698 N. Locust – P.O. Box 698, Manteno, IL 60950-0698 Phone: (815) 468-8946 – Fax: (815) 468-9420

E-Mail Address – mkrueger@ Published Monthly – Volume Seventeen – Issue Number 2 – February1, 2011

From the Pastor’s Keyboard

A funny thing happened to me when I was a child. My parents took me to revival meetings. They were serious events. They were fun…sometimes. They were boring occasionally. They were exciting when the song evangelist was wild and crazy. They were 7 to 10 days in a row. They kept me up late. There are 3 or 4 invitation hymns that I can sing from memory and not miss a verse. We never skipped a verse on an invitation song.

Some of the evangelists were great communicators. Some were good story tellers. Rev. Jimmy Dobson, Dr. James Dobson’s father, was an artist and he would preach while he drew a picture. I always hoped he would give it to me because he always gave it to someone.

Rev. Chuck Milhuff would march all over the platform and give the impression that God had sent him to fight anyone who wasn’t ready to get right with God. You couldn’t help but think you knew his family personally by the end of the week because he talked about them in his sermons. He drove a Ford T Bird and let us know early in the week that he was going to see Jeanie and the kids right after the altar call on Sunday night. If you wanted to talk to him, do it before Sunday night because he wanted to get home and see his family.

Rev. Freddie Thomas was a favorite evangelist of our pastor, Rev. Wendel Paris. Freddie had a speech impediment and it took a couple of nights to figure out what he was saying. I always wondered why God called Rev. Thomas to preach and then gave him a pronounced lisp. Looking back I realize that Freddie’s spirit was the key. He was humble and his love for God was contagious.

I was a regular seeker at the altar in my youth. I probably went forward to pray more than I needed to go, but it never hurt me. In fact, I am certain that the evangelists and song evangelists played a significant role in my spiritual journey. I am glad my parents made sure I experienced those services and allowed me to hear those testimonies.

In February we will be having a series of services. Dr. Mark Quanstram will be bringing the messages of the weekend. He will have some significant things to share from God’s word. Many of our young people will be changed by the messages and the moving of the Holy Spirit. But some won’t have the chance. Those poor kids won’t get to hear because it takes the spiritual leadership of parents to consistently lead their family (bring them) to the meetings. We know from past experience that not all parents place a high value on revival.

I am glad I took my children to revival. Rev. Doug Boquist made an impact on my family. So did many others. Plan now to bring your family and give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to work in their lives.

The Pastor


February 11-13, 2011

Dr. Mark R. Quanstrom is a full-time professor of theology and philosophy in the School of Theology at Olivet Nazarene University. He began teaching at Olivet in the fall of 2005.

Prior to coming to Olivet, he was pastor for 23 years at the Belleville, IL First Church of the Nazarene. While pastor, he was an on-line instructor for Nazarene Bible College, and an adjunct professor for European Nazarene College, Director of the Illinois District School of Ministry and served on the Illinois District Advisory Board.

Revival Schedule:

February 11-13, 2011

Friday, 7:00 p.m., Worship Service – FLC

(Please signup to bring a dessert)

Saturday, 10:30 a.m., Session 1 – FLC

12:00 p.m., Lunch (provided)

6:00 p.m., Session 2 – Sanctuary

Sunday – both Morning Worship Services

We are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us, and invite you to join us for as many of these services as possible. Invite someone to attend with you.

|Hang on! |

|When a couple received a rose bush as a gift, they planted and cared for it, eagerly waiting for it to bloom. A few months later, a |

|bud finally appeared. Day by day, it began to fill out. The couple’s anticipation grew when they could see that the rose would be |

|bright red. |

| |

|One day, they were surprised to notice that the green around the bud had been pulled away and the flower petals were torn apart. They |

|asked their young daughter if she knew what had happened. “I just couldn’t wait any longer,” she said, “so I blossomed it myself.” |

| |

|The psalmist tells us to “Wait for the LORD …” (Psalm 27:14, NRSV). Instead of trying to help God along, let him bring things to |

