The University of Western Australia

4th October 2018Members of the Curriculum CommitteeActing Dean of Coursework Studies as Chair (Professor Graham Brown) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) (Professor Peter J. Dean)Nominee of the Chair of Academic Board (Professor Robyn Carroll)Nominee of the Dean of Graduate Research School (Dr Sato Juniper)Academic Secretary (Dr Kabilan Krishnasamy)Nominee of the Director, Future Students (Recruitment) (Mr Joel Wittwer)Nominee of the Associate Director, Admissions (Mr Rick Ackerman)Senior Manager, Student Services (Ms Di Regan-Roots)Academic Coordinator, Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) (Dr Kathy Sanders)Nominee of the President of the UWA Student Guild (Mr Conrad Hogg)Nominee of the President of the Postgraduate Students’ Association (Mr Alexander Tan)Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) of each faculty or nominee and the nominee of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Education):Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education (Professor Philip Hancock) (Deputy Chair)Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (Associate Professor Dianne Hesterman)Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (Dr Daniela Ulgiati)Faculty of Science (Associate Professor Peter Hammond) (Associate Chair)School of Indigenous Studies (Mr Mel Thomas)IN ATTENDANCEMs Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Dean of Coursework StudiesMs Jessica Stubbs, Office of the Dean of Coursework StudiesCURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY 10TH October 2018This is to confirm that the next meeting of the Curriculum Committee will be held from 2.00pm to 4.00pm on Wednesday 10th October in the Senate Room. Members are advised that this agenda has been formatted to be ‘electronic device friendly’ by including bookmarks to provide easier navigation throughout the document. Click here for details.Part 2 of the agenda relates to items for decision to be dealt with en bloc by motion by the Chair. Part 3 is for discussion. A member may request the transfer of an item from Part 2 to Part 3.Relevant background information has been provided for each item on the agenda, but if members require further details they are welcome to contact the Executive Officer (via Kath WilliamsExecutive Officer, Office of the Dean of Coursework StudiesWELCOMEThe Chair will welcome members to the meeting of the Curriculum Committee.APOLOGIESThe Chair will record any apologies. Members are reminded that apologies should be forwarded to the Executive Officer (via eo-deancswk prior to the meeting.DECLARATIONS OF POTENTIAL FOR CONFLICT OR PERCEIVED CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Chair will invite members to declare potential for conflict or perceived conflicts of interest, if applicable, with regard to items on the agenda. MINUTES – Ref: F68752Confirmation of the:minutes of last meeting 11th July 2018;noting of decisions 22nd August 2018; andnoting of decisions 19 September 2018.Minutes are available from the Committee’s web page.PART 2 – ITEMS FOR DECISION TO BE DEALT WITH EN BLOCRESCISSION OF UNITS IN UWA COURSES FROM 2019TRIMCodeTitleCurriculumF43709SCOM5703Science and the MediaNoneF40261SCOM5304Science Communication PracticumF47221SSEH7701Interdisciplinary StudiesMembers will note that the units listed above are no longer required in any course.The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve that the units listed above be rescinded from 2019.rescission of pre-2012 units from 2019CodeTitleRMED6601Personal and Professional Development (Rural and Remote Medicine) Part 1RMED6602Personal and Professional Development (Rural and Remote Medicine) Part 2The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the rescission of the pre-2012 units listed above, effective from 2019.CHANGES TO UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM From 2019Planned annual changes to undergraduate curriculum may occur at the unit level and/or major level and/or honours level and will need to take place, where relevant, in line with the University Policy on Changes to Units and University Policy on Courses – Undergraduate.To this end, the Committee is asked to consider the following change proposals:Bachelor of ArtsItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF37885F29285F37884F18/2860F18/2861MJD-FRNHA French StudiesMJD-FRNHB French StudiesMJD-FRNHI French StudiesFREN2800 Language and Culture in French PolynesiaFREN3800 Language and Culture in French PolynesiaChange to unit sequence2 new units A1F29295MJD-MUSST Music StudiesChange to unit sequenceA15The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve:the proposed changes to MJD-FRNHA French Studies, MJD-FRNHB French Studies and MJD-FRNHI French Studies & associated new unit proposals (FREN2800 & FREN3800);the Broadening Category A status for FREN2800 & FREN3800;the proposed changes to MJD-MUSST Music Studies;to be effective from 2019, as set out