
The Midweek Visitor

First United Methodist Church

Our mission is to lead persons to Christ and disciple believers

November 12, 2014

Serving the people of Manchester since 1813 (931) 728-4624

Senior Pastor, Rev. Randall T. Brown (615) 521-3346

We Are Transformers

Wow ! It is amazing to see your service commitments and your financial commitments continue to come in.  Because of you many people will be blessed, lives will be touched, and transformation will happen.  Financial commitment forms are available, as well as service commitment sheets in the church office. Don't forget that Charge Conference is this coming Sunday @ 1:00 in the Church Parlor.

On Sunday, November 30, Bishop Morris will be here to preach and, yes, he will sing too.  Since that is the 5th Sunday we will only have one service. Because of radio commitments, we will have the joint service at 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School will be at the regular time.  A special evening of Music featuring the women’s trio, men’s trio, solo by Brooke Hazen and a congregational sing along is being planned for the evening of Nov. 30th. Soup and sandwiches will be served in the Fellowship Hall.

   See you Sunday at the Father's house,

  Brother Randy

Children’s Corner

Friday night, November 14, children grades 1-5 will meet at the church from 5:00-9:00 for the next long rehearsal of "Miracle on Main Street."  We will work hard, play hard and hopefully get a lot done.  Our adult friends who have a part in the drama are invited to come at 8:00 p.m. so we can have our first complete run through.  Please be praying for this musical as we prepare to minister to the Manchester Police force and to some of our senior adults.  We will perform the show two times on Sunday, December 14 at 4:00 and 6:00.  The 4:00 show is geared to our police force and to senior adults.  We will honor them with a snack supper at 5:00.

I hope that I can be the first to invite you to a Christmas party!  The fun is on Wednesday night, December 17 at 5:15.  We will have a covered dish meal, (sponsored by the best cooks in Manchester...YOU), a real ventriloquist at 6:00, and a rotation of fun activities for the family at 6:30.  We will have free portraits with not only Mr. Claus, but Mrs. Claus as well!  Please put this event on your calendar.

This week in our Orange curriculum, we'll discuss the parable that Jesus told about the vineyard workers who were ungrateful and complaining because they thought things were not fair (Matthew 20:1-5).  The things we want the kids to know is this:  take time to adjust your attitude.  We change our whole outlook on life if we take the time to think about all that we've been given instead of comparing ourselves to others.  Thanks for bringing your children to learn these lessons that will help them become great people...just like you.

Love,Ms. Cindy

Randa’s Youth News

Fall and November are in full swing in the youth program here at Manchester FUMC. Yesterday in Sunday school we started a new series called “ALL IN.” We talked about: Give Something – You have the power to serve in a powerful way.

Let’s be honest. The subject of giving to help others makes us all a little nervous. It’s not that we don’t want to help others or give to the needy, it’s that most of us feel like we don’t have much to offer. Maybe you have an allowance or a part-time job, but that doesn’t mean you’re exactly rolling in the dough. What can your two, five or ten bucks do to help someone, really?

As a student, it’s easy to feel powerless when it comes to giving and serving others. But what if that isn’t true? What if we have more power to help others than we realize? What if giving isn’t as complicated as we make it? The book of Proverbs teaches that we all have the power to give.

THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO VOLUNTEERED TO HELP THE YOUTH WITH THE SERVICE COMMITMENT CARDS. I’ll be in contact with you in the near future to see where you think you might want to serve and help. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!

Don’t forget to sign up for warmth in winter 2015. If you need a permission/health form let me know. The cost is $125 and the dates are January 30-Febuary 1, 2015.

Thank you to the people who’ve paid the deposit for Big Stuff. Please get your deposit of $50 in ASAP. The cost for Big Stuff is $360. The dates for Big Stuff are June 8-12, 2015. If you need financial help with either of these please let me know.

Sunday, November 16, 2014, we’ll be packing Operation Christmas Shoe boxes. Please encourage your youth to bring in items for that. Items can include pens, paper, small stuffed animals, combs, tooth brushes, soap, wash cloths, small coloring books, crayons, markers, colored pencils, toy cars, jewelry, books and flip flops. We’ll meet from 6-8 p.m.. Have a great and blessed week. Be a blessing to someone in need.

In the grip of his grace, Randa

A Note From Dana …

An elderly man was wondering if his wife had a hearing problem. So one night, he stood behind her while she was sitting in her lounge chair. He spoke softly to her, "Honey, can you hear me?"

There was no response. He moved a little closer and said again, "Honey, can you hear me?"

Still, there was no response. Finally he moved right behind her and said, "Honey, can you hear me?"

She replied, "For the third time, Yes!"

In the Scriptures Jesus often times used parables as devices to teach spiritual truth. And often times Jesus would say to his listeners “ He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”  But what about those who didn’t understand the message? Why didn’t Jesus take the time to explain the parables like he did with His disciples? There is some insight into this in Matthew 13:11-13: He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and they will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.  This is why I speak to them in parables.”

So maybe the real question is not why do people not want to hear God’s voice. But rather, WHY DO WE WANT to hear God’s voice? Is it possible that God is trying to speak to you and me today but we are not paying attention? Let’s pray to God so that He may give us “ears to hear!”