|fulfillment in his perfect time. |

Sunday School Ministries

- Marian Pollard, S.S. Director


Time is flying by at such a rapid speed!  Truly, it feels like it was just June!  But the calendar tells me differently.  Besides that, it is February 1st and I am headed back to the greenhouse till the end of May.  I am looking forward to working with plants in the middle of winter.  It is a promise of what is to come later in the spring.  Also, I am reminded of God's promises and that we can trust Him with every aspect of our lives.  We can stand on His promises that He will meet our every need!  Thank you, Lord.  There are times, I think how in the world will the Lord guide and direct this. How can He possibly turn this situation around?  But to my amazement He works in every situation! I am truly thankful for His involvement in my daily life situations.  The peace that comes from knowing that the Lord is in control is beyond my understanding, but believe me, I do trust Him.  He has proven over and over that He will meet my every need! 

There is a song that I have sung since a small child called "Standing on the Promises."  Here are the words:

Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Thro' eternal ages let His praises ring;

Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,

By the living word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, Bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord,

Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, Standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises I cannot fall, Listening every moment to the Spirit's call,

Resting in my Savior, as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God.

Do you know the promises of God?  Do you want to learn more about those promises?  Join us in Sunday School each Sunday morning at 10:00 to 10:45.  We have dedicated Sunday School teachers sharing the promises of God in their lessons.


Happy Valentine’s Day and remember to share His love with others.

Loving you through Jesus,


A Small Group is a group of people meeting together for fellowship, Bible study, Prayer, and Accountability. You will experience many blessings, such as, relationships, trust, honesty and encouragement. Your group will enrich and possibly change your life.

We are interested in starting up some new Small Groups. Please contact Shelly Stauffenberg 815-468-3417 or the church office if you would like to host or lead a group.

Hosting: Consists of you being willing to open your home weekly, biweekly, or once a month for a group to meet and provide a simple snack (once a group is established each one takes a turn bringing a snack).

Leading the study: Consists of you leading the study. Often once a group is established they will select a book of the Bible to study or we have access to several video studies.




Alabaster offerings are usually taken in September and February or are a part of Faith Promise Giving. Our church includes it in our Faith Promise Budget. Alabaster or Love Gift Offerings go to building and property sites around the world.

Nazarene World Week of Prayer, February 2 - March 5, 2010 – Coordinating with the interdenominational World Day of Prayer, the Nazarene World Week of Prayer is envisioned that this event will re-ignite prayer flames, deepen commitment to prayer and fasting, and precipitate revival.

Prayer Plan: Sunday—Africa Monday—Asia-Pacific Tuesday—Caribbean Wednesday—Eurasia Thursday—Mexico, Central America

Friday—South America Saturday—United States, Canada

MISSIONARY MEETINGS – February 9, 6:30 p.m. Russell and Donna Lovett, Missionaries to Kenya will be our special speakers. Please note new time for service.

BANDAGE ROLLING – February 13, 5:45 p.m. All ages needed to help roll bandages.

NOTHSTINE CHAPTER – February 14, 10:00 a.m. Come help us roll bandages for the Mission Hospital in New Guinea and learn more about missions. Please call Ruth McCrary to help with the food for lunch.


• Pray for our Faith Promise Convention – September 17 & 18, 2011.

• Pray for the people affected by the flooding in Brazil and Australia.

• Pray for peace in the country of Sudan.

• Pray for our LINKS Missionaries.

WORK & WITNESS TRIP TO CHILI, February 10 – 23, 2011

The following people will be going on the District trip to Chili. Please pick one of the names and pray for them until they return from the trip.

Richard Carlson David Godwin Sandra Godwin John Janzen

Billy Luquingan Laverne Mann Ralph Moore Dale Rector

Leah Rector Charles Schkerke Ken Silvers May Silvers

Savilla Smith Allen Urfer Faye Urfer Gene Westveer

Kathy Yanchick Sarah Yanchick


There have been many disasters all over the world in the last few months. Kits are needed to replace the ones that have been distributed. We need your help to bring in items needed. Thank you for your help in this project.

"The need for God is palpable," said the team member in Uruguay. "The area was filled with delinquency and violence. We wanted to offer an alternative. The faith of Pastor Beverly and her desire to have an impact on the Santo Domingo neighborhood was greater than the obstacles. The squatter's shantytowns are difficult places. Sometimes the opposition threw rocks. Yet the team persevered. The JESUS Film had an impact! The children opened their hearts when they saw with amazement how the Lord Jesus was treated and how He suffered for them on the cross. A beautiful group of 40 believers meets regularly in fellowship. Thank you for the JESUS Film."

