I. Situation Summary:

• 61,200 total evacuated from New Orleans since beginning of operations. Superdome, Convention Center and causeway area now completely evacuated.

• Air evacuations in New Orleans are dwindling. FEMA has announced major evacuations now behind us.

• A Eurocopter AS 332 Super Puma helicopter crashed northwest of downtown New Orleans Sunday evening. The pilot and crew sustained minor injuries and were rescued by the Coast Guard.

• (Reported this morning) Over 15,665 survivors have been rescued so far by air and by boat. 9,400 patients have been evacuated from area hospitals.

• The official death toll remains at 325, and is expected to rise rapidly over the coming days.

• American Railroad Association (owned by Burlington Northern) has announced rail availability in western New Orleans as a possible transportation option.

• Regarding the death toll from Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt said "I think it's evident it's in the thousands," the first time a federal official has acknowledged what many had feared. Still no definitive estimates are available.

• FEMA has set up a Donations Hotline at 800-440-6728.

• According to the Louisiana Department of Social Services, a phone number has been set up for help in locating missing children: 1800-thelost and a Web site as well:

• Katrina Missing Persons Hotline, 1-888-544-5475, will go live at 12:00 Noon (Eastern) on Monday, September 5.

• CNN has developed a service to allow refugees and others affected by the hurricane to post their name and let others know that they are safe. The site is located at:

• Health care professionals and relief personnel that wish to volunteer to assist with Katrina response operations can do so online. The web site is located at:

• With each passing day, health concerns continue to grow for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Doctor Ivor Van Heerden of the L-S-U Hurricane Center says gastrointestinal illnesses like dysentery are among the immediate concerns. So are staph infections among people who had cuts on their arms and legs while wading through filthy water. In a couple of weeks, he expects an increase in West Nile Virus.

• A shelter in Biloxi, Mississippi, was closed after 20 people were sickened with apparent cases of dysentery. Another 20 people reportedly were treated for vomiting and diarrhea.

• The Commonwealths of Pennsylvania and Virginia have declared States of Emergency to plan for and respond to the influx of displaced persons from the effects of Katrina.

• The Department of Transportation continues to operate major evacuation by bus, with well over 1,100 vehicles engaged in the operation, and several hundred additional vehicles being identified to be added to the effort if needed.


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• (Reported this morning) 5,877 FEMA personnel are deployed, including 1,811 National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) personnel and 1,777 USAR personnel.

• (Reported this morning) 60 Department of Defense (DoD) helicopters and 12 DoD fixed wing aircraft are assisting.

• (Reported this morning) A K-Mart building in Baton Rouge has been purchased by the State of LA and a 1,000-bed hospital facility is being set up.

• (Reported this morning) Federal officials are chartering three Carnival Cruise Lines ships for six months to provide shelter for Hurricane Katrina evacuees. The "Ecstasy," "Sensation" and "Holiday" are being pulled from regular use. The Ecstasy and Sensation can each take about 2,600 passengers. The Holiday has capacity for about 1,800 people.

• (Reported this morning) The number of evacuees by state: Alabama – 6,000; District of Columbia – 1,000, Florida – 1,400; Georgia – 900; Louisiana – 60,000; Mississippi – 16,000; Tennessee – 100; Texas – 137,000. Total is 222,400.

II. Weather Forecast:

| |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |

|General |Isolated Thunderstorms |Mortly Sunny |

|High/Low |92°/74° |90°/73° |91°/72° |91°/73° |

|Precip. Chance |30% |30% |30% |30% |

Hurricane Maria strengthened to 85-mph on Sunday afternoon. Additional intensification is expected and Maria could become a category 2 hurricane on Monday. The good news is that this storm is several hundred miles east of Bermuda and will not impact any land. The hurricane will move to the north and eventually northeast where it will encounter shear and cooler water.

III. Current Actions:

The Algiers section of New Orleans has been the new focus for evacuation operations. Approximately 3,000 individuals needing evacuation are believed to be in the area. Current status of the number of evacuees rescued unknown.

This incident marks the first deployment of Swift Water Rescue resources as part of a FEMA deployment.

CATF-1 (Team 3 - Swift Water Rescue) was deployed to an isolated area near New Orleans to conduct victim search operations. They were airlifted to the area and conducted searches utilizing personal watercraft, inflatable rubber boats (IRBs), which are zodiac boats with outboard motors, and hand-held global positioning satellite devices. There were no reports of any rescues.

CATF-1 (Team 3 - Swift Water Rescue) reported yesterday that they conducted several animal rescues after victim rescues were concluded.

CATF-1 (Team 1 - USAR) is still staged in Dallas. They are waiting for FEMA to issue word regarding how they will be used (replacement asset or additional). This decision should be made tomorrow morning.

No injuries or illnesses have been reported and morale remains very high.

CATF-1 is anticipated to be assigned for 14 days from the day of assignment.

The LAFD still has three USAR Task Forces (FS 88, FS 27, FS 85) available to handle local incidents, if needed.


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The State of California has assessed in-state capabilities. There are sufficient resources to form USAR Task Forces to cope with local incidents.

100 California Highway Patrol Officers will be deployed to Louisiana.

IV. Miscellaneous Important Information:

Fatalities (Confirmed): No current update available for this report.

|Louisiana |Mississippi |Alabama |Florida |Texas |Total |

|126* |185** |2 |11 |1 |325 |

*Estimates are in the thousands. **Estimates are in the hundreds.


Law and order have been established throughout the impacted areas. National Guard troops along with

Federal, State, and local Law Enforcement Officers continue to pour into the devastated areas and there are

few reports of ongoing hostility.

The Army Corps of Engineers stated that 14 contractors escorted by police were fired upon while crossing the Danziger Bridge, which spans a canal connecting Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi River. Officers returned fire and killed five or six of the gunmen.

Electricity: No current update available for this report.

|State |Customer without power |% of Total |

|Alabama |74,725 |3% |

|Louisiana |668,861 |62% |

|Mississippi |591,548 |42% |

|Total |1,335,134 |27% |

Some electric power plants in the New Orleans area are operational; power is being slowly restored in some

surrounding areas.

Communications: No current update available for this report.

Damaged communications facilities continue to hamper the emergency rescue and re-supply mission, but alternate systems and repairs are slowly improving the situation.

Foreign Countries:

FEMA will begin accepting supplies from foreign countries, US State Department coordinating.

The State Department said offers of help had been received from:

Australia, Austria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Belgium, Canada, China, Columbia, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Greece, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Philippines, Portugal, South Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.

Situation Report Prepared by LAFD Special Operations Division, Homeland Security Intelligence Section



September 4, 2005, 2000 HOURS PST

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