South East Michigan Field Force Guidance


|1. |

|What is DoDMERB? |

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|2. |

|What does DoDMERB do? |

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|3. |

|How do I schedule a DoDMERB physical? |

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|4. |

|What does DoDMERB do with the physical after I get it done? |

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|5. |

|What decisions can DODMERB make about my physical after they evaluate it? |

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|6. |

|What if I disagree with DoDMERB'S interpretation of my medical history or believe they've made a mistake? Can I ask for the decision to be reconsidered? Yes! |

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|7. |

|OK, I'M medically disqualified. Is it possible to get a waiver from somebody? Yes, in certain circumstances, Who? |

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|8. |

|Who pays for the initial exam? |

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|9. |

|Who pays for the additional tests, evaluations, or information? |

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|10. |

|How come I can't get a real person on the phone? it's very frustrating! |

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|11. |

|What can I do to get the results of my physical faster? |

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|12. |

|Why won't you let me fax documents to you? Wouldn't that make the process go faster? |

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|13. |

|I work at an ROTC Battalion or Detachment. How do I work with DoDMERB to get my scholarship applicants their medical certification? |

| |

|14. |

|What are the links to the Service Academies, ROTC Scholarship programs, and USUHS? |

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|15. |

|How do I know if DODMERB received my physical examination, medical consultation or the records I mailed in? |

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| 1.  What is DoDMERB?     |

|The Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board is located at 8034 Edgerton Drive, Suite 132, United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), CO 80840-2200. It is a |

|tenant organization that has no direct relationship with USAFA. For further information on DoDMERB’s organization, please click here for DoDMERB Organization Page. |

|  |

| 2.  What does DoDMERB do?     |

|It schedules, evaluates, and certifies as medically qualified or disqualified applicants for the US Service Academies, ROTC Scholarship Programs, and the Uniformed Services |

|University of the Health Sciences. Many applicants apply to multiple programs. |

|  |

| 3.  How do I schedule a DoDMERB physical? |

|a.  Applicants for 4 year programs or guaranteed 3 year programs (normally high schoolers) will be forwarded by the programs to DoDMERB AFTER preliminary screening by the |

|program has been completed. A zip code search will be conducted and will “assign” an applicant to the nearest facility. It may be a Military Treatment Facility (MTF) or a |

|government contracted civilian facility (Currently the contract belongs to Concorde, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. They subcontract out to a number of physician, optometrists, and|

|in some cases, audiologists, across the country.) In that case, it may be a physician, and optometrist in two different, but relatively close to each other. Applicants DO |

|have flexibility to determine where they’d like to get their exams. |

|a-1.  Applicants who will be scheduled at MTFs will receive a post card in the mail and be asked to call 1-800-841-2706. |

| |

|a-2.  Applicants who will be scheduled at Concorde will receive a scheduling package in the mail with complete instructions and names, address, and phone numbers of the |

|doctors. |

| |

|b.  Applicants “in college” will have their ROTC Detachments/Battalions coordinate the scheduling of their exams. |

| 4.  What does DoDMERB do with the physical after I get it done? |

|a.  EVALUATE: DoDMERB will evaluate all applicants based on the medical history and findings of the exams.These will be evaluated using the Department of Defense Directive |

|6130.3, Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction. The only Service (e.g. Army, Navy, etc) specific standards will be in the areas of height, weight, |

|body fat, vision. All other standards apply to all applicants. |

| |

|b.  REMEDIALS: After reviewing your physical examination, there may be a requirement for additional tests, evaluations, or information needed to make a qualification |

|decision. If so, you will be notified via letter of these requirements, as well as the requirements being posted on this website. DoDMERB refers to these additional tests, |

|evaluations, or information requirements as “remedials.” Do not call DoDMERB to schedule remedials, rather use the guidence found on the letter that will be mailed to either|

|you or your ROTC detachment. |

| 5.  What decisions can DoDMERB make about my physical after they evaluate it? |

|a.  CERTIFY: DoDMERB will notify the applicant and the program(s) to which they have applied, that the applicant is medically Qualified, Remedial, or Disqualified. |

| |

|b.  QUALIFIED: If the applicant is offered an appointment/scholarship; the applicant accepts the offer; and the applicant is medically qualified, the applicant’s exam will |