Grace and Peace, Dana 

Choir Rehearsals

Men’s Chorus will rehearse at 5 p.m. in the choir room this coming Sunday.

The Sanctuary Handbell Choir is meeting on Monday at 5:00 p.m. in the choir room.

The Sanctuary Handbell Choir is meeting on Monday at 5:00 p.m. in the choir room.

Children’s Choirs are meeting on Wednesday’s at 6 p.m.

The Sanctuary Choir meets on Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. in the choir room. More information on following page.

Community-Wide Thanksgiving Service

The Manchester Ministerial Association will again this year sponsor the Community Wide Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, at the Encounter Life Church, locted at 1006 Oakdale Street here in Manchester (just past Westwood School). The service begins at 7 p.m. and a nursery is provided.

This year’s guest preacher will be Rev. Jimmy D. Wright who is pastor of the Manchester First Church of the Nazarene. There will be a love offering taken to benefit GOOD SAMARITAN of Manchester. Music is being provided by the Praise Band from Encounter Life. Come and enjoy a wonderful evening of Thanksgiving and worship.

Attention!!!!!!!! Attention!!!!! Attention

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Nov. 5, 12, 19, Dec. 3, 10

The Case for Christmas by Lee Strobel

Lee Strobel is a New York Times Bestselling Author. He is a former reporter for the Chicago Tribune, and this book is insightful and informative.  Lee asks the question, Who was in the manger that first Christmas morning?  In his awarding-winning style of journalism, Lee Strobel  digs into the Eyewitness Evidence, Scientific Evidence, Profile Evidence, and Fingerprint Evidence, and lets you weigh the facts and decide for yourself who was in the manger that  first Christmas morning. Join Bro. Randy and Rachel Brown as they teach this class together in the Parlor for these five Wednesday evenings @ 6:00 p.m.    P.S. Books are $10.00 This is one you will want to keep for years to come.


Make your plans for the Sunday evenings in November-December.

Nov. 30  Soup and Sandwich Meal at 5:15 , Christmas Sing Along Concert 6:00, FellowshipHall Featuring: Guest Soloist from our Congregation, Our Women's Trio, Our Men's Quartet, Our Adult Choir  and the Congregation singing Christmas Carols

Dec. 7 All Church members invited to go Christmas Caroling to Shut In's and Nursing Homes.

Dec. 14 Children's Christmas Program

Dec. 21 Adult Chancel Choir  Christmas Cantata  6:00 p.m.

Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Communion and Candle-light   6:00 p.m.  and 11:00 p.m. 

Church Office Closed  Dec.  24-26, 31 and Jan 1. 

Christmas at Beersheba

Thursday, December 4, 2014, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., please come and enjoy special Christmas music, bountiful Christmas lunch, singing of Christmas carols, and worship service. The Conference Office is holding 20 reservations for MFUMC. Please make checks payable to: TN Conference. Give your check for $15 to confirm each reservation to Wade Stevenson no later than November 2, 2014. Register Now!!! Space is limited!

Good Sam Workers for November 17

The following are Good Sam volunteers for Nov. 17: Marie Kimble, Ann Spaulding, Mike Childs, JaNelle Burt and Ed Turner

Ushers Needed

Our church needs three ushers for the 8:25 worship service. Please call Bob Leonard at 728-1077 if you can help.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor. Do you have an extra hour on the second Tuesday of each month? If you do, we’d enjoy having you join our ministry. We work together in fun and fellowship as we create with our hands and yarn and needles a warm, soft hug in the form of a prayer shawl.


Randa and the youth will be enjoying a Progressive Dinner on December 14. Two “Eat” stops are still to be determined. One is for appetizers and the other is for the main course. Please see Randa if you can help.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

The Pastor’s Bible Study is Wednesday, at 9:00 a.m., in the Parlor.The class will be studying Romans, Chapter 2.

Prayer Group

The Prayer Group meets each Wednesday evening at 6:15 p.m. in the Chapel. Prayer Concern sheets are at the Welcome Center. The Prayer Concern sheets are updated weekly.

Practice Makes Perfect

The Sanctuary Choir will have a “bonus” rehearsal on Saturday, November 15, from 9 a.m. till noon, in the Sanctuary. We will be working ONLY on the Christmas Cantata. The Fellowship Hall will be in use on November 15, so come around to the center stairwell to get to the choir room.

This week is it! The week we bless the GO boxes on the altar. Lots of children are going to be blessed because of your efforts. If you haven't brought your Gospel Opportunity box, please have it here Sunday. They will be blessed at both services. Thank you for your interest and effort with this project. What a wonderful and fun way to serve the Lord.

Manchester FUMC Website

Be sure to check the church WEBSITE regularly to get lots of information about the mission and ministry of Manchester First! Our web address is: . You may listen to Pastor Randy’s sermons by clicking on the “media” link or download the current Mid-Week Visitor Newsletter (just click “the midweek visitor”!). Pretty cool.

Charge Conference

The Annual Charge Conference will be held on Sunday, November 16, at 1:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.