Janice Carlson – NMI President

Go Kinda Crazy

We’re talking about kindness this month in our elementary Sunday School classes and kids church.

Now, I don't know what comes to mind when you think of kindness. If you grew up with rough and tumble siblings, you may have come to the conclusion that nice guys finish last. If you work in a cutthroat environment, you know it doesn't pay to be seen as Mr. or Ms. Milk Toast. If your children watched Barney (of purple dinosaur fame), you may have the desire to pull your hair out if you hear that song one more time. You know which one.

Rest assured, we will not be going there! Kindness is not insipid, limp wristed, or ineffectual. It takes (and makes) some real muscle to be kind. It often requires an iron will. It may insist that we roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. It even necessitates, on occasion, radical action.

Jesus was kind, of course. But He definitely wasn't namby-pamby. The Jesus who took those little kids in His arms and blessed them was the same one who ran off the moneychangers and called out the Pharisees--not the actions of a weak person, which unfortunately is often how kindness is perceived.

We need to paint a truer picture of kindness for our kids, one that sets the bar higher than merely responding to someone else in kind. One that kindles consideration of others, that stirs up empathy for their needs, that ignites a generous rather than a fighting spirit when they do us wrong. In short, one that looks more like Jesus.

So we'll be exploring what Jesus did and said about kindness, which is showing others they are valuable by how you treat them:

Week 1: Do to others what you want them to do to you: The gold standard of kindness, from Luke 6.

Week 2: Treat others the way Jesus would treat them: Jesus gave others (including kids!) His time and attention, from Mark 10.

Week 3: Treat others as if they belong to God: When you do, it's as if you're treating Jesus that way, from Matthew 25.

Week 4: Do for your enemies what they wouldn't do for you: Give them another chance, from Acts 9. By Melanie Williams. © 2010 The reThink Group * * All rights reserved. Used by permission

Jesus loves me. This I know. For the Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me, and He loves you, and He loves each and every child that comes into this environment every week. Isn't that amazing? Stop and dwell on that thought for just a minute. Jesus loves YOU.

Not only does Jesus love you, He loves everyone. Yes, everyone. Jesus told the story of the great banquet to show us that everyone is invited to His party. Everyone is invited into a relationship with Him. And Jesus does want a relationship with us. He wants to spend time with us, to sit with us and be with us. Jesus loves us.

Jesus also wants us to share His love with others. He calls us to "love one another as I have loved you," John 15:12, NIV. How do we love like Jesus? He shows us how when He washes the

Continued on next page…

The Kids’ Page continued.

disciples' feet and tells the story of the Good Samaritan. Through service and compassion we share

Jesus' love.

As you lead your preschooler(s) this month, look at each one individually and tell them that Jesus loves them. He loves them so very much and wants to be their friend forever. By helping your preschooler(s) internalize this truth, you are giving them a foundation for the most important relationship they will ever have. By Kathy Hill. © 2011 The reThink Group * * All rights reserved. Used by permission.

P.L.U.G. (Preteen Life Uth Group) After Hours:

Our After Hours event for February will be at the McCleary’s on Superbowl Sunday! All preteens and their families are invited to McCleary’s on 1617 Caddie Drive, Bourbonnais. Come over any time after 5 p.m., on Sunday, February 6th. Bring a snack/dessert to share and a drink. Hope to see you and your families there!

Please note the date change! Our first FX will be coming March 5th! We are going to introduce March’s virtue of the month and give families an opportunity to come together in the midst of busy schedules and worship together. It will be a night of laughter, fellowship, and connectedness. Come see a cast full of hilarious characters teach us about God. We will be starting at 6:00 p.m., with a potluck style dinner! Bring something to share and we’ll have a great time together. The production starts at 7 p.m., FYI: This is a GREAT opportunity to invite families who do not know Christ. The mission for this event is to bring families together and bring them to Christ! See you there!!