|be sent to the program/Detachment/Battalion to serve as their initial medical record. |

| |

|c.  REMEDIAL: As described above, this is a status where DoDMERB is waiting for the applicant to provide additional, tests, evaluations, or information. Dental remedials in |

|some cases may require treatment (e.g – pathology associated with 3rd molars.) |

| |

|d.  DISQUALIFIED: The applicant has been determined to have a condition(s) that does not meet the medical standards. See the sections regarding rebuttals and waivers. |

| 6.  What if I disagree with DoDMERB’S interpretation of my medical history or believe they’ve made a mistake? Can I ask for the decision to be reconsidered?? |

|If the applicant believes the disqualification is incorrect, then the applicant may choose to contact a physician, dentist, etc., of your choice and review the reasons for |

|disqualification. If, after this review, it appears additional or correct information might lead to a reversal of the disqualification, then the applicant may obtain and |

|forward that information as soon as possible to DoDMERB, 8034 Edgerton Drive, Suite 132, USAFA, CO 80840-2200. The cover letter should clearly state that it is a rebuttal. |

|Be sure to write your social security number on all documentation returned to DoDMERB. If your rebuttal is successful, DoDMERB will work with both you and the appropriate |

|agency to finalize your qualified status as quickly as possible. |

| 7.  OK, I’M medically disqualified. Is it possible to get a waiver from somebody? Yes, in certain circumstances, Who? |

|Waivers may be granted by the program to which you’re applying: not DoDMERB! You may submit a request for a waiver of a disqualifying medical condition, in writing, to the |

|Admissions Department of the Service Academy/ROTC Program to which you are applying. A medical waiver allows applicants to enter programs even though they may have a |

|disqualifying condition. Not all conditions are waiverable and the process for waiver consideration varies with each Academy and ROTC program. |

| |

|If you initiate waiver action, there may be ADDITIONAL MEDICAL TESTS, EVALUATIONS OR CONSULTATIONS that must be obtained and evaluated prior to determining your final |

|medical status. Please be prompt in satisfying these additional requirements; it is imperative for your application that these issues be addressed/resolved as soon as |

|possible. Bear in mind, additional information may lead to further inquiries or requirements. |


| |

|U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY (USMA) – There is no need for you to request a waiver. If you are competitive for an offer of admission to the United States Military Academy or one of|

|the preparatory programs, you will automatically be considered for a waiver by USMA. The Admissions Department will contact DODMERB concerning any additional requirements, |

|tests or evaluations for the waiver process.  DoDMERB will contact you concerning these additional requirements. DoDMERB will electronically post the results of any |

|additional requirements to USMA for our review.  USMA will render a decision and will notify you if your waiver request has been denied.  DoDMERB will notify you if your |

|waiver request has been granted.   |

|U.S. ARMY ROTC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (AROTC) – All medically disqualified applicants for this program who wish to be considered for a medical waiver must send a written |

|request to: US ARMY CADET COMMAND, ATTN: ATCC-PA-C, FORT MONROE, VA 23651-5000. |

|U.S. ARMY ROTC COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (ACSP) – Battalion Commander/Professor of Military Science (PMS) will make the determination on whether a request for medical |

|waiver consideration will be submitted.  |

| U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY(USAFA) – All medically disqualified applicants for this program who wish to be considered for a medical waiver must request such action in writing, |

|to HQ USAFA/RRS, 2304 Cadet Drive, Suite 200, USAF ACADEMY, CO 80840-5651. If you are competitive for an appointment and not otherwise disqualified for admission, the United|

|States Air Force Academy Admissions Office will arrange, after receipt of your waiver request, for your medical records to be evaluated for waiver by the Academy Command |

|Surgeon. Questions related to waiver process and/or status of waiver reviews should be directed to the Admissions Office (HQ USAFA/RRS). DoDMERB will notify you, in writing,|

|if additional medical tests, evaluations, or consultations are required and of the results of the waiver decision. |

|U.S. AIR FORCE ROTC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (AFROTC) – There is no need for you to request a waiver. All applicants medically disqualified for the 4-year AFROTC program are |

|automatically reviewed for medical waiver consideration by HQ AETC/SGPS. If the waiver authority requests additional information, tests, or consultations, you will be |