in the agenda attachments.Bachelor of ScienceItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF29710F18/2994MJD-ENGSC Engineering ScienceENSC1003 Introduction to Professional EngineeringChange to unit sequenceChange to structure1 new unitB1The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to MJD-ENGSC Engineering Science and associated new unit proposal ENSC1003, as set out in the agenda attachments, effective from 2019.changes to postgraduate curriculum from 2019Planned annual changes to postgraduate curriculum may occur at the unit level and/or postgraduate course level and will need to take place, where relevant, in line with the University Policy on Changes to Units and Courses – Postgraduate Coursework.To this end, the Committee is asked to consider the following change proposals:Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education Graduate School of Education ItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF8037732550 Master of Teaching – Secondary (coursework)Satisfactory progress ruleC1The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to 32550 Master of Teaching – Secondary (coursework), to be effective from 2019, as set out in the agenda attachments.School of Social SciencesItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF8142072380 Graduate Diploma in Forensic AnthropologyChange to course structureD1The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to 72380 Graduate Diploma in Forensic Anthropology, to be effective from 2019, as set out in the agenda attachments.UWA Business SchoolItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF7917242580 Master of Public Policy (coursework or coursework and dissertation)Change to course structureE1The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to 42580 Master of Public Policy (coursework or coursework and dissertation), to be effective from 2019, as set out in the agenda attachments.UWA Law SchoolItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF550920320 Graduate Diploma in LawChange to course structureF1F2583F5591320560 Master of Commercial and Resources Law (coursework)21510 Master of International Commercial Law(coursework)Change to course structureF4The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to 20320 Graduate Diploma in Law, 20560 Master of Commercial and Resources Law (coursework), 21510 Master of International Commercial Law (coursework), to be effective from 2019, as set out in the agenda attachments.Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences ItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF3516162550 Master of Professional EngineeringChange to course structureG1The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to 62550 Master of Professional Engineering, to be effective from 2019, as set out in the agenda attachments.Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF3898590240 Graduate Certificate in Emergency MedicineResearchChange to course structureChange to admissions rulesH1F1570711260 Graduate Certificate in Mental Health PracticeChange to AQF detailsChange to time limitH5F14793F14794F14793 91340 Graduate Diploma in Health ProfessionsEducation90570 Master of Health Professions Education(coursework and dissertation)90670 Master of Health Professions Education (thesisand coursework)Change to course structureH7The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to:90240 Graduate Certificate in Emergency Medicine Research;11260 Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Practice;91340 Graduate Diploma in Health Professions Education, 90570 Master of Health Professions Education (coursework and dissertation) and 90670 Master of Health Professions Education (thesis and coursework);to be effective from 2019, as set out in the agenda attachments.ItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF656291550 Master of Public Health (coursework orcoursework and dissertation)Change to course structureChange to about this courseChange to additional rules I1F3512492550 Master of Public Health (coursework)Change to course structure Change to type of degreeChange to structure type I6F3512592560 Master of Public Health (coursework anddissertation)Rescinded subject to continuing students being able to re-enrol and completeI13The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee:approve the proposed changes to 91550 Master of Public Health (coursework or coursework and dissertation) and 92550 Master of Public Health (coursework), as set out in the agenda attachments, effective from 2019;recommend to the Academic Council that 92560 Master of Public Health (coursework and dissertation) be rescinded subject to continuing students being able to re-enrol and complete effective from 2019.ItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF2357611550 Master of Social Work (coursework or coursework and dissertation)Change to admission rulesJThe Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to 11550 Master of Social Work (coursework or coursework and