Podcast #25: Top 10 Tips For Creating Medical Website Content That Generates Higher ConversionsSteve: "Content?is?king" is an often cited quote in the world of online marketing. It is the belief that?content?is central to the success of a website. Have you ever wondered where the phrase “Content is King” stemmed from??In January 1996, Bill Gates wrote the following essay titled “Content is King”, which was published on the Microsoft website, in which he said “Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.”If you have a website and want to generate more new patient enquiries through content marketing, than this podcast episode is for you, as we’re about to walk you through the Top 10 Tips For Creating Medical Website Content That Generates Higher Conversions===Podcast Intro===Huyen: Hello and welcome to another episode of Online Marketing For Doctors podcast. My name is Huyen Truong and my co-host from the intro is Steven Tait.If you are new to this podcast channel, this channel is all about providing strategies and tactics you can use to grow your practice fast. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast by hitting that little bell button (Ding Sound), so you never miss out on a future episode.Steve: Now, let’s get started with our first tip here, which is to Create a content strategy.?Honestly, if you haven’t been posting new content on your website and you just start to post new stuff without any direction, it will probably help you very little. But, if you really want to grow your online presence, you have to have a strategy behind what you are doing. Ask yourself questions like;Who do I want to read this piece?What is the purpose of this piece? Do I want the people to share this piece or do I want them to make an appointment after reading it?How am I going to promote this piece?Huyen: Yes… this is a good starting point, and I’d like to elaborate on this a bit more. If you want to produce content with the purpose of attracting new patients in mind, then there are usually 2 types of content that work…The first one is a new patient offer: to attract new prospects, you need to come up with enticing special offers for new patients. We put together a list of 20 ideas for foot in the door offers for you to get inspire with. We’ll leave that list in the show notes below. Have a read through them and see what ideas you can come up with for enticing new patients to your practice.The second type is a Lead magnet content, which helps prospects to Know Like and Trust you more and is used as a natural process with a call to action to an irresistible offer at the end of the content that you are using to potentially convert these prospects to new patients.A lead magnet can be a special report, video or webinar talking about a topic that addresses the biggest pain point or problem your patient’s could be experiencing, and it should be in line with the core services you provide.We talked about how to find your targeted patients pain points and topics that they’d like to learn more about in our podcast #30 – How to create content offers that your prospects want, please check it out, it explains in detailed step by steps how to find these desirable content topics.Steve: Moving on to our second tip which is to Speak to your target audienceUnlike retail brands with a national reach, your medical website isn’t effective unless it generates local traffic. Capture the attention of potential patients by understanding what they want and writing copy that meets their needs.Accomplish this by creating patient personas that represent both your current patient base and those who fit into any additional segments you’re trying to enter. Taking your white coat off and viewing your website from your patients’ prospective will allow you to?craft the kind of content that they want to read.Localise the copy even further by highlighting any issues specific to your local area. This will increase engagement from patients in your community, thus boosting search results.Huyen – Good point Steve, I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing who your target audience is in healthcare marketing. I use our podcast channel content for example, our target audience is practice owners or practice managers and our content mission is to provide all the best strategies and tactics to help you grow your practice fast. We have a very clearly defined audience with a specific content marketing strategy. Steve: “Write Topics You Care About” is our third tip, after figuring out who is the target audience of your content and what they want to learn more about, you also need to line up that content with topics that you care or know enough about.It’s often easier to write about a subject that you are familiar with or one that you are passionate about, which is also in line with your core service or product offerings. For example, if you are a facial surgeon, then write different topics about facial surgery.When you are writing your content, make sure that you get to your point quickly as well. Prospective patients visit your website for a specific reason. If these pages are filled with content that contains an excessive amount of unnecessary information, they might have difficulty finding what they’re looking for, causing them to give up and head elsewhere.Huyen: Do you know what is the most important part of your content? - it’s the headline that will make or break the success of your content. This leads us to our next tip which is to craft an irresistible headline.In medical content writing, it’s important to begin with a clear idea in mind of what you will be writing about. Active headlines, which are shaped around lists and “how-to’s”, are particularly attractive for readers. For example, consider titling your content “5 Ways To Avoid A Cold This Winter” instead of the less engaging “Why Are Colds More Likely In Winter”.Stick to the topic with your main headline and write with clarity. Avoid over-complicating ideas or using diversions and fluff.In podcast #30 we also mentioned the type of headlines that have high readership (the number of words, what words you should include …in that podcast, we give you a simple proven formula to help you craft a winning headline for your content. It has been a long-standing belief of mine that writers need to create headlines that sell, in order to persuade people to click.Steve: Advertising legend?David Ogilvy once said that a headline was the single most critical element in ad copy.