
Chapter 6 Electronic Structure of Atoms 6.1 What are the basic Sl units for (a) the wavelength of light, (b) the frequency of light, (c) the speed of light?6.2 (a) What is the relationship between the wavelength and the frequency of radiant energy? (b) Ozone in the upper atmosphere absorbs energy in the 210-230 nm range of the spectrum. In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum does this radiation occur?6.3 Label each of the following statements as true or false. For those that are false, correct the statement. (a) Visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. (b) The frequency of radiation increases as the wavelength increases. (c) Ultraviolet light has longer wavelengths than visible light. (d) Electromagnetic radiation and sound waves travel at the same speed.6.4 Determine which of the following statements are false, and correct them. (a) Electromagnetic radiation is incapable of passing through water. (b) Electromagnetic radiation travels through a vacuum at a constant speed, regardless of wavelength. (c) Infrared light has higher frequencies than visible light. (d) The glow from a fireplace, the energy within a microwave oven, and a foghorn blast are all forms of electromagnetic radiation.6.5 Arrange the following kinds of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing wavelength: infrared, green light, red light, radio waves, X rays, ultraviolet light.6.6 List the following types of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing wavelength: (a) the gamma rays produced by a radioactive nuclide used in medical imaging; (b) radiation from an FM radio station at 93.1 MHz on the dial; (c) a radio signal from an AM radio station at 680 kHz on the dial; (d) the yellow light from sodium vapor streetlights; (e) the red light of a light-emitting diode, such as in a calculator display.6.7 (a) What is the frequency of radiation that has a wavelength of 0.452 pin? (b) What is the wavelength of radiation that has a frequency of 2.55 X 1016s-1? (c) Would the radiations in part (a) or part (b) be visible to the human eye? (d) What distance does electromagnetic radiation travel in 7.50 ms?6.8 (a) What is the frequency of radiation whose wavelength is 589 nm? (b) What is the wavelength of radiation that has a frequency of 1.2 x 1013 s-1? (c) Would the radiations in part (a) or part (b) be detected by an infrared radiation detector? (d) What distance does electromagnetic radiation travel in 10.0 ?s?6.9 Excited mercury atoms emit light strongly at a wavelength of 436 nm. What is the frequency of this radiation? Using Figure 6.4, predict the color associated with this wavelength.6.10 An argon ion laser emits light at 489 nm. What is the frequency of this radiation? Is this emission in the visible spectrum? If yes, what color is it?6.11 (a) What does it mean when we say energy is quantized? (b) Why don't we notice the quantization of energy in everyday activities?6.12 Einstein's 1905 paper on the photoelectric effect was the first important application of Planck's quantum hypothesis. Describe Planck's original hypothesis, and explain how Einstein made use of it in his theory of the photoelectric effect.6.13 (a) Calculate the smallest increment of energy (a quantum) that can be emitted or absorbed at a wavelength of 812 nm. (b) Calculate the energy of a photon of frequency 2.72 X 1013 s-1. (c) What wavelength of radiation has photons of energy 7.84 X 10-18 J? In what portion of the electromagnetic spectrum would this radiation be found?6.14 (a) Calculate the smallest increment of energy that can be emitted or absorbed at a wavelength of 3.80 mm. (b) Calculate the energy of a photon of frequency 80.5 MHz. (c) What frequency of radiation has photons of energy 1.77 X 1019 J? In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum would this radiation be found?6.15 (a) Calculate and compare the energy of a photon of wavelength 3.3 ?m with that of wavelength 0.154 nm. (b) Use Figure 6.4 to identify the region of the electromagnetic spectrum to which each belongs.6.16 An AM radio station broadcasts at 1440 kHz, and its FM partner broadcasts at 94.5 MHz. Calculate and compare the energy of the photons emitted by these two radio stations.6.17 One type of