WHY IT WORKS - CITIZEN IDENTITYWHY IT WORKSEffectsWHEN, We do-not identify and define ourselves, some one else, governments, will!We the presenters of this website accepted as true President Trump’s inauguration statements; “It’s the Peoples Government. I am here to give our country back to the People. Come get it.” {paraphrased}.Help us and all Americans to re-claim ownership over our governments.We, the private American owners of this web site, are regular Americans, understand We the People, as not only a concept, yet more to the point, a Fact of Law, has been confused by our public servants, particularly those having Divided Loyalty to powers or forces seeking to destroy the concept of Individual Liberty through the Rule of Law.OUR GIFT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE is the culmination of thousands of Americans over long years.Talking about or pontificating on a problem only feeds the problem with your energy. Words are energy generated by the individual.Taking action intended to resolve a problem, usually creates resolution or beginning of solutions being in motion.We the People have nothing to lose, and, lots to gain by doing something now.The simplicity of the document CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP, Deposit of Political Credit is found in the original documents founding our country.The last paragraph of our, the Peoples, Declaration of Independence, clarifies completely that the People are in first position in relation to all governments created after 4 July, 1776.“ We, therefore, the?Representatives?of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions,?do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People?of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,?we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” {bold italics emphasis added} ?The good People speak through trusted representatives authorized to bind each American by pledge of Life, Fortune, and sacred Honor to the principle that, I, each one of us, is competent to own and operate our own lives.We, as a newly identified free People, then, create governments to serve us as individuals and the People as a whole.The controlling concept is “Consent of The Governed”!This concept, this fact of historical record has never been changed, altered, modified or abolished, since day one, 4 July, 1776.BECAUSENo one may consent for another. Thus, our governments construction documents in their legislative sections do not identify the People as subjects to government, nor objects of governments to be controlled. I do not control or own my neighbors; therefore I could not grant government the powers of control over other Americans, my neighbors near and far.We Americans are ONE PEOPLE!The identifier, the People, Americans, does not recognize gender, race, creed or origin.Public Servant, is the proper identifier for anyone claiming to work for government.Individual Americans joining the ranks of Public Servant, are Americans before work and when they go home at the end of the day.In order for the Public Servant to claim and act under the privilege to serve the People, each must recognize who and what Americans really are, including themselves.THE SAD FACT is that certain corruptive forces have mislead, confused, lied to, coerced our public servants into forgetting the fundamentals of our American way.In order to treat our American brothers and sisters in the same manner we choose be treated, We, in the current confused circumstance, must fully IDENTIFY our selves in our full standings and capacities to our Public Servants.To do less is not only unfair, it is UN - AMERICAN.In the event our Public Servants fail or refuse to recognize their American brothers and sisters right to identify our selves, our political loyalties, our legal capacities and contracts, our creditor standing to all governments authorities and powers,?THEY WILL BE ADMITTING THEY WORK FOR SOMEONE OTHER THAN OUR AMERICAN GOVERNMENTS.At that point,?THEY ARE FIRED!Breach of employment contract is very good cause.President Trump knows how to fire employees and invited We the People to help do it!INVITATION?to know more, do more, and participate in solutions: In the next few days we will be presenting the actual mechanisms, documents, instructions clarifying what RESOLUTIONS actually look like.We promise you will be surprised by the scope, the principles, facts, law and procedures being put into direct action that will have affect for America and all of us who share the American Dream of individual Liberty through the Rule of Law, in Pursuit of Happiness.369570027051100Forms – scroll downCERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP GENERAL FORMINSTRUCTIONS:1. Necessary items you’ll need to fill out the documents (you may also save and edit as PDF);Gather in one file:(A) Birth Certificate - you will need to use exact language of all identifier names and reference numbers in which you find on your birth certificate. You will insert them onto the Certificate of Citizenship document. Insert information as indicated.(B) Social Security Card - you will need to use exact language of all identifier names and reference numbers in which you find on the front and back of your social security card. You will insert them onto the Certificate of Citizenship document. Insert information as indicated. (C) You will photo copy both sides of your Social Security Card onto ONE single page.2. Complete document on 2 pages. Use 14 inch paper if needed for originals. Enter your information into the red square brackets (remove brackets + swap-in black text before printing).