
EPISODE PREMISES AND SUMMARIESEP1. BUILDING FORTIFIED CASTLESPunchline Lord Roach is a big scaredy-cat! So he builds a fortress, to keep danger at bay. Howler, his architect, loves the challenge!SummaryIn the Middle Ages, castles are built to protect their residents from danger. Being a scaredy-cat, Lord Roach wants to have his castle fitted with every single type of defense system imaginable. Howler his architect, loves the idea; so he sets about building a full-on fortress! But there’s one little detail that might just throw a few monkey wrenches in the construction process: enemy attacks.EP2 FAMILY LIFEPunchlineAn insight into the various key moments of family life for medieval peasants, from educating their children to performing their daily chores.SummaryMeet a peasant family in their daily lives, back in the Middle Ages. Dove and Howler are very busy parents! Besides educating their little urchin kids, welcoming a new baby, dealing with daily home life (which includes mucho mischief and gymnastics, courtesy of the youngest), life for these peasant parents is eventful to say the least! This episode gives us a peek at the key moments of family life in the Middle Ages.EP3. TROUBADOURS AND MINSTRELSPunchlineFamous minstrel Howler is a huge hit at a fiery banquet in his lordship’s court.SummaryIn the Middle Ages, listening to music for entertainment is a much-appreciated pastime. The troubadours and minstrels – singers and musicians of that era – travel round Europe singing their poetry. During a fiery banquet, famous minstrel Howler enjoys huge success at the lord’s court. Although, not all the guests are enamored…!EP4. KNIGHTHOOD PunchlineLittle Lewis follows every step required to accomplish his dream of becoming a knight.SummaryIn the Middle Ages, not everyone can become a knight! Little Lewis follows every step in order to achieve this and accomplish his dream. After completing a plethora of thankless tasks at a young age, he moves on to the rank of ‘squire.’ A chance to demonstrate his bravery on the battlefield, in order to be knighted, at last. EP5. FOLLY FESTIVALPunchlineFolly Festival is the craziest of celebrations, involving song, and dance, and role reversals! Howler dresses up as a princess and Little Lewis becomes the local lord for the day!SummaryIn the Middle Ages, life may be tough, but having fun is also on the agenda! Howler and Little Lewis wouldn’t miss Folly Festival for the world! It’s a carnival where everyone sings and dances, but also has fun trading places. Howler becomes a princess for the day, and Little Lewis a lord. There’s no doubt about it: Folly Festival truly is the most follyriddled of holidays!EP6. HYGIENEPunchlineEager to freshen up a little, Howler walks us through the typical medieval ‘beauty routine.’SummaryHowler isn’t exactly a paragon of cleanliness! But seeing as he’s got a soft spot for Dove, he needs to step up the hygiene if he wants to win her heart! So he introduces us to various medieval hygiene techniques. Washing is one of the fave methods for cleaning up and promoting good health! EP7. MYTHS AND LEGENDSPunchlineLetting his imagination run wild, Howler dreams about an awesome encounter! A chance to provide an overview of the various beliefs, myths and legends that were rife in the Middle Ages.SummaryMedieval people have no shortage of imagination: they believe in demons, dragons and fairies, lacing their daily lives with fantasy! After taking care of his daily chores, Howler ‘gets away from it all’ by daydreaming about wonderful encounters! In the process, he takes us through various contemporary beliefs, myths and legends, powered by his very rich imagination.EP8. FORTRESS ATTACK!PunchlineFor ‘noble knight’ Sir Howler, taking Lord Roach’s fortress by storm is quite the conundrum! But our formidable war leader’s inventiveness comes in very handy!SummaryFor ‘Sir’ Howler, taking Lord Roach’s fortress by storm is a real conundrum! But our formidable war leader’s inventiveness comes in very useful! All the attack techniques in the book are deployed to invade his most loyal enemy’s abode.EP9. FILTHPunchlineHowler is expecting a visit from the king any second now! So the Little Urchins get to work to make the place look spic and span, demonstrating