[pic] Fundraising Ideas Co-op

Fundraising is a challenge for all of us and these are the results of the poll we did for ideas to share. The contact information is on each one so you can contact the teacher directly for more information. My thanks to all who participated. Janet Belch, New Coordinator Mentor.

Donna Frantz: dfrantz@

1. We raised over $10,000 by giving our Business Plan Presentation to

Business organizations around town, i.e. Rotary, Kiwanis, Exchange Clubs, etc. It was easy and great presentation practice for the kids.

Jeff Wood: jwood@

1. Candy Sales

2. Krispy Crème donuts and Krispy Crème Cards.

3. Car wash at Walmart! Great moneymaker because of the volume of cars. You need to book weeks or even months in advance.

Brenda Nason: bnason@ - “Our Queen of Fundraising”!

1. Professional sports ticket takers: We work with a staffing agency to

To collect tickets at S.D. Charger games. Anyone near a big city could do with any sport venue. Students get paid $35 for 4 hours of easy/fun work.

2. Avon Representative. I signed up to be an Avon rep but have the

Students do the actual sales. They earn 25% of the sales, and the rest of the profit goes into our VE general fund. I also have the students help sort and input the orders. Anyone can contact me for more information. Note: Avon has a fundraising program of just lotions and soaps, but I do the whole catalog.

3. Candy or food sales that can be marked up 100%, such as chips, and cookies.

4. E-script through Vons. Everyone who registers their Vons card or Visa, the group gets a % of sales. Works well with parents.

5. Tupperware has a fundraising catalog

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6. Car-Wash-a-Thon – A different slant – We get pledged support to pay us for how many cars we wash. I have a sample pledge form. We not only get the money from the car wash, but also from the pledges. On rainy day one time, we made over $800 and only washed 8 cars!

7. Auction Night - Our freshman and sophomore classes had a tremendously successful auction night, where they got many donated prizes and gifts, and then auctioned them off. They raised $5600 in that one night, they got a local coffee shop to donate the space and refreshments, and a brewery to donate wine and beer. Our counselor did a great job as auctioneer.

Teri Jones Santa Monica High School - terijones@

1. Otis Spudmeyer cookies: They provide the ovens for free as long as you purchase a minimum amount throughout the year. We got food service approval to sell during a long passing period when food service does not sell. They also sell well after school, when we are not in conflict with food service either. The profit is close to $40 per box of cookies sold. It takes about 1 hour to bake and bag the cookies. The school has grown to look forward to our baking days. Only draw back was we had to add to the electrical in our room, as the breakers couldn’t handle the ovens.

2. Sees candy sales: The $1.50 bars sell really well and you make 50% profit. Get a combination of almond, plan and toffee and the students mix up the boxes so everyone has an assortment.

3. The Real Entrepreneurship Project: Each year students must complete a REAL entrepreneurship project. If they work in groups, the profit must equal $50 per person or more. It takes several weeks, with mini business plans, approvals, and procurements. Students then write up a summary at the end, and they usually earn close to the %50 per person assigned. I often have to front the capital for lower income students who cannot afford to buy product, but have always been paid back out of their earnings.

4. Business Communication Assignment: Students must find a sponsor for our business the first semester, we cover persuasive communication and business letters and students ask a local business for mentorship and financial support. I approve all letters before they are sent. We usually raise at least a couple of hundred dollars this way and always end up with a new guest speaker or mentor.

Polly Farina –

1. Raffle at Registration and Back-to-school night – We raffle off a Homecoming ticket; a prom ticker, a grad night ticket, a yearbook, a school sweatshirt, etc.

2. Run concessions for a sport – we do Basketball; track meets or a wrestling match.

3. Car washes, pizza take-overs, Chevy’s takeover

4. Hire- a- Slave: We offer student labor for things like City Employee Recognition Dinner – we bus tables and wash dishes; we have put together binders for a local printer; set up booths for the city Craft Fair, etc.

5. Mardi Gras Beads- sold in our school colors and sold them for Spirit Week. We sold out in the 1st hour.

Lee Ben-Kinney - miss_bk@

1. Company Calendars made by our company featuring our business partners and this year’s activities. Out Student Store, car washes and do you know that Beach Clean-ups pay $500!