(A) This document needs to be notarized and served to 3 different entities. That said, if you choose to notarize only 1 document and make photo copies for the other 2, the original notarized document (jurat stamp preferred) MUST be served to United States Secretary of State. The other 2 photo copies are sent to the following; 1 copy served to the Secretary of State in whatever State you currently reside in. The 3rd is a copy for you in which you keep on your person.(B) Insert passport picture, or similar dimension image on left side and signature with reservation of Rights below it, on right side. Place right thumb print over the signature. Any color ink.(C) Additionally, photo copy both sides of your Social Security Card onto ONE single page. Apply your signature to it with your thumb print above your signature. Like the instructions above, 1 doc needs to be original; the other 2 can be copied and stapled to the photocopied documents.(D) Have Notary Seal affix (jurat stamp) page #2, as well as the stapled social security card page. Make sure you identify the title of the Certificate of Citizenship doc in the Notary’s book prior to applying your signature next to your photo (remove A.R.R. note prior to printing these docs).(E) Notary services (craigslist is also a great resource, be sure to confirm they offer jurat) . Fill out the Letters to Secretary of State – It’s your cover letter for each Cert. Citizenship form.John Doe American1234 Freedom Street Liberty, TX 77575512.555.1111johndoe@[Month day, year]CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIPDeposit of Political CreditI, [First, middle, last names], was born on the soil of [County name where born] County, [Name of birth State], [Name of birth city], [Birthday i.e., July 22nd, 1972]. Annexed public Records, STATE OF [Name of birth State], DELAYED CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH, [Insert all identifiers found on your birth certificate with their corresponding numbers and titles separated by commas], is public Records proof of fact, underwriting my birth right of State Citizen.I, [First, middle, last names], have identified my political loyalty to The United States of America perpetuity 1781, administered by the United States of America under Constitution 1787, as Amended 1791. Annexed public Records [Insert all identifiers found on your birth certificate with their corresponding numbers and titles], [First, middle, last names], Birth County Recorder fees [Dollar Amount on Birth Certificate. If none, remove enire statement], is public Records proof of fact, Ledgered Political Credit, nunc pro tunc.VERIFICATION OF IDENTITYI, [First, middle, last names], a live, flesh and blood man have existed since [Birthday, spelling example; June Eighteen, Nineteen Seventy Two, 06, 18, 1972]. I was born to [Father’s First, middle, last name], my father and [Mother’s First, middle, last name] my mother, both State Citizens. I am able, willing and competent to identify my self before all the world.My name, a gift from my parents, [Birthday i.e., June 18, 1972], [First, middle, last names], my signature identifying me, is my personal private property nunc pro tunc. [Birthday i.e., June 18, 1972] or thereabouts, my first legal relationship with the United States of America, via SSA account, ratifies the United States Government as underwriter to my full, right, title interest and ownership to my signature.I am a State Citizen, State of [Birth State] [Enter year your Birth State was founded i.e. 1859] by birth, now [Enter name of State you currently reside in], by free will choice since [Date in which you moved to your current state of residence, i.e. August 1, 2019], living at all times in the political jurisdiction of my choice as Declared, July 4, 1776, by will of the good People, The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.VERIFICATION OF DEPOSITING CREDITORI, [First, middle, last names], am the holder and holder in due course of the United States gift, the document entitled, YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY CARD, issued to me by the United States Social Security Administration, on or about [Date your Social Security card was issued, i.e. June 18 1972].The identifier on the document is [First, middle, last names IN ALL CAPS in this instance only], with additional identifier above the name _ _ _ - _ _ - [Insert only last four numbers of social security card] and identifier on the back of the current document, [Add all identifiers here, i.e. name and number references]. Original identifier on first issued cards back is unknown at this point(remove this statement if only 1 issuance of the s.s. card in your lifetime).I accepted the gift from the United States without hesitation and began making deposits into the account ending in [Insert last four digits of social security number], thereafter, verifying the trust and Creditor relationship between my self and the United States government, ratifying full unlimited ownership over the SSA account and all deposits thereto as my private property.My deposits in many instances were matched by my, at the time, employers’ deposits to my account under my personal identifiers. Other deposits referencing the [Insert again, all social security card identifiers] or original identifier on the back of card identifier are unknown to me at this point.The Social Security Administration employs the United States Treasury as custodian over my Accounts, fiduciary to all deposits, in direct fiduciary relationship to my Political Capacities and Depositing Creditor standing.The United States, in both its Treasury and Social Security Administration are the official record keepers underwriting of my Depositing Creditor position. United States legitimate offices, have my permission to audit the Treasury account ledgers in order to satisfy any need to verify my positions or acts related to the accounts.All rights reserved for audit over my account.