sunburn occurs on exposure to UV light of wavelength in the vicinity of 325 run. (a) What is the energy of a photon of this wavelength? (b) What is the energy of a mole of these photons? (c) How many photons are in a 1.00 mJ burst of this radiation?6.18 The energy from radiation can be used to cause the rupture of chemical bonds. A minimum energy of 495 kJ/mol is required to break the oxygen-oxygen bond in O2. What is the longest wavelength of radiation that possesses the necessary energy to break the bond? What type of electromagnetic radiation is this?6.19 A diode laser emits at a wavelength of 987 nm. All of its output energy is absorbed in a detector that measures a total energy of 0.52 J over a period of 32 s. How many photons per second are being emitted by the laser?6.20 A stellar object is emitting radiation at 1350 nm. If the detector is capturing 8 x 107 photons per second at this wavelength, what is the total energy of the photons detected in one hour?6.21 Molybdenum metal must absorb radiation with a minimum frequency of 1.09 x 1015 s-1 before it can emit an electron from its surface via the photoelectric effect. (a) What is the minimum energy needed to produce this effect? (b) What wavelength radiation will provide a photon of this energy? (c) If molybdenum is irradiated with light of wavelength of 120 nm, what is the maximum possible kinetic energy of the emitted electrons?6.22 It requires a photon with a minimum energy of 4.41 x 10-19 J to emit electrons from sodium metal. (a) What is the minimum frequency of light necessary to emit electrons from sodium via the photoelectric effect? (b) What is the wavelength of this light? (c) If sodium is irradiated with light of 439 run, what is the maximum possible kinetic energy of the emitted electrons? (d) What is the maximum number of electrons that can be freed by a burst of light whose total energy is 1.00 ?J?6.23 Explain how the existence of line spectra is consistent with Bohr's theory of quantized energies for the electron in the hydrogen atom.6.24 (a) In terms of the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom, what process is occurring when excited hydrogen atoms emit radiant energy of certain wavelengths and only those wavelengths? (b) Does a hydrogen atom "expand" or "contract" as it moves from its ground state to an excited state?6.25 Is energy emitted or absorbed when the following electronic transitions occur in hydrogen? (a) from n= 4 to n= 2; (b) from an orbit of radius 2.12 A to one of radius 8.48 A; (c) an electron adds to the H+ ion and ends up in the n = 3 shell.6.26 Indicate whether energy is emitted or absorbed when the following electronic transitions occur in hydrogen: (a) from n= 2 to n = 6; (b) from an orbit of radius 4.77 A to one of radius 0.530 A; (c) from the n= 6 to the n= 9 state.6.27 Using Equation 6.5, calculate the energy of an electron in the hydrogen atom when n = 2, and when n = 6. Calculate the wavelength of the radiation released when an electron moves from n= 6 to n= 2. Is this line in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum? If so, what color is it?6.28 For each of the following electronic transitions in the hydrogen atom, calculate the energy, frequency, and wavelength of the associated radiation, and determine whether the radiation is emitted or absorbed during the transition: (a) from n - 5 to n= 1; (b) from n= 4 to n= 2; (c) from n= 4 to n= 6. Does any of these transitions emit or absorb visible light?6.29 The visible emission lines observed by Balmer all involved nf = 2. (a) Explain why only the lines with nf = 2 were observed in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. (b) Calculate the wavelengths of the first three lines in the Balmer series-those for which ni = 3, 4, and 5-and identify these lines in the emission spectrum shown in Figure The Lyman series of emission lines of the hydrogen atom are those for which nf= 1. (a) Determine the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the lines of the Lyman series are observed. (b) Calculate the wavelengths of the first three lines in the Lyman series-those for which ni = 2, 3, and 4.