
143123414Nursery Weekly BulletinFebruary 26th 2021Croeso Welcome to NurseryWelcome back to our morning nursery and a huge welcome to our new afternoon nursery! The children have been fantastic this week at settling in and adapting to their new routines. The morning children have very quickly settled back in and have loved seeing all their friends again. The afternoon group have been equally brilliant and we have loved meeting them all.In school we are continuing with our topic ‘Tell me a story’. For the next few weeks our focus is ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’.This week in class the morning children have been colour mixing to make brown paint for our bear pictures, making bear collages to practise our cutting and sticking skills and been singing some new Welsh songs ready for St. David’s Day. The afternoon children have enjoyed getting to know each other and exploring their new classroom and outside area. They have also been doing some bear collages and painting and learning lots of new songs. *Please remember to make sure pupils have a waterproof coat with them every day. Please can you make sure everything is labelled with your child’s name.Thank you so much for letting us know about your child’s pick up/ drop off arrangements, It makes it so much easier for us at the end of the day. If you haven’t sent an email or note yet, please can you do so ASAP.Just a reminder that snack contributions are ?1.50 per week, this can be paid weekly, monthly or termly. Diolch.Important notice!!!!!! Please do not send any food or snacks in to school with the children. We have children with severe allergies. All snacks and drinks are provided. Thank you for your understanding. Children can wear something red to school on Monday for St David’s Day. Please no shawls, aprons, hats etc to avoid children accidentally swapping clothing. Please see Seesaw for this week’s homework.Thank you for all your support and patience as we all settle in to our new routines. As always, any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. Have a lovely weekend! Miss Williams, Mrs Hollings, Mrs Thomas and Miss Thomas. ................

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