How many youth does

it take to fill Operation Christmas Shoe boxes? Lots, we hope. That would mean that lots of children who normally never get gifts, would get a box of treasures that someone bought just for them. Each of our youth should grab a friend, tell them about the boxes, shop together to fill the boxes, then come to Manchester FUMC together to assemble them. You can have fun and do something to help someone else at the same time. We hope to see lots of youth here on Sunday, November 16, 2014, from 6-8 p.m.

Password Protected

Please don’t forget LeAnna Truesdale. Visit her on her blog: leannatruesdale.. For her safety and that of her team, her blog is now password protected. Call the church office if you would like to have her password. She still wants to share what she is doing. She is currently in Thailand and next month will be in Laos.

One Service

On Sunday, November 30, we will only have one worship service. That service will be at 10:55 a.m. Sunday School will be at it’s regularly scheduled time of 10:00 – 10:40 a.m.

New Sunday School Class

A new Sunday School class has been formed for the youth. Come join us this Sunday. Bring a friend. Maybe the friend who’s going to help you shop and assemble Operation Christmas Shoe boxes would like to come to Sunday School with you.

Sallie O’Neal/Anniversary Fellowship

The Sallie O’Neal/Anniversary Fellowship will meet Monday, Nov. 17, at 7:00 at the home of Nancy Cummins. JaNelle Burt will present the program on the World Thank Offering. Please come prepared to participate in this program with a picture of something you’re thankful for.


A gift in memory of Shawn Jennings was made to Children’s Ministries by Mike and Julie Giffin.

I Will Support My Church With My Prayers

God’s World & Our Nation

Jay Newton; Terra Bingham; Allen Stone; Michael Starr; Cameron Wainright; Craig Johnson; Justin Hendrix, Landon Norwood, Nick Hill, & all in the military & their families.

Leah Hershman James Ayer Rosalie Stringfellow

Linda Langham Jon McHann Marjorie Hobson

Coolidge & Donna Holt Elizabeth Arney Bill Hazen

Johnny & Matilda Locke Sharon Brown Bill & Sibbie Johnson

Margaret Woods Virginia Murchison Daniel Bellamy

Nell Inglish Sabrina Gilliam Dave Owen

Natalie Caldwell Putman LeAnna Truesdale

Kai (grandson of Wade & Ann Stevenson) crawling on his


Mr. O’Quinn, 5-28-14, health is declining (Juliann O’Quinn’s


Dorothy Bon, 6-23-14, pray that her breathing improves so she

will no longer need supplemental oxygen

Phil Tarver, 8-3-14, now at home at McArthur Manor, Room D-41

Maggie Leptrone, age 16, 8-11-14, has been to Mayo Clinic & had

a battery of tests hoping for a diagnosis and treatment

(granddaughter of Ken & Marie Kimble)

Vivian Henley, 9-2-14, total healing of shoulder.

Dallas Kingston Love (Nancy Daniel’s new little great nephew), is

now home but without a diagnosis.

Hilde Thormaehlen is home now at McArthur Manor, Room A-8

Gale Foley has moved to McArthur Manor, Room D-48.

I Will Support My Church With My Presence

Attendance November 9

Sunday School – 103

8:25 service – 91

10:55 service – 123

Worship Total - 214

I Will Support My Church With My Gifts

November 2

Sunday School 69.00

Good Samaritan 100.00

Missions 387.00

Coffee Time 20.00

Youth Fund 20.00

Childrens Fund 150.00

Music 100.00

Operation Christmas Child 50.00

Needed weekly 9,304.17

Budget Contribution 8,543.00

Year-to-date offering 409,122.07

Offering needed to date 418,464.33

(+/-) Difference (-9,342.26)

I Will Support My Church With My Service


Nov. 16 8;25 Elijah McCoy

10:55 Cayden Miller

Nov. 23 8:25 Megan Fibelkorn

10:55 Natalee Putman

Building Checkers

Week of Nov 16 Don Inglish

Week of Nov. 23 Claus Thormaehlen


November Stephanie Hershman

December Judy & Lee Brooks


November Max Hester & Claus Thormaehlen

December Richard Dix

Coffee Time

Nov. 16 Brenda Fibelkorn

Nov. 23-30 Stan & Judy McHann

Altar Guild

November Anita Turner & JaNelle Burt

December Brenda Bryan & Brenda Clark


Nov. 16 8:25 Ben & Ann Spaulding

10:25 Jean Johanson & Beverly Smith

Nov. 23 8:25 Ben & Ann Spaulding

10:25 Richard & Phyllis Dix

Kitchen Monitor

November TBA

December Lois Thormaehlen

Welcome Center

Nov. 16 8:15 Lois Thormaehlen

10:15 Bill & Ruth Jones

Baking / Visiting for 1st Time Visitors

Nov. 16 Baking Melissa Cope Visiting Susan & Mark Yother

Nov. 23 Baking Mary Lou Hunt Visiting Bea Ferrell

Sound Tech

Nov. 16 8:25 Ken Huddleston 10:55 Ken Huddleston

Nov. 23 8:25 TBA 10:55 Jared Hershman


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