District Celebrate Life – Saturday, March 12, at Kankakee First Church, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. After registration we will begin with a rally that will feature outstanding live music and a short challenging message. We will begin our talent and sports portions of the events around 9:30 a.m. At district Celebrate Life, we will be competing with other churches from our district for top place of the day.

The cost for Celebrate Life is only $25 for students and $5 for adult sponsors, which will include individual awards as well as lunch. Register online until March 1st, at At the closing ceremonies we will announce who will be representing our district at Regional Celebrate Life in May.

Super Bowl Party

On Super Bowl Sunday, February 6, Pastor Jack and LeAnn will host a party in the Family Life Center Beginning, at 5 p.m., for anyone who would like to come. The game will be projected on the wall for all to see. Please bring snacks and drinks to share see.

Youth Fundraiser

P J’s Ice Cream and Coffee Shop, 41 W. Second, Manteno, has offered to give our Youth Ministries 10% of the month of February’s sales brought in by our church.

Please stop in to support our youth.

February Birthdays

1 Lynn Nogoda 11 George Widdowson, IV 18 Mary Margaret Reed

2 Avery Chandler 12 Steven Widdowson 21 Tom Lensing

6 Wayne Parker 14 Scott Armstrong 22 Ken Wheeler

7 Chelsea Rueff 15 Wyatt Matthews 23 Norb Baron

8 Jace Pettet 16 Max McCleary 23 Claire Whittington

8 Pete Boyer 17 Susan Bishir 23 Kyler Norvell

10 Alison Chandler 18 Bruce Paarlberg 26 Marsha Pester

11 Mark Reardanz 18 Jim White 28 Kody Lathus

18 - George and Wendy Widdowson

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your recent memorial gift to Olivet Nazarene University. We are pleased that you chose to honor Miss Marjorie P. Howe in this thoughtful way, and we will make sure your gift is used as designated. We appreciate your support of Christian higher education; may you be blessed as you have blessed others.

In appreciation,

Dan J. Ferris, Executive Director of Development

Dear Church Family,

Thank you so much for your donation to the Lawrence H. Howe Memorial Fund. Marge would be so blessed and so would her dad to know those who were needy and worthy were being helped with their education.

Shirley Foster

Church Family,

Thank you so much for your support for our Children’s Department by purchasing a box meal dinner at our Pinewood Derby night. We are trying to earn money to purchase a portable stage that will be used by our Children’s Department for our monthly FX, VBS, etc.

In Appreciation,

Pastor Bekah and Children’s Council

TeenMOPS Update and Leadership Opportunity

Wendy Widdowson, co-coordinator TeenMOPS

We have 24 girls registered with us and a total of 23 children with 5 babies expected before summer. Our meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays and we’ve had an average of 10 girls at each meeting. We have 8-9 that are very consistent in attending. We on average have 2 new girls per meeting.

When a mom first joins our group she is assigned a mentor mom which is one of the 6 ladies on leadership. It is their job to contact that mom and try to build a good relationship with them. She calls to remind her of meetings and just to see what’s going on in life. Our goal is for each girl to feel valued and for them to feel connected with someone at the group. Currently, each mentor is working with 3-4 girls. We are in need of more leaders for our steering team and are praying for God’s revelation of who would be right for the positions. Right now, we need a Publicity and MOPShop Coordinator, and in the fall a Finance leader. If you feel God’s leading in any of these areas, please see me or call me at 815-468-0364.

We have been blessed with many dedicated volunteers who have provided meals for our meetings and held babies in the nursery. We’ve even been able to help some of the ONU students fill their service hours. There is always room for more help in both of these areas and we continue to add to the teams. This is a great way to serve without having to attend every meeting.

Since our first meeting we’ve covered several different topics with the girls. We had someone come in to talk about the importance of playing with your child and not just using the TV. We had several therapists who talked about baby development and did screenings on the little ones. We had a Harvest Party where the girls learned cute ideas to do with their kids. In December, we had 2 ministry opportunities. Four of our moms went to the Bethlehem Walk in Manteno. They each brought family members and one brought all 8 members of her husband’s family. Our final meeting of 2010 was the Christmas meeting; we had 8 girls attend and had a great time. Pam Wheeler came and shared the story of The Littlest Angel; the highlight was definitely sharing the story of Jesus and explaining the hope that comes from a relationship with Him.

