
Ty JensenHIST 1700 Section 22 American Civilization Response assignment #3Based on what you learned in the film, Demon Rum, what new freedoms were experienced by Americans in the 1920s? What restrictions on freedom were experienced by Americans during the same period? Explain.Based on the film Demon Rum in the 1920s there was a lot of new freedoms and restrictions on Americans such as Prohibition, cops getting into your stuff and destroying it these were restrictions and some new freedoms were the Auto Mobile being created and women getting the vote, and technology being created all over the place. These are some of the restrictions and freedoms received by the Americans in the 1920s. In the 1920s s there was restrictions placed on the Americans such as prohibition, Cops destroying your property and there was really now law during the time. Prohibition was created by congress with the 18th amendment, prohibition made all alcohol illegal and the saloons/bars were being closed down or destroyed by law enforcement, all the booze you had was destroyed right there or in the streets and there was nothing you could do about it, This was a restriction because now Americans couldn’t drink Alcohol. Prohibition lead to cops destroying your property cops would have a suspicion or knew you had booze in your house and they would break into your house and start mashing things up with your alcohol so a restriction that was placed on the Americans was you were losing your privacy and having your property destroyed. From Prohibition Bootlegging emerged, bootlegging is when you make or get alcohol and sell it illegally, Bootlegging became the second biggest industry in the United States. There was gangster that stated to emerge like famously known Al Capon. Bootlegging and Gangs were a restriction because there was really no law. Cops weren’t stopping the gangs and they were trying to stop bootleggers but weren’t successful. Prohibition, Cops breaking your property, and no law were restrictions during the 1920s, but there was also some new freedoms during the same time. The freedoms were the Auto Mobile being created and women getting the vote. During the time John Ford made the automobile available to the public for an affordable price in the city of Detroit. This was a new freedom because Americans could purchase a vehicle and get around the country way faster than before. Another freedom In the 1920s was that the women got the vote on august 18th of 1920 when the 19th amendment was ratified. This was a freedom because now women could vote and be represented in politics because now they could decide who was in office. Technology was being invented all over the place, this was a freedom because you could get the new technologies and use them to make your life easier.Also during the 1920s there was a youth rebellion the youth started to do things they never did, they went to blind pigs which were illegal bars hidden, and they would dance and get into new fashions. They called it a rebellion but it really wasn’t it was just teens doing stuff they never did before. Also women started to go to green pigs and they started to smoke cigarettes and drink at the blind pigs which was weird because before women never did this. One more thing that happened in the 20s was the middle class was created. The middle class was most of the Americans but of course there was rich people and poor people that struggled during the time.In conclusion there was many new freedoms and resections placed on the Americans. Some of the restrictions were prohibition which was ended on December 5th due to the 21st amendment, cops destroying your property and getting into your privacy, and these things led to Bootlegging and gangs and people going to Blind Pings to drink. The new freedoms Americans experienced during the time was the automobile being affordable and available to everyone, and women getting the right to vote, and all the new technologies that were being invented during the time. The 1920s was a time where the American people got a lot of new restrictions and got new freedoms some we still have today in 2014. ................

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