3952875-102235“Super-Size Me”Questions - Day 1400000“Super-Size Me”Questions - Day 1More than ____% of all US adults are obese.What is the fattest state in America? One in ____ Americans visit a fast food restaurant daily.How much does Morgan weigh at his first weigh-in?More than _____% of Americans get no exercise.Morgan must limit himself to _________ steps a day.How many McDonald’s does Morgan pass in NYC in less than a mile?In France, the small size here is the ___________ size in France.Rule # 1: Can only Super Size when ___________.Rule # 2: Can only eat food from _______________.Rule # 3: Has to eat everything on the menu at ______________________.Rule # 4: Must eat __________ meals a day.John says we eat out for ____% of our meals.How is McDonald’s luring in kids? (there are many correct answers)One large bagel is equivalent to ______ large servings of bread.Super sizes fries packs in how many calories?A half-gallon of soda for one person has how many teaspoons of sugar?There is one vending machine for every ______Americans.“Brand imprinting for later actuation in life” What was the example for this quote?If the trend continues, one out of every _______ children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime.What does he eat on day 6 for the first time?What does he feel on day 7?What does he feel on day 9 despite the fact that he’s having a good day?How many Big Macs did Don Gorske eat in the first month?4362450-94615“Super-Size Me”Questions - Day 2400000“Super-Size Me”Questions - Day 2In 2001, how much did McDonald’s spend on direct media advertisement?How much did the 5-a-day fruit and vegetable campaign spend total in its peak year?What did Morgan say is in the ketchup??Morgan is eating over ________% of what his needs are.Morgan gained _______ pounds in 12 days.At the middle school in West Virginia, one meal can have as many as ___________ calories.They are only cooking ______ out of 36 meals at the West Virginian middle school.The school for “problem” kids in Appleton, Wisconsin serves healthy food. Does this cost more?When Morgan went to McDonald’s on day 13 and asked the clerk how many people say “yes” to super sizing their meal, what did she say?Out of the top 15 fattest cities in America, how many are in Texas?At Francis J. McGrath Elementary School, how many days a week do the students go to the gym?Why did Dr. Gerald N. Tirozzi say they cut out recess?A calorie is a measure of the _____________ content of food.On day 18, Morgan says, “My body officially _______________________.”How many items on the McDonald’s menu contain NO sugar?What is Morgan’s mother worried about?What does McDonald’s call people who eat their food at least once a week?According to the majority of nutritionists, how often should people eat fast-food?How long did the laparoscopic surgeons say gastric bypass surgeries take?What happened to Morgan when he woke up on day 21?What did his physician advise him?Did you think this would be such a dangerous experiment?4352925-86995“Super-Size Me”Questions - Day 2 continued400000“Super-Size Me”Questions - Day 2 continuedMorgan says, “At the end of this month, I’ll have eaten as much McDonald’s as most nutritionists say you should eat in...” how many years? How much did Morgan weigh at his last weigh-in?One doctor tells Morgan he shouldn’t eat fast-food again for how long?In March 2004, Congress passed a bill that would make it illegal for people to sue food companies for making them obese. What was that bill called?Alex’s Detox diet got Morgan’s cholesterol and live functions back to normal in _____ weeks.How does this documentary change your thoughts on eating fast-food?Super Size Me VideoDirections: Follow along with the video and answer the questions below. 1. Since 1980, the total number of overweight and obese Americans has _________________. There are also _____________ as many overweight children and ___________________ as many overweight adolescents.2. Obesity is now the _______ major cause of preventable disease, with over 400,000 deaths a year associated with related illnesses. (Smoking is the leading major cause).3. What is the optimal blood pressure for an adult? ________________4. Cholesterol is a ________________________ present in blood plasma.5. Elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides can lead to __________________.6. What does a person’s BMI measure? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________.7. Use the following chart to record Morgan’s progress. Use this chart each time the video reports his results (if it is given). Starting Stats1st Weigh-in2nd Weigh-in3rd Weigh-inFinal ResultsWeightBody Fat % (or % of increase)CholesterolXXX8. About how many steps make up a mile? ____________________9. How many steps do you think you take a day? (take a guess). _________________10. How often do you eat in a week on average? ______________________________11. List a few ways that restaurants draw customers to eat there? This could be from the video or from your own thoughts. _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________12. How large is a sensible serving size of meat (or what is it comparable to)? ______________________________________________________________________13. How many calories are in a Super Size French Fry?!?! Super Size = __________14. Name at least two illnesses related to obesity. ______________________________________________________________________15. How much did Jared Flogel weigh? _____________ How much did he lose?! _________16. How many calories has Morgan been consuming a day?! ____________ (compared to the recommended 2500 calorie intake).17. Compared to a Hamburger, Chicken McNuggets contain nearly _______________ the amount of fat per ounce.18. How many food advertisements does the average American child see each year? __________ Do you think this affects children’s food choices? ___________19. By the age 17, a child spends ________% more time in front of the TV than at school. Every hour of TV increases obesity risks by ______%. 20. How many calories do you need each day? Teen girls _______________Teen boys __________________21. Do you think states should require daily P.E.? (yes or no) ___________________22. How much total weight did Morgan gain? ________________________ ................

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