[Your signature, delete for print] 1257300000[Your name here] Done this ____[On this line: Date of notarization, i.e. July 20th, 2020, name of State]__________as stated under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of Washington and the United States of America, duly sworn true, correct. Verification of Citizenship, Depositing Creditor, original Equity Holder, Underwriter to the United States Government, its Treasury ,and Social Security Administration now complete nunc pro tunc, 4 July 1776, individually [Birth Date]. [Jurat/Stamp goes here – delete this before printing]LETTER TO SECRETARY OF STATE [Name (Can copy/paste from Citizenship form header)][Address][Phone][Email][Date][USPS Service # (with which this entire package is sent via certified mail – a 20 digit number)]RE: CONTRACT ENFORCEMENT LETTER TO FIDUCIARY,BENEFICIARIES DEMAND FOR PROPER IDENTIFICATION IN ALL DATA BASES.REF: IDENTIFICATION VERIFICATIONTO: [name of Secretary of State, office and Address]Dear [name of individual],YOU WILL: Please recognize your duties as public servant to the People, and act under the instructions herein below.This Letter of Wishes is duly served to the Peoples Office of Secretary of State operating for [enter state name upper lower case, or, the United States of America],requiring the Trust relationship between the Beneficiaries to all government authorities and powers to be fully respected and executed.This Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes recognizes the contractual, legal and commercial relationships you, [name of Secretary of State], have voluntarily engaged of your own free will. In short you, [name of Secretary of State], get paid to serve the People, me in particular, as your job. Your job requires absolutely, that you as an individual, yet more, as a public officer, to recognize and operate in full, provable accord with the Peoples Constitutions. The People are the Grantors of all governments authorities, the Bailors of private property, political will creating governments, perfectly identified by Constitution as the sole exclusive Beneficiaries to all governments operations. More to the point, the People are the Depositing Creditor providing backing for [name of Secretary of State with apostrophe ‘s’] pay check.YOU WILL: Please review completely the attached as fully incorporated document titled, CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP, verify my absolute right to not only identify my political loyalties, yet more to the point, identify your absolute duty to respect my loyalties and honor your public servants obligations.YOU WILL: Please advise me in writing if you find any defects in my Declaration of Identity and perfection of legal relations to government. Ten, 10, days seems a reasonable time for you to advise me of any corrections you find necessary before you perform your official duties as Secretary of State, for [state or the United States of America].YOU WILL: Please inform all state and federal data bases that could affect me in any manner whatsoever, that my legal relationship to all governments is not only clear, and upon receipt of this duly served Letter of Wishes, completely documented standing in full capacity as the source and authority all government relies on to exist in our country of States United, beginning 4 July, 1776.YOU WILL: Please create official public record memorializing my documented standings and capacities, assign official Secretary of State identifiers to my documents, create accessible files containing same, and return to me executed documents with all required identifiers.The assumption or presumption that I could ever be a subject to or of any government serving the People of my country is utterly and completely destroyed by two facts. First, there is no section of the Constitutional legislative powers created by the People identifying the People in general, or me in specific, as subject nor object matters to be legislated over. Second, the phrase “Consent of the Governed” is the prerequisite for all government acts to be considered valid. This is the special unique quality founding our country. Matters not whether you, [name of Secretary of State], agree or not because you promised to recognize these facts and get paid to do so.Please check with the Attorney General and the Supreme Court in order to verify this Letter of Wishes is true, correct, complete, requiring my instructions to be carried out.Thank you in advance for acting honorably in this essential matter relieving me of the presumption and assumption that I, [your name upper lower case] am a subject of the State of [your state you currently reside in], and the United States of America or the United States Government.[Signature by hand – delete before printing][Date by hand – delete before printing][Notary Jurat/Stamp – delete before printing] ................

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