Also, sediment can build up on the bottom of a river/stream which affects the depth of the water. This could then cause a problem with boating and recreation.

4. Animal waste and septic sewage adds harmful bacteria to

the water. This can cause people/animals to become ill. Excess sewage in a body of water can even cause officials to close portions of a lake for swimming and recreation.

5. Litter can injure people and animals and can even block storm

drain pipes which could lead to flooding.

IV. What can we do?


Ask students to brainstorm some things we can do to help prevent these

pollutants from entering the rivers/streams. In the environmental field,

we call them BMPs (Best Management Practices).


Below are some things we can all do. You might just want to mention a

few of these things that the students can directly relate to.

1. Household Activities:

? Don't litter (if you see litter, pick it up) ? Don't pour anything down a storm drain (including grass

clippings) ? Be a smart shopper; read labels and try to buy items that are

the least toxic ? Dispose of chemicals properly

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? Pick up after pets and dispose of waste in trash ? Maintain septic tanks

2. Lawns/Golf Course:

? Use fertilizers and pesticides properly and don't overuse. Read the labels. (Do not tell students that Fertilizers and Pesticides are bad to use....they just need to understand that they must be used properly and accordi ng to directions.)

? Don't fertilize right before a heavy rain ? Plant trees,shrubs, and vegetation. This helps slow the rain

runoff and absorb some of the polutants ? Consider using organic fertilizers (manure or compost) ? Do not allow soil, leaves, grass clippings, etc. to accumulate on

driveway or in street (compost them)

3. Construction Site:

? As temporary measures, the developer can use silt fencing and hay bales to help prevent loose soil from washing into the roads.

? For permanent measures: planting trees, shrubs, etc. will help prevent runoff.

4. Driveways/Parking lots and roads:

? Keep cars tuned up to help prevent leaking lubricants (and reduce air pollution)

? Anti-freeze is very toxic and has serious oxygen-depleting characteristics. Motor oil can damage or kill underwater vegetation and aquatic life. Just one quart can contamiate 2 million gallons of drinking water.

5. Streambank, Lakeshore, and Forest ? Mention (or place felt strips if provided) to represent

vegetation. Planting trees, shrubs, etc. will limit runoff & help

filter out pollutants and prevent erosion. 6. Farm

? Place fencing (provided) around farm animals to keep them out of the stream (would need alternate source of drinking water).

? Berms (you can illustrate by rolling a small piece of clay and placing across the plowed field where it enters the lake). This will help slow down the rainwater running off the land.

? Some farmers use "manure contaiment" (Place small clear manure container by the farm animals).

? Some farmers use "Contour plowing" to direct runoff away from the lake. This is done by plowing across the field instead of down the field.

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V. Close lesson

If students have questions that you are not able to answer, feel free to email Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful at bmcdaniel@ or call at 770-822-5187. We would be happy to asssit you. Please follow the guidelines for cleaning the Enviroscape model and return in CLEAN, DRY condtion to GC&B via school courier on the date specified on your check -out form.

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