The relationship between energy (E) and frequency ( ) for ...

• The relationship between energy (E) and frequency (() for electromagnetic radiation (Planck's quantum of energy)


• The relationship between wavelength (() and frequency (() for electromagnetic radiation


From these relationships, we can determine the relationship between energy and wavelength:


or, rearranging:


• The relationship between wavelength (() and momentum (m*v) for DeBroglie's "particle wave"


From the above relationships, we can calculate the relationship between energy (E) and momentum (m*v)


Simplify, and solve for E:


The highest velocity (v) attainable by matter is the speed of light (c), therefore, the maximum energy would seem to be:




Why do nuclear bombs make such a loud "pop"?

• The Fuel value of hydrogen is 142 x 103 J g-1

• If all matter were converted into energy

E = 1x10-3kg * (3x108m/s)2

E = 9x1013 kg m2 s-2

E = 9x1013 J

In other words, we can get out about 9 orders of magnitude greater energy if the hydrogen is converted directly into energy, rather than combusting it.

Nuclear fission and fusion reactions convert a fraction of their matter into energy. The bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima contained about 15 kg of the 235Uranium isotope, a fissionable material. The actual amount of mass that was converted into energy is estimated at about 1 kg (releasing around 1 x 1017 J of energy in a split second). The estimated temperature at the moment of detonation is estimated to have been around 5 million degrees. In addition to the sun-like heat, much of the damage was due to the pressure wave that was produced.


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