Tamara Combs -

1. California Cookbooks

2. Costco Pizza ($2 per slice) –club noon sales

3. Corporate sponsors

4. Candy Sales – big money maker

Hugo Otaolo – San Marcos High School

1. Homecoming Carnival: We called for donations from florists to donate roses and we managed to get around 40 donated. Sold with a card for $2 each

2. Halloween Goodie Grams: Filled Halloween bags with candy then attached a card and helium balloon and attached card. They could be bought by students and delivered to anyone they wish during 1st period. $2

3. Thanksgiving Raffle: Class donated items that could make a nice Thanksgiving dinner, such as: mashed potatoes; stuffing; candies, cornbread mix; etc. Then we gave everyone in the class 20 tickets that they had to sell for 1 dollar. $450.00

4. Valentines Day Mooch Weddings: The annual mock wedding booth is set up during lunch the week of Valentines Day. This is an opportunity for student couples at out school to participate in “virtual” wedding. We have and arch, veil and bouquet. The couples would receive a wedding certificate, a snapshot photo and rings. $3.00 made $400

5. Biggest fundraiser by far is our Virtual Enterprise student store run out of our classroom. The fundraising department supervises this store, but everyone has a time where they have to help sell. We sell a variety of snacks like chips, cookies, candy bars, Costco muffins, microwavable soups and popcorn; water and Hansen’s sodas. Our store makes about $180 per day!

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Phillip Ureno – Kerman High - calkid49@

1. Year-long breakfast VE fundraiser – I was able to get permission from the school where we sold doughnuts 50 cents from a local baker and the following from Costco: Water, Muffins; Rice Crispy Treats; cookies, Capri Suns etc. Not much competition from other clubs that early in the morning…

2. School Fairs combo plate: Hotdog or chilidog, Capri Sun, chips and Rice Crispy Treat for $4, Churros for $1. Easy work and sells out every time. Just have the school kitchen warn up the oven and have 3 kids cooking, one kid as the runner and 3 kids selling. You’ll wrap up the Churros in foil to transport back to the sale.

Alicia Mijangos : amijangos@ -

Dianna Ariani:

1. Brought “Jamba Juice” to our campus to sell at lunch and nutrition twice per week. It is great salesmanship practice and we go through all of the percent of P/L calculations each time.

Marge Ansel: mansel@

1. Aluminum can drive

2. School lanyards are a great seller. Sold for $10 to adults and $7 to students. Our cost $5 each.

3. Sold prepared pizzas and bread sticks (Dominos)

4. Main moneymaker was selling spirit clothing for the school. Made $1687!

Melinda McClure: melindamc@ from Phoenix H.S. in Oregon!

1.Christmas luminaries – takes a small investment for paper bags, a bag

Have sand, and votive candles. Decorate the bags with cutouts, sand in

The bottom to weight down the bag and hold the candles in place.

2. Christmas shopping night at the Mall - Our local shopping Mall

Worked with non-profits for a Christmas shopping evening. Sold

Tickets for $5 each for this shopping event and it was all “money in the bank” for the non-profits. Mall provided raffles and goodies…

Linda Jean/John Voth: rlykng@

1. Grand Opening Day Lunches – bar-b-qued hamburgers and hotdogs

Right outside our classroom door. Plate lunch with either hotdog or hamburger with shops and a drink sold for 2.50. Bought all supplies at Costco, then all the VE students brought desserts which we sold for 75 cents each, or if they bought it with the plate lunch, 50 cents. Made $350.00

2. Wrote letters to businesses for donations – One sent us $1000, and the

smaller donations really added up…

3. Car Wash – held off campus so it didn’t count as our “1 club”

Fundraiser per year.

Elaine Mar:

1. Presale Car Washes

2. Candy Sales

3. Business Cards Sales – professional business cards for staff

4. Bowl-a-thon— pledge for pins

Glen Dumas:

1. Cafeteria serving – Our class earns $20 per day working with the

cafeteria serving lunch. We work 2 or 3 weeks per month, earning

around $300 per month.

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2. Talent Show – We charged $5 which included: 1 slice pizza, 1 soda,

A ticket to the homecoming game and entrance into the talent show.

Earned $400.

3. Business Service Club presentations: $5,000.00

Laura Meyers:

1. See’s Candy sales at Christmas

2. Fundraising nights with Pap Murphy’s Pizza – Made 20% profit

3. Business Presentations to service clubs and local businesses

4. School wide fundraising lunch events, like International Day, Homecoming Carnival etc.

Kyle Robinson - Kylebo41@

1. Full size monthly calendar available in different themes and we

Have the virtual enterprise information of our VE company custom printed on it. We make a good profit. The company to contact is COMBA.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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