Project Component - CyberGrants

Project Milestones

|Project Component |Milestones |Target Completion Date |

| |Milestones are the main action steps necessary to implement a program. | |

| | |(6/31/2014) |

|Neighborhood Building/Crime Watch |1. Hire Neighborhood Manager. |1. by 8/2009 |

| |2. Meet with Police Department to develop crime watch program strategies. |2. by 10/2009 |

| |3. Hold community meetings to involve neighborhood residents in crime watch strategies. | |

| |4. Have crime watch committees and captains established. |3. by 11/2009 |

| |5. Have crime watch program up and running. | |

| | |4. by 4/2010 |

| | |5. by 9/2010 |

|Homeowner Rehabilitation |1. Market Rehabilitation Program to all residents. |1. by 6/2009 |

| |2. Develop interested parties list; identify special needs households. |2. by 9/2009 |

| |3. Begin income and eligibility verification and develop waiting list. |3. by 10/2009 |

| |4. Begin performing energy audits and developing work write ups. |4. by 12/2009 |

| |5. Begin homeowner rehabilitation activities. |5. by 4/2010 |

| |6. Identify and coordinate appropriate support service, education and counseling programs. |6. by 4/2010 |

| |7. Continue homeowner rehabilitation activities on 30 homes. | |

| | |7. by 4/2013 |

|Redevelopment Areas |1. Develop specific strategy for at least one Redevelopment Area as defined by the Blueprint for |1. by 1/2010 |

| |Revitalization. | |

| |2. Gain site control. |2. by 9/2010 |

| |3. Make application for funding. |3. by 12/2010 |

| |4. Secure funding and begin construction activities. |4. by 6/2012 |

| |5. Develop specific strategy for second Redevelopment Area. |5. by 1/2012 |

| |6. Gain site control. |6. by 9/2012 |

| |7. Make application for funding. |7. by 12/2012 |

| |8. Secure funding and begin construction activities. |8. by 6/2014 |

|Beautification |Develop detailed strategy for Sponsler Park improvement. |1. by 12/2009 |

| |Secure match funding for Sponsler Park. |2. by 6/2010 |

| |Make application for funding for Sponsler Park. |3. by 10/2010 |

| |Secure funding and make Sponsler Park improvements. |4. by 6/2012 |

| |Initiate meetings with local businesses within adjacent industrial complex to discuss approaches for |5. by 12/2009 |

| |screening and beautification projects. | |

| |Develop strategies and apply for funding for screening and beautification. | |

| |Work with neighborhood residents and borough officials to develop street tree plan. |6. by 12/2010 |

| | | |

| | |7. by 12/2010 |

Project Activities (Outputs)

|Project Component |Outputs |Target Dates |

| |Outputs are quantifiable measures which represent immediate products or services produced by the| |

| |program. | |

| | |(6/31/2014) |

|Neighborhood Building/ Crime Watch |Hold at least 6 community meetings to get crime watch program up and running. |Between 8/2009 & 9/2010 |

| |Identify Block Captains and develop communications network | |

| |Hold quarterly meetings (at a minimum) to maintain crime watch program. |Between 8/2009 & 9/2010 |

| |The Neighborhood Manager will develop and distribute a newsletter in order to keep residents | |

| |informed and to encourage residents to attend quarterly meetings. These newsletters will be |Between 9/2010 & 6/2014 |

| |distributed by mail, e-mail or door to door at least two times per year. Newsletters will | |

| |include all neighborhood activities including; crime watch, homeowner rehabilitation, |Between 8/2009 & 6/2014 |

| |redevelopment activities and beautification. | |

|Homeowner Rehabilitation |1. Identify 30 eligible homeowners whose home needs rehabilitation. |1. Between 6/2009 & 10/2009 |

| |2. Rehabilitate 10 homes per year. | |

| |3. Deliver post homeownership counseling course to 10 homeowners per year whose home were |2. Between 4/2010 & 4/2013 |

| |rehabilitated. Counseling to be provided within 12 months of home rehabilitation. | |

| | |3. Between 4/2010 & 4/2013 |

|Redevelopment Areas |The Neighborhood Manager will utilize the crime watch network to gain neighborhood resident | |

| |input on redevelopment activities. These activities will be discussed at each crime watch |Between 8/2009 & 4/2013 |

| |meeting, which will be held at least quarterly. | |

| |Contact property owners to determine willingness to sell | |

| |Identify 1st priority redevelopment area based on funding opportunities, willingness of property| |

| |owners to negotiate and input from neighborhood residents as received by Neighborhood Manager |Between 8/2009 & 1/2010 |

| |Negotiate with property owners and gain site control |Between 8/2009 & 1/2010 |

| |Develop plans, cost estimates with input from neighborhood residents as received by Neighborhood| |

| |Manager and make applications for funding | |

| |Redevelopment and construction | |

| |Neighborhood Manager to continue to engage neighborhood residents for input on other |Between 1/2010 & 9/2010 |

| |redevelopment areas and negotiate and gain site control. |Between 9/2010 & 12/2010 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Between 6/2012 & 6/2014 |

| | |Between 1/2012 & 6/2014 |

| | | |

|Beautification |The Neighborhood Manager will utilize the crime watch network to gain neighborhood resident |Between 8/2009 & 4/2013 |

| |input on beautification activities. These activities will be discussed at each crime watch | |

| |meeting, which will be held at least quarterly. | |

| |Neighborhood Manager will work with Seda-COG, Berwick Borough’s park planning consultants, to | |

| |get neighborhood resident input in the Sponsler park design. | |

| |Neighbor Manager to act as conduit between neighborhood residents and the borough for final plan|Between 8/2009 & 12/2009 |

| |approval. | |

| |Borough to complete park improvements | |

| |Borough Manager to include Sponsler Park into crime watch program as improvements are made |Between 1/2010 & 6/2010 |

| |Borough Manager to organize a beautification committee, made up of neighborhood residents | |

| |Beautification committee to develop street tree plans and methods for industrial park screening |Between 6/2010 and 6/2012 |

| |Secure funding to plant street trees and screen industrial park |Between 6/2010 and 12/2012 |

| |Plant street trees and begin industrial park screening | |

| | |Between 8/2009 and 12/2009 |

| | | |

| | |Between 1/2010 and 12/2010 |

| | | |

| | |Between 1/2011 and 12/2011 |

| | | |

| | |Between 1/2012 and 6/2014 |

| | | |

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