the spectrum of medieval cleaning techniques.SummaryToday is a BIG day: Sir Howler is expecting a visit from the king any second! Only problem is, the town where he lives is a total garbage dump! A major clean-up operation is long overdue! The Little Urchins go out of their way to fight the grime, showing us the rules and methods commonly used at that time.EP10. TRADE ROUTEPunchlineHowler and Little Lewis take us on the trade routes that were used in the Middle Ages. But the journey for our two wine merchant friends is anything but a walk in the park!SummaryHowler and Little Lewis take us on an excursion down the medieval trade routes. But the journey is anything but a walk in the park for these two wine merchants! Every danger and source of bother you could imagine comes their way: a shaky bridge crossing, an ambush by bandits, taxes and tolls, to name a few. In the Middle Ages, being a salesman takes a lot of guts!EP11. TOURNAMENTSPunchlineAfter becoming a knight against his better judgment, Howler takes us on a wild joust!SummaryIn the Middle Ages, tournaments are all the rage! When Howler’s behavior is interpreted of that as a crazed fan, he unwittingly finds himself in the shoes of a knight, embarking on a wild joust!EP12. MEDICINEPunchlineBest not to fall sick in the Middle Ages! Dove has a hard time finding the right remedy for her ailing friend, Little Lewis.SummaryFalling sick in the Middle Ages is not a good idea! Dove has trouble finding a cure for Little Lewis when he falls ill. A consultation takes us on a tour of the wacky techniques and beliefs, along with typical treatments used in medieval times. EP13. CHILDHOODPunchlineChildren live very different lives based on their social rank! But fortunately, no matter their family background, kids will be kids, goofing around and playing tricks on each other. SummaryKids grow up very differently, based on their family background. Children of noble stock receive an education in a castle environment while peasant offspring spend their youth working in the fields or at home. Either way, daily life is busy, from a very young age. Fortunately, though, kids never forget to have fun and goof around, including playing pranks on each other. EP14. BANQUETPunchlineHumble folk Howler and Dove are invited to Lord Roach’s banquet. Yum! But unfortunately, faced with the heaps of rules and regulations attendant to banquets, the greedier guests (like them) tend to stand out like a sore thumb! SummaryHumble folk Howler and Dove are invited to Lord Roach’s banquet. Hardened foodies, they indulge in all kinds of scheming – anything to get their gnashers into the most gourmet dishes on the menu! But banquets come with all kinds of rules and regulations, exposing the greedier guests in the room!EP15. JUSTICEPunchlineRighter of wrongs, Howler gives us a 101 on the medieval justice system. SummaryIn the Middle Ages, safety’s a little shaky. So is justice! It’s ‘Sheriff’ Howler’s job to hunt down outlaws and bring them before the judge. But the methods he uses are a trifle different from what we’re used to today!: forced confessions by means of torture, the stocks, divine sentences, etc. As an official righter of wrongs, Howler gives us a 101 on the justice system in medieval times. EP16. CATHEDRALPunchlineForeman Howler takes us round a medieval construction site, giving us a behind-the-scenes view of cathedral-building.SummaryIf you want a cathedral, you’d better not be in a hurry! The construction site is a village in its own right, and lasts for several generations! Foreman Howler shows us round a medieval construction site, providing us with a 101 on cathedral-building techniques.EP17. THE BLACK PLAGUEPunchlineIn the Middle Ages, the Black Plague is raging through Europe, leaving death in its wake! There’s no getting away from it! Unless your name is Little Lewis: this guy somehow manages to escape the disease every time, by the skin of his teeth!SummaryThe devastating Black Plague is running rampant through Europe, leaving death and destruction in its wake! There’s no getting away from that thing!... Unless your name is Little Lewis: somehow, this guy manages to dodge the disease by the skin of his teeth! This episode provides a catalog of the effects the