“On average, five times as many people read the headline as they read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”An example we can give for “tummy tuck” content headline could be something like ”10 Things You Must Know Now Before Getting A Tummy Tuck” or “7 Things To Consider Before Getting a Tummy Tuck.”In a nutshell… spend time crafting your headline (test it on friends, solicit feedback), as that headline will determine the success of the overall content you are offering. It is very important.Huyen: Sure, your medical website looks nice, but can new patients find it using local search? It is important that your content has to be searchable and findable.After selecting keywords for your practice, it’s important to actually incorporate those keywords into your medical website copy. This will help your site appear in searches conducted by prospective patients in your key demographic.Weaving these words and phrases into your content organically is essential. If keywords are awkwardly stuffed into the copy, it will be difficult for prospective patients to read. Skilled SEO copywriters know how to insert these terms in an effortless manner that flows naturally.Steve: Do you know that symptoms and conditions are better than treatments and procedures?People search for symptoms and conditions significantly more than they search for treatments and procedures. We’ve done more keyword research projects than we care to recall for healthcare websites and this has held true EVERY SINGLE TIME. If you want to attract traffic from search engines organically, write about what they are searching for.Huyen: Another important tip is just don’t limit yourself to blog posts. Try out different mediums. There are so many different types of content that you can create: infographics, PDF guides, videos, podcasts, webinars etc. Different types of content works best for different purposes, if you want to increase your engagement and authority with your prospects and existing patients, using visual content such as a podcast, video, or webinar can be very powerful in getting your audience to know, like and trust and then enquire your services as the natural step. Speaking of webinars…. ===Webinar PromoSteve: Ha ha… is that an example of blending your marketing message subtly into your content?Huyen: Ha ha… maybe….Steve: That was well done! As is the webinar course. We’re really excited about it and can’t wait to have our listeners trying it out for themselves. But first, lets get back to the remaining best tips on medical website content that we’ve got for you today.The next one is Answer frequently asked questions.?We see FAQ pages all the time on websites where there are around 20 questions followed by one or two sentence answers. This is a HUGE missed opportunity. If people are asking a question frequently in your practice, chances are there are also plenty of other non-patients of yours Googling that question. And these people would also probably be interested in finding out the answers to their question if it was to pop up in their Facebook feed. Create blog posts (and even pages in some cases) about these questions and fully flesh out the answer. Answering FAQs questions thoroughly, gives you more opportunity to show up on top of Google search results in the “People also ask” section.Huyen: Have you seen any patient stories on your competitors’ website and just wondering why they have so many likes and shares on social media and maybe why they also rank well on Google?Well, our next tip is to create meaningful patient stories.?In our experience, the social media posts that receive the most engagement are stories about real patients, their physical and emotional journey and results before and after the treatment or surgery. I could speculate on why these posts are so successful, but it doesn’t matter. The point is that they are invariably well received and you should do them.Steve: Moving on to our final 3 tips: Stay on top of current events.?Creating content about what is happening in the world, especially when you add some sort of value to the conversation, is a great way to get exposure to new audiences. Talk about a new medical breakthrough in your field, high-profile sports injuries, latest flu vaccines or ethnic nose surgery technique..etc. Our 2nd last tip for today is to promote your content & Set goals and analyse your results.?If you are creating great content, don’t sit back and wait for search engines to index it and slowly start trickling traffic your way. Creating great content is just half of the work, the other half is to promote it. Get it out there! Boost it on Facebook, Google, share it within relevant niche communities, blast it to your email lists, etc. Your work isn’t done when you click “Publish.”Huyen I totally agree. Before you start your project, create a hypothesis. How do you think this content piece will do? Keep it realistic. Then, after you have executed the content, published it and promoted it, go back and see how it did. Your actual results will help you drive the strategy for your next piece of content. You can see the number of views of a particular piece of content on Google Analytics or Facebook report dashboard.Steve: So I’m curious and would like to hear from you too…what are the types of content that you are producing now, have you got any positive results from it? Our healthcare professional community would love and appreciate your input. Add your comments below, or send us an email with your thoughts. Huyen: Unfortunately, this podcast episode has come to an end, be sure to keep in touch with us so we can continue to bring you the best marketing strategies and tactics to grow and scale your practice. And don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast channel, so you never miss another one! We’ve got more great content planned for future podcasts so you won’t want to miss them.Bye for now!==========Show notePodcast #30: Webinar Marketing System ? Consultation examples: ................

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