We have been blessed by the generous support of members of Adventure Christian Church, Manteno Nazarene Church, Southern Will County MOPS, and Manteno MOPS as well as other individuals. Our MOPShop is fully stocked but we can still use gift cards in $10-$20 increments to any area stores. We have handmade blankets ready for our new babies, thanks to some crafty women. If someone would like to knit or quilt baby blankets we would be grateful for those as well.

We pray God would continue to grow this ministry. It has been humbling to watch what He is doing. Thank you for your support. May God continue to bless and grow Manteno Church of the Nazarene because of your faithful support of this ministry.

Bible Quiz


Chili Dinner


February 16,

5-6:45 p.m.

Our Youth Department would like your help with this fundraiser and have placed a signup sheet on the FLC hallway bulletin board for food donations. Please invite your friends and family to join you that night for dinner. A suggested donation: $5 each, not to exceed $20 per family.

Adopt a Sailor

February 19, 2011 10a – 1p

Family Life Center

Kim Parks is the coordinator for this area and would like to invite you to participate in this project. We will be collecting the following items here at our church the week of February 14-19, or bring them to the Family Life Center on the 19th. The name of the ship that we will be sending our packages to is USS KEARSARGE.

The following is a list of suggested items:

Coffee singles (reg. or flavored) Creamer (reg. or flavored)

Hot Chocolate Hot Cider

Lemonade singles “On the Go” drink singles

Beef Jerky/Slim Jims Beef Sausage

Candy Cereal bars

Dried Fruits Fruit Snacks

Pudding cups Canned Fruit w/pull off top

Trail Mix Peanuts in the shell (roasted)

Nuts Pop Tarts

Chicken/Tuna lunch kits Cookies – all kinds

Gold Fish crackers/cheese crackers Microwavable singles (Mac & cheese, soups)

Health & Hygiene items:

Chap Stick Sore Throat Lozenges Eye Drops

Twin Blade Razors Shaving Gel Travel Size Toiletries

Note: a complete list is on the office window ledge next to the drop box in the foyer. Keep in mind that all items donated need to fit in 12x12x5-1/2 Flat Rate priority boxes. Contact Kim Parks at 815-468-6865 with questions. Please do not bring items already packed and sealed in a box, as we will need to sort through the items and pack the boxes according to MAS guidelines.

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

| | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

| | | | | |MOPS | |

| | | | | |9-11:15a | |

| | | |NEW Time for Adult | | | |

| | | |Bible Study, 6:30p | | | |

| | | | | |Marriage Inc. | |

| | | | | |7p @ONU | |

|6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |

|Super Bowl Party 5p, | | | | | |Revival |

|FLC | | | | | |10:30a Session 1, FLC|

| | | | | | | |

|Youth Super Bowl 5p, | | |Missionary Service, | | |LUNCH provided |

|YR | | |6:30p | | | |

| | | |Russ & Donna Lovett | |REVIVAL 7p, FLC |6p Session 2, |

|PreTeen Party 5p | | | | | |Sanctuary |

|@McCleary’s | | | | | | |

|13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |

|Revival 8:30 & 11a |Nothstine Chapter 10a| | | |MOPS |Adopt a Sailor |

| | | | | |9-11:15a |10a-1p, FLC |

|Mission Bandage | | | | | | |

|rolling 5:45p | | |Chili Supper | | | |

| | | |5-6:45p | | | |

| | |Ch. Bd. Mtg. 7:30p | | | | |

|20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |

|Communion | | | | | | |

|27 |28 | | |[pic] |

|Eigsti Baby Shower | | | | |

|2p, CC | | | | |

| | |

|Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always | |

|trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:6-7 | |

FLC = Family Life Center CC = Children’s Center YR = Youth Room[pic][pic]


[pic] ON-LINE [pic]



First Corinthians 13 is a popular Scripture reading at wedding ceremonies. The so-called “love chapter” provides an extended definition of what Paul calls “the greatest” gift (verse 13).

Which of the following characteristics of love isn’t found in 1 Corinthians 13?

A. Love is patient.

B. Love rejoices in the truth.

C. Love believes all things.

D. Love is childlike.


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