plague has on the human body and the various weird and wonderful cures dreamed up by the contemporary medics. EP18. MEASURING TIMEPunchlineHowler is a veeeery heeeavy sleeper! In an attempt to wake him, Raven reveals all the techniques used to measure time in the Middle Ages. SummaryBack in the Middle Ages, methods for telling the time are a far cry from the ones we know today. Church bells and the position of the sun are pretty much all they’ve got. So inventors are constantly trying to come up with all kinds of new systems to measure time. However, when it comes to Howler, that’s all for naught: nothing’s going to wake this guy up!EP19. SPICESPunchlineLord Roach is crazy about spices! In order to appease his master’s taste buds, Little Lewis must travel to the ends of the Earth!SummarySpices are a hot item in the Middle Ages! And as for Lord Roach, he just can’t get enough of the stuff! If you can’t find the spice you want at the local market stall, it’s probably on the other side of the world! And so off goes Little Lewis, in an effort to satisfy his master’s ‘spicy’ whims!EP20. COURT JESTERPunchlineLord Roach is feeling a little down lately! So Little Lewis dons his court jester garb, bringing a smile to his master’s face!SummaryLord Roach is feeling really down! His wife Geraldine goes out of her way to entertain him, bringing in acrobats, musicians, jugglers and bear-tamers. But it’s no good: his majesty is still in a very bad mood! Enter Little Lewis, dressed in his court jester costume – the only person in the court allowed to make fun of the rulers. And luckily, Lord Roach is tickled pink! EP21. THE VIKINGSPunchlineThe famous giants of the northern mists - the Vikings - are master looters and navigators, just like Raven and Little Lewis, respectively.SummaryLike Raven and Little Lewis, the famous giants of the northern mists, the Vikings, are master looters and navigators. Besides being bloody warriors and shrewd negotiators, the Vikings are also great explorers, out to discover the world. EP22. LORD AND PEASANTPunchlineHumble peasant Howler can’t wait for his next batch of pretzels! However, the medieval feudal system can be ruthless!SummaryOur humble peasant friend Howler can’t wait for his next batch of pretzels! However, in the Middle Ages, the feudal system is ruthless, the lord always helping himself to a share of the peasant’s yield. And, quite often, all that’s left is a few meager crumbs!EP23. FOODPunchlinePoor peasant Howler’s pantry is empty! Being the ferocious food-lover that he is, he decides he’s going to eat whatever he pleases, even if it means breaking all the rules!SummaryUnlike life in our modern society, in the Middle Ages, people don’t eat their fill every day. We follow our foodie Howler as he scavenges around for anything that takes his fancy, overstepping his mark as a mere peasant! EP24. WHAT A TRIAL!PunchlineA cra-cra trial takes place, staging Howler as an animals’ advocate and Roach as the judge and persecutor. SummaryIn the Middle Ages, animals are considered responsible for their actions and must answer to their crimes in a court of law! A crazy trial takes place, with Howler as the animals’ attorney and Roach as the judge and persecutor. EP25. COURTLY LOVEPunchlineHowler proves to be an expert in courtly love! Dove swoons… Roach fumes!SummaryDove is going through a rocky time with her horrible husband, Lord Roach. She consequently falls for Sir Howler, a knight who knows how to wield courtly love like a sword. Despite being humble and loyal, brave and lyrical, Howler isn’t always a paragon of finesse when it comes to winning the lady’s heart… or dealing with the jealous spouse!EP26. ALCHEMYPunchlineMad scientist Howler sets out to discover the secret behind the art of transmuting base metals into gold. In fact, finding a way to change lead to the precious yellow metal is basically his only hope for getting out of Lord Roach’s fort alive!SummaryWelcome to the world of medieval alchemy, introduced by our mad scientist friend, Howler! He’s looking for a way to transmute lead into gold: it’s the only way to escape insatiable Lord Roach’s fort as the greedy noble seeks to increase his fortune. ................

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