Politics — According to the Bible

[Pages:54]"Wayne Grudem is one of the outstanding biblical scholars in America. He's going to handle very well any subject he tackles. I particularly appreciate his work in this area, because he looks at the relationship between religion and politics through a biblical lens. Too often we confuse ideology with revealed truth. There are sections of this book that are uncannily timely, particularly on medical ethics, the rule of the courts, and the purpose of government. This can be a wonderful resource as we face growing tensions from an ever more powerful state."

--Chuck Colson, Founder, Prison Fellowship

"Wayne Grudem's call for men and women of faith to be engaged in the public life of our great country is precisely and exactly the call the rising generation needs to hear. Our duty as Christians is to recognize the vital differences between the city of God and the city of man, and to be involved in the public life of our great country."

--T imothy Goeglein, Vice President, External Relations, Focus on the Family

"If you read this year only one Christian book on politics, read Politics--A ccording to the Bible. Wayne Grudem shows how we should approach more than fifty specific issues. His biblically-based good sense overwhelms the nostrums of Jim Wallis and the evangelical left. Wayne also shows why those seeking a vacation from politics need to rise up and go to work."

--M arvin Olasky, editor-in-chief, World, and provost, The King's College, New York City

Conservative and hard-hitting both biblically and culturally, Grudem's treatise is essentially a giant tract for the times, covering the whole waterfront of America's political debate with shrewd insight and strong argument. This book will be a valued resource for years to come, and right now no Christian can afford to ignore it. An outstanding achievement!

--James I. Packer, Board of Governors' Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver

Zondervan Books and Products by Wayne Grudem

Systematic Theology Bible Doctrine Christian Beliefs

Systematic Theology Laminated Sheet Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? 4 Views (General Editor)

Politics--According to the Bible


According to the Bible

A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding Modern Political Issues in

Light of Scripture

Wayne Grudem


Politics--According to the Bible Copyright ? 2010 by Wayne A. Grudem

This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook. Visit ebooks.

This title is also available in a Zondervan audio edition. Visit zondervan.fm.

Requests for information should be addressed to: Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Grudem, Wayne A.

Politics--according to the Bible : a comprehensive resource for understanding modern political

issues in light of scripture / Wayne Grudem.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 978-0-310-33029-5 (hardcover, printed)

1. Politics in the Bible. 2. Bible and politics. 3. Christianity and politics. 4. Church and social

problems. I. Title.

BS680.P45G78 2010



Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright ? 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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This book is dedicated to the three people who had the most significant influence

in encouraging me to write this book, and whose lives exemplify what I discuss in these pages:

Alan Sears, president of Alliance Defense Fund, and Ben Bull, executive vice president of Alliance Defense Fund,

the two people who first approached me with the idea of writing this book, and

Cathi Herrod, president of the Center for Arizona Policy, who encouraged me with several wise suggestions

and with opportunities to present this material and promote the book to live audiences.






Part 1

Basic Principles

Chapter 1: Five Wrong Views about Christians and Government


A. Government should compel religion


B. Government should exclude religion


C. All government is evil and demonic


D. Do evangelism, not politics


E. Do politics, not evangelism


Chapter 2: A Better Solution: Significant Christian Influence

on Government


A. Understanding the Bible rightly


B. Liberal distortions of the Bible


C. Biblical support for significant Christian influence


D. Historical examples of Christian influence on secular



E. Is the United States a Christian nation?


F. What about Old Testament laws? (the question of theonomy)


G. Should Christians only vote for Christian candidates?


H. Without Christian influence, governments will have no

clear moral compass


I. The responsibility of pastors to teach on political issues


J. The obligations of all Christian citizens


K. Churches and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines


L. Conclusion


Chapter 3: Biblical Principles Concerning Government


A. Governments should punish evil and encourage good


B. What about the detailed laws for Israel given in



C. God is sovereign over all nations


D. Governments should serve the people and seek the good of

the people, not the rulers


E. Citizens should obey the government (except in certain



F. Governments should safeguard human liberty


G. Governments cannot save people or change human hearts


H. The relationship between church and state


I. Governments should establish a clear separation of powers


J. The rule of law must apply even to the rulers in a nation


K. The Bible gives support for some kind of democracy


L. Nations should value patriotism


Chapter 4: A Biblical Worldview


A. God created everything


B. The one true God reveals himself and his moral standards

clearly in the Bible


C. The original creation was "very good"


D. There is moral evil ("sin") in the heart of every human being


E. God placed a curse on the entire natural world


F. God wants human beings to develop the earth's resources

and to use them wisely and joyfully


Chapter 5: The Courts and the Question of Ultimate Power in a Nation 124

A. Ultimate power: Who will have it?


B. According to the Bible, what should judges do?


C. What has actually happened in the United States?


D. Limiting the power of the courts by appointing

"originalist" judges is the most important

issue facing the nation today


Part 2

Specific Issues

Chapter 6: The Protection of Life


A. Abortion


B. Euthanasia



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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