Welcome Back Parents & Students Earth Science

Welcome Back Parents & Students Earth Science

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Mr. Goodyear

Email: agoodyea@

Web page:

Materials: 3 ring Notebook of some kind

Students are required to take notes which are graded as a large part of participation

grade - 20% I prefer 3 ring binders 1.5 or 2 inch with pockets a couple packets

of paper for this class should last the year.

Parents one way to keep up with students progress and work in science is by

weekly or bi-weekly checking –Notebook – In front of notebook should have the

units Table of contents- Check of order of assignments and completion of

assignments. The two days I would choose to check this is Monday or Thursday

Use parent portal !!! I update grades every weekend there is no reason students and parents should not know how they are doing in Earth Science. Get your login and password as soon as possible and write it down in several places in case you do not forget it in the future.

Thursdays: besides checking notebook check to see if warm-ups & sum-up questions are completed because most every Friday is a quiz on the warm-ups & sum-up questions. It should be an easy A grade because students are allowed to use these and questions for the quiz and questions come directly from the warm-ups.

Most every night students could be doing something in science- organizing notebook, reading over what they have done in unit (read over notes) – STUDY

Textbook: Holt McDougal Earth Science – Many of the assignments and class work are directly from the book it is a tool that should be used for greater success in class. Students will have access to text on the internet and will be given a code for text online or will be given a computer CD to save carrying a book back and for to class.

login: mrgoodyear1 password: j7x2j

Grades based on 40% test/quizzes 20% homework 20% class work 20% participation/notebooks

Cell phones – music and other electronic games – Not in class !! Parents do not text your son or daughter during school day please-! it is county policy thanks !

How to contact me:

Call school- 410-677-5143

Email all teachers in county have one

Periods available for conference are 1st or 7th

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Earth Science General Outline of Topics Covered

1st Marking term

General Science Review Section

Chapter 1&2 Introduction to Earth Science / Earth as a System

(Branches of science, scientific method, measurement)

Meteorology Section

Chapter 19, 20, 21, 22 Atmosphere and Weather

(Chemical make-up of air, layers, pressure, instruments, storms)

2nd Marking term

Astronomy Section

Chapter 29, 26 Sun and Seasons

(Parts of sun, fusion, effects of solar energy on Earth)

Chapter 28 part 25 Earth-Moon system

(Phases of moon, tides, eclipses)

Chapter 27, 28 Solar System

(Ancient models, planet exploration)

Chapter 30, 26 Stars and Galaxies, Theories of the Universe

(Constellations, star evolution, cosmic scale)

Mid-term Exam

3rd Marking Term

Geology Section

Chapter 4 & 5 Earth Chemistry – Minerals

(Atoms, elements, states of matter, density, crystals, mineral identification and uses)

Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9 Rocks, Fossils, Geologic History

(Types and classification of rocks, uses, formation, fuels)

4th Marking Term

Chapter 14, Weathering and Soil

(Types of weathering, caves, soil, land /farming conservation)

Chapter 14, 15, 16, 18 Erosion

(Agents of erosion, effects and prevention)

Chapter 10, 11, 12, 13, parts of 3 & 23 Earthquakes – Plate tectonics, Landforms and Maps

(Faults, crustal features, volcanoes)

Final Exam




Grades are based on total points earned in the following areas:

1. Test at the end of each unit section 100 points each

2. Daily worksheets, videos and lab work: 15 to 50 points (varies)

3. Homework 15 to 25 points

4. Notebook at the end of each unit: 2 points for each page completed (must be neat and in order)

5. Warm-up and Sum-up questions / quiz: 20 points on a normal week.

Grades sections are weighted in the following areas:

40% Test and quizzes 20% Homework 20% Class work 20% Notebooks/participation

At the end of each term along with weekly grade reports during each term, points will be added and converted into percentages and grades are based on the following scale A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79 D 60-69 E below 60


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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