|notified by DoDMERB. DoDMERB will notify you, in writing, if additional medical tests, evaluations, or consultations are required and of the results of the waiver decision. |

|U.S. AIR FORCE ROTC COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (AFCSP) – Detachment Commander/Professor of Air Science (PAS) will make the determination on whether a request for medical |

|waiver consideration will be submitted. |

|U.S. MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY(USMMA) – All medically disqualified applicants for this program who wish to be considered for a medical waiver for any disqualification (except |

|defective color perception), must submit your request in writing to the United States Merchant Marine Academy. WAIVER REQUESTS FOR DEFECTIVE COLOR PERCEPTION WILL NOT BE |

|CONSIDERED. Your records will be reviewed and will be forwarded to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) in Washington, DC, for an independent evaluation. Requests for |

|waiver consideration will be directed to the Admissions Office, United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY 11024-1699. |

|U.S. COAST GUARD ACADEMY(USCGA) - There is no need to request a waiver. If you complete the application and the Admissions Director determines that you will be considered |

|for an offer of admission to the United States Coast Guard Academy or affiliated preparatory school program, you will automatically be considered for a waiver by the USCGA. |

|A member of the Admissions Office will contact you if there are additional requirements for the waiver process.  If you do not submit a completed application by 01 March, |

|you will not be considered for a waiver under any circumstance. WAIVER REQUESTS FOR DEFECTIVE COLOR PERCEPTION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. |

|U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY (USNA) – There is no need for you to request a waiver. If you are competitive for an offer of admission to the United States Naval Academy or one of the |

|preparatory programs, you will automatically be considered for a waiver by USNA. The Admissions Department will contact you if there are additional requirements for the |

|waiver process. |

|U.S. NAVY ROTC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (NROTC) – All medical records of applicants medically disqualified for the NROTC program are automatically forwarded to the Bureau of |

|Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) in Washington, DC for waiver consideration (except defective color perception disqualification) as long as the applicant has not declined the |

|scholarship offer. Applicants will be notified by DoDMERB once a waiver decision has been made. |

|U.S. NAVY ROTC COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (NCSP) - The Naval Service Training Command will forward requests for waiver consideration to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery |

|on only those college program applicants who have been selected for scholarship benefits.  |

|U.S. NAVY ROTC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - U.S. MARINE CORPS OPTION(MROTC) – The Naval Service Training Command will forward requests for waiver consideration to the Bureau of |

|Medicine and Surgery on only those college program applicants who have been selected for scholarship benefits.  |

|UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF THE HEALTH SCIENCES (USUHS) - All medically disqualified applicants for this program who wish to be considered for a medical waiver must |

|request such action in writing, to the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. You will be notified subsequently by the University of the results of your |

|waiver request. Submit your request to Mr. Norman Mitchell, Military Personnel Office, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, |

|Bethesda, MD 20814-4700.   |

| 8.  Who pays for the initial exam?     |

|DoDMERB will pay for the initial exam (medical, dental, optometric, and audio screening) that is performed by the civilian contractor, Concorde, Inc., of Philadelphia, PA. |

|Concorde, Inc., subcontracts out to individual practitioners throughout the contiguous United States. The Department of Defense pays for the initial exam when performed at |

|Military Medical Treatment Facilities. Transportation, lodging, an incidental costs are borne by the applicant and are NOT reimbursable. |

| 9.  Who pays for the additional tests, evaluations, or information?     |

|The Department of Defense will pay for tests and evaluations that are conducted in Military Medical Treatment Facilities. Treatment costs will NOT be paid. If you go to a |

|civilian practitioner, you are responsible for all costs associated with these additional tests, evaluations, or information. Transportation, lodging, etc., costs will be |

|borne by the applicant and will not be reimbursed. |

|10.  How come I can't get a real person on the phone? It's very frustrating? |

|a.  This website’s homepage has a button designed specifically for the applicants to inquire about their medical status. DoDMERB receives between 800-1000 phone calls per |

|day, so this is the most convenient way to go! |

| |

|b.  Email is another method that is relatively hassle free for QUESTIONS not for status requests regarding your application. To contact us with a question, just click on the|

|appropriate section: |

| |

| |

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|c.  DoDMERB’s office hours for phone service are from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM Mountain Time, Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays. Due to the large number of calls we |

