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EVAN - Eden Valley Artistic Network

Membership Form


|or EVAN Membership, c/o EVAN Gallery and Studios, 4 Corney Place, Penrith CA11 7PX |

|Name | |

|Address | |

|email | |

|Website | |

|Are you happy for your details to be |Yes / No |

|published on the EVAN website? |If no, please specify what details can be published |

|Artist Statement | |

|(200 Words to be used on website) | |

|Please indicate which ONE category you would like to appear in on the EVAN website. |

| |

|Annual Membership of EVAN is £40 |

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|Payment can be made by BACS to: EvanValleyArtisticNetwork a/c Cumberland, Penrith | Sort code: 16-52-21; Account Number: 54144711 |

|or by cheque payable to: Eden Valley Artistic Network |

|Post cheques to EVAN Membership, c/o EVAN Gallery and Studios, 4 Corney Place, Penrith CA11 7PX |

| | |

|I would like to be part of the West Cumbria Group of Artists, within EVAN. (please tick if relevant) | |




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