Asking For Referrals



Asking For Referrals

37 Exact Ways to Ask for a Referral and Get It Every Time!

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By Joe Stumpf

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Asking For Referrals: 37 Exact Ways to Ask for a Referral and Get It Every Time! By Joe Stumpf Copyright ?2014 by Joe Stumpf

!All rights reserved. First edition 2014

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the author. Reviewers may

!quote brief passages in reviews.

By Referral Only, Inc. 2035 Corte Del Nogal, Suite 200 Carlsbad, CA 92011

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Table of Contents

Here's what's inside...

Introduction to Asking For Referrals


How to Know If You Have "Referral Resistance" That's

Dramatically Hurting Your Business

The 5 Referral Mastery Mindsets


? Mindset 1 ? Deepen Your Commitment to Referrals

? Mindset 2 ? Develop a Referable Consciousness

? Mindset 3 ? Build Character and Integrity

? Mindset 4 ? Rise Above Your Fears of Asking for Referrals

? Mindset 5 ? Referral Mastery Makes Others Feel Good!

The 9 Referral Mastery Amplifiers


? Amplifier 1 ? Increase Your Chances of a Referral By 50% with a Well-Orchestrated Introduction

? Amplifier 2 ? Instead of Using the Word "Service" Use the Word "Help"

? Amplifier 3 ? Stop Trying to Satisfy Clients and Make Them Happy Instead

? Amplifier 4 ? Use the Word "Family" to Create an Automatic Trust with Your Clients

? Amplifier 5 ? Have Clients Call You "Friend" as Quickly as Possible

? Amplifier 6 ? Turn into Someone Your Clients Already Like!

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? Amplifier 7 ? 10 "Invisible" Words You Can Use to Become an Incredible Communicator

? Amplifier 8 ? Use Client Hot Words to Get More Introductions and Look More Professional

? Amplifier 9 ? Tell People EXACTLY How to Refer Others to You

The 37 Exact Ways to Ask for a Referral


? Exact Way to Ask 1 ? Print the Right Words On the Back of Your Business Card to DRAMATICALLY Increase Referrals!

? Exact Way to Ask 2 ? Use a Voicemail Message to Plant a Referral Seed Fast!

? Exact Way to Ask 3 ? How to Get Your Number into Their Cell Phone Directory!

? Exact Way to Ask 4 ? An Easy Way to Encourage People to Introduce You After They Have Had a Bad Experience

? Exact Way to Ask 5 ? How to Turn "What Do You Do?" into an Instant Gold Rush of Quality Leads

? Exact Way to Ask 6 ? the Answer to "How's Business?" That Results In a Closed Transaction 20% of the Time!

? Exact Way to Ask 7 ? Answer "How's the Market?" Through Your Client's Eyes

? Exact Way to Ask 8 ? Get 5 Times More Introductions When You Start with the End in Mind!

? Exact Way to Ask 9 ? Help People Recognize Your Value

? Exact Way to Ask 10 ? How to Use Secret Persuasion Patterns to Make It Easy for People to Introduce You to People They Know

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? Exact Way to Ask 11 ? How to Use a Six-Word Pattern That Quickly Interrupts to Plant a Referral Seed

? Exact Way to Ask 12 ? Be the Strong Person They're Looking for to Overcome Procrastination

? Exact Way to Ask 13 ? Master Both Parts of Every Transaction

? Exact Way to Ask 14 ? How to Use Confusion to Your Advantage

? Exact Way to Ask 15 ? Get a Referral from Those Who Are Easiest to Get It From!

? Exact Way to Ask 16 ? How to Get Your Top Inactive Referral Prospects to Introduce You

? Exact Way to Ask 17 ? How to Know with 100% Certainty If the Person You Are Talking to Will Ever Introduce You!

? Exact Way to Ask 18 ? the Dialogue You MUST Use Before You EVER Talk About Your Compensation!

? Exact Way to Ask 19 ? Master the Art of Showing Clients the Selfish Benefit They Get for Referring You!

? Exact Way to Ask 20 ? How to Make Someone Comfortable with a Future Pacing Question

? Exact Way to Ask 21 ? Use This Simple Dialogue At a Party to Let Everyone Know Who You Are

? Exact Way to Ask 22 ? Use Three Degrees of Separation to Generate Infinite Numbers of Referrals!

? Exact Way to Ask 23 ? Don't Ask for NEW Referrals, Be Grateful for the Ones You Already Have

? Exact Way to Ask 24 ? Discover the Most Powerful Analogy That Will Make It Easier for Your Client to Refer You!

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? Exact Way to Ask 25 ? The Easiest Way to Start a Casual Referral Conversation in Any Social Setting that Will Result in a Constant Stream of Referred Leads!

? Exact Way to Ask 26 ? Twenty-Four Words that Generated $4,500 in Commission in Less than 30 Seconds

? Exact Way to Ask 27 ? How to Make Sure People Don't Think You're Too Busy for Them

? Exact Way to Ask 28 ? Ask People for Their Advice and They'll Help You Get Business!

? Exact Way to Ask 29 ? "Who's the Next Person You Know that Is Most Likely to Sell Their House?"

? Exact Way to Ask 30 ? How to Turn Every Compliment into a Chance for a Referral

? Exact Way to Ask 31 ? How to Finally Deal with People Who Don't Refer!

? Exact Way to Ask 32 ? How to Handle "I Just Don't Know Anyone that I Can Refer to You."

? Exact Way to Ask 33 ? How to Make Them Feel Good About Introducing You Without Being Pushy

? Exact Way to Ask 34 ? How to Talk to Their Unconscious Concerns

? Exact Way to Ask 35 ? Everyone You Know Knows Someone Who Needs a Great Agent or Lender

? Exact Way to Ask 36 ? Help People Discover Places Where They Can Find People Who Need Your Help

? Exact Way to Ask 37 ? How to Become Highly Skilled During Moments of Awkward Silence


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Introduction to Asking For Referrals

How to Know If You Have "Referral Resistance" That's Dramatically

Hurting Your Business

It's true. You probably have some level of resistance when it comes to asking for referrals in a consistent and predictable manner. And that could be dramatically hurting your business.

The first step in any improvement process is to honestly assess yourself and find out how much room you have for improvement. That's why I've created the "Referral Resistance" Assessment.

As you mindfully answer these 10 questions, there is a good chance you will open your awareness and learn how much better you can become.

"Referral Resistance" Assessment

1) Have you ever forgotten to ask for referrals? Yes or No

2) When meeting with a client do you spend too much time talking about current business...leaving you without enough time to ask for referrals? Yes or No


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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