[6.31] One of the emission lines of the hydrogen atom has a wavelength of 93.8 nm. (a) In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum is this emission found? (b) Determine the initial and final values of n associated with this emission.[6.32] The hydrogen atom can absorb light of wavelength 4055 nm. (a) In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum is this absorption found? (b) Determine the initial and final values of n associated with this absorption.6.33 Use the de Broglie relationship to determine the wavelengths of the following objects: (a) an 85-kg person skiing at 50 km/hr; (b) a 10.0-g bullet fired at 250 m/s; (c) a lithium atom moving at 2.5 x 105 m/s.6.34 Among the elementary subatomic particles of physics is the muon, which decays within a few nanoseconds after formation. The moon has a rest mass 206.8 times that of an electron. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength associated with a muon traveling at a velocity of 8.85 x 105 cm/s.6.35 Neutron diffraction is an important technique for determining the structures of molecules. Calculate the velocity of a neutron that has a characteristic wavelength of 0.955 ?. (Refer to the back inside cover for the mass of the neutron.)6.36 The electron microscope has been widely used to obtain highly magnified images of biological and other types of materials. When an electron is accelerated through a particular potential field, it attains a speed of 5.93 X 106 m/s. What is the characteristic wavelength of this electron? Is the wavelength comparable to the size of atoms?6.37 Using Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, calculate the uncertainty in the position of (a) a 1.50-mg mosquito moving at a speed of 1.40 m/s if the speed is known to within ±0.01 m/s; (b) a proton moving at a speed of (5.00 ± 0.01) x 104m/s. (The mass of a proton is given in the table of fundamental constants in the back inside cover of the text.)6.38 Calculate the uncertainty in the position of (a) an electron moving at a speed of (3.00 ± 0.01) X 10' m/s; (b) a neutron moving at this same speed. (The masses of an electron and a neutron are given in the table of fundamental constants in the back inside cover of the text.) (c) What are the implications of these calculations to our model of the atom?6.39 According to the Bohr model, an electron in the ground state of a hydrogen atom orbits the nucleus at a specific radius of 0.53 ?. In the quantum mechanical description of the hydrogen atom, the most probable distance of the electron from the nucleus is 0.53 ?. Why are these two statements different?6.40 (a) In the quantum mechanical description of the hydrogen atom, what is the physical significance of the square of the wave function, ψ2? (b) What is meant by the expression "electron density"? (c) What is an orbital?6.41 (a) For n= 4, what are the possible values Of l? (b)For f= 2, what are the possible values of nil?6.42 How many possible values for l and ml are there when (a)n=3;(b)n=5?6.43 Give the numerical values of n and l corresponding to each of the following designations: (a) 3p; (b) 2s; (c) 4f; (d) 5d.6.44 Give the values for n, l, and ml for (a) each orbital in the 2p subshell; (b) each orbital in the 5d subshell.6.45 Which of the following represent impossible combinations of n and l: (a) 1p, (b) 4s; (c) 5f; (d) 2d?6.46 Which of the following are permissible sets of quantum numbers for an electron in a hydrogen atom:(a) n- 2, l = 1, ml = 1; (b) n = 1, l = 0, ml=-1;(c)n=4, l =2, ml =-2;(d)n=3, l =3, ml =0?For those combinations that are permissible, write the appropriate designation for the subshell to which the orbital belongs (that is, Is, and so on).6.47 Sketch the shape and orientation of the following types of orbitals: (a) s; (b) pz; (c) dxy6.48 Sketch the shape and orientation of the following types of orbitals (a) px; (b) dz2; (c) dx2-y2.6.49 (a) What are the similarities and differences between the hydrogen atom 1s and 2s orbitals? (b) In what sense does a 2p orbital have directional character? Compare the "directional" characteristics of the px and dx2-y2 orbitals (that is, in what direction or region of space is the electron density concentrated?). (e) What can you say about the average distance from the nucleus of an electron in a 2s orbital as compared with a 3s orbital? (d) For the