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Research Question: What makes a male college students imaginative perfect “10”?Interview C:One ParticipantMarch 6, 2015Interviewer: Hey! It’s good to see you. Thanks again for meeting with me!Participant C: No problem, thank for having me.Interviewer: All right! So you know my research question is what makes a male college students imaginative perfect “10”. Can you elaborate on your imaginiative perfect 10?Participant C: My perfect 10 would probably have to be not tall, but not short, like midget sized…kinda like you. She’s gotta look dope in heals, shes gotta be able to walk in heels too. She also has to be very chill. She has to have a good personality, as in like funny, nice to be around. Uhm, she’s gotta be super nice, kind, has a big heart. She’s gotta love music, probably love the same type of music that I love…that would be cool. But if not it’s whatever. She’s gotta have a good body, but I don’t know, it doesn’t have to be that good. (laughs) Is that weird? She’s gotta be good in bed, a freak in the sheets. (dope: a way to describe how good something is)Interviewer: Okay, so is your perfect 10 a real person you know, or is it an imaginary girl in your head?Participant C: Uhm, most of that was real, I guess. I’ve seen what interests me in real people. Interviewer: Can you describe the ratio of importance of body vs. personality?Participant C: (laughs) Well, probably like 60: 40 personality: body. With personality being 60, body being 40Interviewer: Okay!Participant C: Actually more like 45:55, that’s probably a better ratio.Interviewer: Okay perfect! Can you describe a time that you’ve seen a 10 in real life, if you have?Participant C: Uhm, Carrie Underwood, maybe.Interviewer: And you’ve seen her in real life? Can you describe that experience?Participant C: (laughing) She was kinda far away, but she looked really hot from a distance. It was at a concert so I didn’t have the best view, but from what I could see….I liked. Interviewer: Can you tell me about a time that you and your friends have shared your perfect 10s with each other?Participant C: Uhh, I don’t think that’s ever happened. I mean of course we’ve discussed chicks, I guess, but not like the ideal chick…just kinda the people you know.Interviewer: Have you ever been shocked at someone else’s taste in their ideal woman?Participant C: Gosh yes. Definitely.Interviewer: Can you explain a time this has occurred? Like can you think of a specific time this has happened, or an example of this happening?Participant C: Uhmmm…I guess people just have different tastes, and you cant really understand their tastes until you see it. I guess. So no I can’t really think of a specific example of this happening, but I’ve definitely noticed that me and my buddies have different tastes and its pretty shocking. It’s just weird cuz your friend could think this one chick was so hot and you don’t find her attractive at all. It definitely happens and it’s weird to think about. Like it can be shocking because you think you know a person and then you see who they like or hangout with and it can be shocking, I don’t know. Interviewer: Yeah that makes sense! Can you describe how a perfect 10 would work in your life?Participant C: Work in my life? Interviewer: Like would you want to date a perfect 10?Participant C: Yeah, definitely, if it was my perfect 10. That’s like the girl you fall in love with, that’s the girl you marry. She would have every attribute that you could ever want in a girl, she would be literally your dream girl, so yes I would love to date the girl that is absolutely perfect in my eyes. Interviewer: Has your perfect 10 changed from high school to college? Like how has your idea of a perfect 10 changed from high school to college?Participant C: It has definitely changed.Interviewer: How so?Participant C: I don’t know, I just feel like as cliché as it sounds, you do mature in college and you realize what type of people interest you. Not only interest you, but also you realize what types of people are good for you. You find out more about your interests in college, and more about yourself in general. You don’t really know your interests in high school, you just kinda follow the crowd, and in college you kind of establish your own self interests. Interviewer: So would you say that your expectations for a girl are higher now that they were in high school?Participant C: I wouldn’t say higher, maybe not higher but just different. Like maturity level is expected to increase with a college girl, and that wasn’t something I necessarily looked for in a girl in high school Interviewer: All right, could you tell me the purpose of imagining a perfect 10?Participant C: Like taking parts of other people and sticking them together? What do you mean? Like imagining someone, like she’s not real or….Interviewer: Like why do you…Participant C: Oh why do you imagine it?Interviewer: Yeah, why?Participant C: Oh I don’t know, why does anyone imagine love, or anything like that? I just feel like, at some point you’re going to need someone in your life that is the ideal woman for you. You’re gonna want to find that perfect someone for you, and having an idea or imagination of that girl prior to finding her is an important step in the search to find her. You just have to have an idea of what you’re looking for in the perfect girl for you, if that makes sense. I don’t know really how to answer this question.Interviewer: Yeah that makes total sense! Your answer was just fine! Could you explain the way that your surroundings or your lifestyle has helped create your lifestyle of a perfect 10?Participant C: Uhm, yeah I mean you see, coming from a big family [has 9 other siblings] you see attributes of kindness and love, not in a weird way, but in a sibling, mother, parental way…you see how love is supposed to work. Even watching your parents when you were younger, and seeing how they react to each other…I don’t know that’s just your first imagine of what love is, and what love should be at a young age. So you act of their actions and you try to imitate and find that same kind of loveful action in your perfect 10. So yeah, I definitely think that your environment shapes your values or your interests.Interviewer: You just gave a great explanation as to how your family influences your view on the ideal 10, or the things you look for in your perfect woman…how do your friends influence your view on your ideal 10?Participant C: (long pause) I don’t really know…(long pause) maybe. Like you see how a friend judges a girl and you would think to, I don’t know, judge her the same way. I don’t really know, I guess in a sense they influence me but their opinion wouldn’t really change mine. It might make me look at specific things differently but overall I still would see my ideal 10 the way I want to.Interviewer: How does being a student at UT influence your view on the perfect 10?Participant C: Uhm, I don’t know. You see a lot more people so that gives you a lot more options and attributes of people. So maybe. There are twenty thousand people here and where I went last year [Centre College] there were only like a thousand people so there’s more options here. I think the size of UT definitely allows for more 10s around campus, there’s some solid dimes here and I wouldn’t have said that at my old school. I think at UT, it being such a big school, there’s so many girls that you have to find some that you find attractive and that you can piece together your perfect 10 by the girls here. (dime: a very attractive person, a perfect 10)Interviewer: Has media, or social media influenced the way you view a perfect 10?Participant C: Oh definitely. You see celebrities and stuff, they get their whole makeup done for the whole day and no one really knows that…they are supposed to look perfect, and that’s how we see them. They take pictures and everyone sees them, so yeah it definitely influences standards; at least it does for me.Interviewer: Can you tell me about your ideal future wife?Participant C: I guess it’s kinda the same thing Interviewer: Okay so do you think your ideal future wife would differ from your 10 now?Participant C: Probably not, I mean maybe a little but not much. I feel like I have things figured out for the most part. I know what I want in a girl now and I don’t think that will change in the next 5 or so years. Interviewer: Have you ever had an experience where a woman gets progressively more attractive the more you get to know her?Participant C: Yeah definitely. I don’t know, the closer you get to someone the more you get to know them so you could find stuff out about them that you didn’t know before, and that makes them cooler, and more attractive. Or it could make them less attractive, depending on the girl and the way she is when you get to know her better.Interviewer: Yeah that’s a very good point! Well thank you so much for taking time out of your day to let me interview you. I really appreciate it!Participant C: My pleasure! I had a good time! ................

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