|receive daily, DoDMERB utilizes a phone tree answering system to expedite orientation of your call. The main number is 719-333-3562 or for military phones DSN 333-3562. For |

|Service Academies, ROTC 4-year applicants and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences PRESS 1; ROTC Detatchment Personnel PRESS 3; Director DoDMERB or Director |

|of Operations PRESS 4; Military Treatment Facility Liaison PRESS 5; Mail room PRESS 6; For a copy of a non-certified exam PRESS 7. For scheduling of an initial physical ONLY|

|call 1-800-841-2706, DO NOT call this number for a status. |

| |

|d.  DISQUALIFIED: The applicant has been determined to have a condition(s) that does not meet the medical standards. See the sections regarding rebuttals and waivers. |

|11.  What can I do to get the results of my physical faster? |

|The faster you want your results, the faster you need to schedule your exam and respond to any remedial (additional tests, evaluations, and information) requests DoDMERB |

|sends to you. Applicant PROCRASTINATION is normally the reason for delays. This ties into the next item of LAST MINUTE REQUESTS. DoDMERB reviews approximately 25,000 |

|applicant exams per year. You can certainly understand, that PROCRASTINATION, leads to LAST MINUTE REQUESTS,which will significantly delay you from getting what you want; |

|the RESULTS. |

|12.  Why won’t you let me fax documents to you? Wouldn’t that make the process go faster? |

|Faxes do not always present a clear and precise image. There are many test results that lose their accuracy when reproduced through a fax machine; physician handwriting has |

|never been stereotyped for being very legible (for good reason); etc. These reasons, along with DoDMERB’s limited capability to receive that many faxes, would reduce our |

|ability to process your information as fast as possible. Therefore, all types of mail deliveries will be accepted and all mail will be processed in the order it is received.|

|13.  I work at an ROTC Battalion or Detachment. How do I work with DoDMERB to get my scholarship applicants their medical certification? |

|There are a few ways to ensure a quicker and more efficient path to getting your applicants their medical qualification decision: |

| |

|1) Ensure applicant's attend their appointments and complete every aspect of their medical examination and/or remedials, in applicable. |

| |

|2) Monitor DoDMERB's website for each applicant on a frequent basis, at least weekly. |

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|3) Develop a mechanism to track your applicants from the beginning of the process through to certification...frequently monitor your tracking system. |

| |

|4) Ensure your applicants provide DoDMERB the requested information/tests/evaluations in a timely manner, if applicable. |

| |

|5) Follow quidelines set forth in the ROTC Handbook found on our homepage under DETACHMENTS. |

|Army ROTC Guidebook |

|Air Force ROTC Guidebook |

|Navy ROTC Guidebook |

| |

|14.  What are the links to the Service Academies, ROTC Scholarship programs, and USUHS? |

|a.  The US Military Academy's website is |

|b.  The US Naval Academy's website is |

|c.  The US Air Force Academy's website is |

|d.  The US Coast Guard Academy's website is |

|e.  The US Merchant Marine Academy's website is |

|f.   The US Army ROTC's website is |

|g.  The US Navy ROTC's website is |

|h.  The US Air Force ROTC's website is |

|i.   The Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences' website is |

| 15.  How do I know if DODMERB received my physical examination, medical consultation or the records I mailed in? |

|Click on the APPLICANT portion of our website, found on the homepage. Enter your birthdate and social security number to create a password. That will enter you into the |

|DODMERB database where you will be able to view your file. |

| |

|The arrival date of your physical examination is displayed on the "Application Status(s)" page, under the heading "Date exam received at DoDMERB:" |

| |

|The arrival date of your remedial is not yet available for display. However, DoDMERB is developing the software to display your remedials arrival date...we anticipate it to |

|be ready in the fall of 2006 and it will be displayed similarly to the way the "Date exam received at DoDMERB" is displayed. In the meantime, please wait 3-weeks from the |

|time you mailed in your remedial for a change to be reflected in the "Medical Status" of your examination, found on the "Application Status(s)" page. If no change has |

|occurred, please feel comfortable in calling DoDMERB to inquire about your medical status utilizing the phone numbers found on our homepage under "CONTACT US". |


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