hydrogen atom, list the following orbitals in order of increasing energy (that is, most stable ones first) 4f, 6s, 3d, 1s, 2p.6.50 (a) With reference to Figure 6.18, what is the relationship between the number of nodes in an s orbital and the value of the principal quantum number? (b) Identify the number of nodes; that is, identify places where the electron density is zero, in the 2px orbital; in the 3s orbital. (c) The nodes in s orbitals are spherical surfaces (Figure 6.18). What kind of surface do you expect the nodes to be in the p orbitals (Figure 6.20)? (d) For the hydrogen atom, list the following orbitals in order of increasing energy: 3s, 2s, 2p, 5s, 4d.6.51 For a given value of the principal quantum number, n, how do the energies of the s, p, d, and f subshells vary for (a) hydrogen; (b) a many-electron atom?6.52 (a) The average distance from the nucleus of a 3s electron in a chlorine atom is smaller than that for a 3p electron. In light of this fact, which orbital is higher in energy? (b) Would you expect it to require more or less energy to remove a 3s electron from the chlorine atom, as compared with a 2p electron? Explain.6.53 (a) What are the possible values of the electron spin quantum number? (b) What piece of experimental equipment can be used to distinguish electrons that have different values of the electron spin quantum number? (c) Two electrons in an atom both occupy the 1s orbital. What quantity must be different for the two electrons? What principle governs the answer to this question?6.54 (a) State the Pauli exclusion principle in your own words. (b) The Pauli exclusion principle is, in an important sense, the key to understanding the periodic table. Explain why.6.55 What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy each of the following subshells: (a) 3d; (b) 4s; (c) 2p; (d) 5f?6.56 What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can have the following quantum numbers:(a) n= 2, ms=-12, (b) n = 5,l = 3; (c)n=4, l =3, ml =-3; (d)n=4, l =1, ml =1.6.57 (a) What does each box in an orbital diagram represent? (b) What quantity is represented by the direction (either up or down) of the half arrows in an orbital diagram? (c) Is Hund's rule needed to write the electron configuration of beryllium? Explain.6.58 (a) What are "outer-shell electrons"? (b) What are"unpaired electrons"? (c) How many outer-shell electrons does an Si atom possess? Flow many of these are unpaired? 6.59 Write the condensed electron Configurations for the following atoms, using the appropriate noble-gas core abbreviations: (a) Cs; (b) Ni; (c) Se; (d) Cd; (e) Ac; (f) Pb.6.60 Write the condensed electron configurations for the following atoms: (a) Al; (b) Sc; (c) Co; (d) Br; (e) Ba (f) Re; (g) Lu.6.61 Draw the orbital diagrams for the valence electrons of each of the following elements, and indicate how many unpaired electrons each has: (a) S; (b) Sr; (c) Fe; (d) Zr; (e) Sb; (f) U.6.62 Using orbital diagrams, determine the number of unpaired electrons in each of the following atoms: (a) Ti; (b) Ga; (c) Rh; (d) I; (e) Po.6.63 Identify the specific element that corresponds to each of the following electron configurations: (a) 1s 22s22p6 3s2; (b) [Ne]3s23p1; (c) [Ar]4s13d5; (d) [Kr]5s24d105p4.6.64 Identify the group of elements that corresponds to each of the following generalized electron configurations: (a) [noble gas] ns2np5(b) [noble gas] ns2(n -- 1)d2(c) [noble gas] ns2 (n - 1)d10(d) [noble gas] ns2 (n - 2)f66.65 What is wrong with the following electron configurations for atoms in their ground states? (a) 1s2 2s2 3s1; (b) [Ne]2s22p3; (c) [Ne]3s2 3d5.6.66 The following electron configurations represent excited states. Identify the element and write its ground-state condensed electron configuration. (a) 1s2 2s2 3s2 4p1; (b) [Ar] 3p2 4s24p45s1; (c) [Kr]4d65s2 5p1.[6.87] Microwave ovens use microwave radiation to heat food. The microwaves are absorbed by moisture in the food, which is transferred to other components of the food. As the water becomes hotter, so does the food. Suppose that the microwave radiation has a wavelength of 11.2 cm. How many photons are required to heat 200 mL of coffee from 23°C to 60°C? ................

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