
647/18/20127/24/12What is the process for key distribution to the armored supplier? Three separate keys are provided and retained by the armored supplier, to be made available to the Collector to unlock the collection cans.657/18/20127/24/12What is the process for a lost key?Lost and/or broken keys are reported to the Collections Supervisor as soon as noted. Normally, Collectors notify the Supervisor if the vendor’s copy is bent, cracked or difficult to use.667/18/20127/24/12Is the armored supplier required to participate in a key audit? If so, what is the frequency and process?No.677/18/20127/24/12What is the process for transporting parking meter coin to the vendor?Marked City of Seattle vans transport the coin to the vendor.687/18/20127/24/12What is the frequency for transporting parking meter coin to the vendor?Once daily for each collection van, but every now and then only one or two vans are used to transport the coin. This is due to staff time off, weather conditions, limited number of collection cans, etc. The vendor will be notified if less than three vehicles will be arriving, or will be late.697/18/20127/24/12What is the typical volume (# canisters) per delivery?On average, 10 to 20 collection cans per truck. Some days will have a higher or lower volume depending on staffing707/18/20127/24/12Provide the service days the vendor is required to process coin?Daily (Monday through Friday), with a cut-off of 2:30P. Coin from collection vans arriving later than 2:30P can be processed the following day.717/18/20127/24/12What time of day is the vendor required to process coin?Anytime after 2:30P, with electronic deposits made to the Bank the same day.727/18/20127/24/12Will the vendor be required to process coin on Bank holidays? If so, please list holiday.No. But vendor should be open to receive coin on Columbus Day.737/18/20127/24/12Will the City provide employee identification if City delivers coin to vendor? If so, describe employee identification criteria which to be provided to vendor.Collection employees have City of Seattle ID cards. Copies of this ID and/or Washington State Drivers’ Licenses will be provided to the vendor.747/18/20127/24/12Describe process vendor is required to follow to verify City employees.Collection ID is to be checked prior to entry into vendor staging area or waiting area.757/18/20127/24/12Describe the specific process the City and vendor shall follow to verify coin. Verification of counted coin is made through daily bank deposits against Pay Station reports.767/18/20127/24/12Describe process for processing mutilated and foreign coin.Collections Supervisor is notified of existing mutilated and foreign coin.777/18/20127/24/12If canister weight verification is required, describe process to account for weight variances.No weight verification is required.787/18/20127/24/12If locked containers are required and the vendor receives an unlocked canister, describe process vendor must follow.Brinks does not process collection canisters. Collectors will dump coin from the collection canisters. Brinks must provide keys for the Collectors to use. 797/18/20127/24/12What are the reporting requirements for the vendor to record verified amounts?Vendors should record and keep electronic copies of daily coin amounts counted and breakdown (Nickels, dimes, Etc) as well as deposits made, for future reference. 807/18/20127/24/12What are the coin deposit procedures once verification is complete?The funds are credited to our Wells Fargo bank account.817/18/20127/24/12Can you give me an idea of the amount of the City’s Existing ACH and Overdraft lines.Our ACH limit is $30 Million (however we do exceed this on a fairly regular basis and this is a limit with flexibility – it was set for control purposes) and we have a $10 Million overdraft827/18/20127/20/2012Would the City consider a delay in the RFP deadline?Please see updates at the top if this document.837/18/20127/20/2012How many individuals are employed in City Hall and the Seattle Municipal Tower? This would be in regard to potential foot traffic for the ATM accessSeattle Municipal Tower has approximately 5,000 occupants, including tenants that are not City employees.City Hall has approximately 200 occupants.847/18/20127/20/2012The Minimum Requirement for same day availability on all deposits appears to be inconsistent with Section 4.6 of the Statement of Work indicating ‘bank must provide same day availability of funds drawn of 12th Federal District….’. ?What is the City’s existing availability of funds structure? Please refer to response #9The City current receives same day availability for all funds drawn on 12th Federal District banks. 857/18/20127/20/2012ACH Limit – Average monthly balance, peak, seasonality per DDA (AP, utility billing, payroll, or any other?) For outgoing, we do have active payroll every two weeks, pension either one or two time monthly and various ACH outgoing payments. This can exceed $30 million on certain days, but is not likely to exceed $40 million. This is a unique DDA. Other outgoing ACH AP can reach $15 million – that is another unique DDA. Incoming ACH can vary and may reach $15 million daily. The incoming ACH is the same DDA as the outgoing AP.867/18/20127/20/2012Under Section 2.8 the City asks for same day availability of deposited funds? Does this refer to all funds deposited by the City or just funds drawn on the depositing institution? Or only drawn on banks with in the 12thFed District? Please refer to response #9877/18/20127/20/2012ATM Restrictions in the buildings proposed? Key Bank Contract? Contract with credit union ATM provider in City HallPlease refer to response #21 and #57 above.887/18/20127/20/2012Please define “free ATM”? Free to consumers or free to the City? To meet the minimum qualification, there should be no fees charged to the consumer from your bank regardless of the consumer’s bank for cash withdrawals? ?The City’s preference is no fees to consumers or the City. Please describe any fees that may be charged to the consumer or the City in your response to question 5.1.2897/18/20127/20/2012Has the City’s 2011 CAFR been completed? If so could we receive a copy of the final product, if not, is there a draft copy available? The 2011 CAFR has not been completed and a draft version is not available.907/18/20127/20/2012Section 4.20.2 (Disaster Preparedness) Would the City please clarify what it anticipates the need to the City would be for a bank to provide in regards to “access to branch location for emergency operations”? Would the City be looking for physical location to move operations to? We would be looking for a physical location to move operations – operations would be Treasury and Investments with access to internet connection, fax and phone line. In addition, we may request a safety deposit box for credit cards and check stock.917/24/127/24/12Please clarify the Community Involvement Excel attachment in the Socially Responsible Banking section:? Our Community Involvement information is stored based on zip codes rather than CRA names.? Would it be possible to get a listing of the zip codes associated with each Community Reporting Area listed in the Community Involvement Response?? Community Reporting Areas are defined by census tract.? One census tract may span multiple zip codes; similarly one zip code may span multiple census tracts.? There is no correlation between U.S. Postal Service ZIP Codes and U.S. Census Bureau geography. The embedded spreadsheet lists the census tracts for each Community Reporting Area.? This information has been provided for your convenience; ?the maps show the boundaries for each CRA.The embedded maps show the Community Reporting Areas and Census 2000 tracts, the Census Tract and Zip Code areas, and additional detail for the Highland Park CRA as portions of the census tracts extend beyond the city limits.? Activities outside the city limits should not be included.? Detail maps of each CRA can be found at: Census munity Reporting AreaCensus tracts & Zip CodesHighland Park CRA ................

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