dissertation), as set out in the agenda attachments, to be effective from 2019.Faculty of ScienceItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF71477F18/1841F18/1846F18/1843F18/1842F18/184873520 Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology(coursework)SSEH4489 Advanced Exercise RehabilitationSSEH5644 Neurological RehabilitationSSEH5647 Chronic and Complex Conditions 2SSEH5693 Industry Practicum 3SSEH5699 Exercise Physiology Clinical PortfolioChange to course structureChange to type of degree courseChange to admission requirementsChange to additional rulesChange to course articulations 5 new unitsK1F3518352510 Master of Exercise Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation)Change to admission rulesChange to course structureK19F5890971540 Master of Health Science (coursework)Change to course structureChange to admission rulesK26The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to:73520 Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (coursework) and associated new unit proposals (SSEH4489, SSEH5644, SSEH5647, SSEH5693 & SSEH5699);52510 Master of Exercise Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation);71540 Master of Health Science (coursework);to be effective from 2019, as set out in the attachments.ItemTRIMCurriculum itemChange summaryAttF2778151390 Graduate Diploma in Sport and Recreation ManagementOffered as Exit Award onlyLThe Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the proposed change to 51390 Graduate Diploma in Sport and Recreation Management be approved, to be effective from 2019, as set out in the agenda attachments.Amendment of the City of Albany Prize – ref f54951In accordance with the University Policy on Prizes the Curriculum Committee is responsible for the establishment, amendment or rescission of undergraduate prizes for pass or honours degree courses. In addition in accordance with the University Policy on Prizes, the minimum value for a prize at the pass degree course level is $1,500.The attached amended prize conditions (Attachment M1) for the City of Albany Prize, have been received from the Prizes Unit and the Committee is asked to approve these amendments.The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed amendments to the City of Albany Prize in accordance with the prize conditions as attached to the Agenda (Attachment M1).In so recommending it should be noted that the prize will be funded and managed by UWA Albany.PART 3 – ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND DECISIONnew undergraduate unattached elective units from 2019Members are asked to consider the following proposed new unattached electives for offering from 2019:ItemTRIMCurriculum itemDegreeAttF18/1997F18/1996F18/2672F18/2675F18/2674F18/2970MUSC1591 Music Large Ensemble 1MUSC1592 Music Large Ensemble 2MUSC2591 Music Large Ensemble 3MUSC2592 Music Large Ensemble 4MUSC3591 Music Large Ensemble 5MUSC3592 Music Large Ensemble 6BAN1Members will note that the units have been devised for administrative expediency.For discussion and approval.University policy on Admission: Coursework - Proposed amendments to Schedule A – Ref F79902 Members are asked to consider the following change proposals to Schedule A of the University Policy on Admission: Coursework UP16/5:AQF Diplomas and Advanced DiplomasMembers will note that Schedule A (Part 4) of the University Policy on Admission: Coursework (UP16/5) sets out the requirements for demonstrating English language competence by students who have undertaken degree studies that are taught and examined in English in Australia.It is proposed that the University accept successfully completed Australian Qualification Diplomas (Level 5) and Advanced Diplomas (Level 6), which have a duration of at least one year, as satisfying the University’s standard English Language requirements.Attached for members’ consideration are the following:Request from Admissions (Attachment O1).An amendment in ‘track changes’ to Schedule A (Part 4) of the University Policy on Admission - Coursework UP16/5 (Attachment O5 – O6).For discussion and recommendation to the Academic Council Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency It is proposed that the University recognise the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency as evidence of meeting English Language competence.Attached for members’ consideration are the following:Request from Admissions (Attachment P1).An amendment in ‘track changes’ to Schedule A of the University Policy on Admission - Coursework UP16/5 (Attachment P33).For discussion and recommendation to the Academic Council.NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting of the Curriculum Committee will be held on Wednesday 14th November at 2pm in the Senate Room. The cut-off date for submission of items for the committee’s agenda is Wednesday 31st October. Please refer any issues for discussion to the Executive Officer, Ms Kath Williams ( ................

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