
Pipeline Works Authorisation (PWA)

& Deposit Consent


Name of Project incl Field: XXXX

PA ref: to be supplied by OGA

Operator Document No: XXXX – to be supplied by Operator

Contact: Name (Holder)

Role: Job Title

Email: work email address

Tel: work telephone number

Earliest proposed start of work: DD MMM YY (Any works associated with the application to include deposits)

Mobilisation Date: DD MMM YY

Completion Instructions:

1. All questions must be answered in the order they are presented.

2. The numbering of the questions is not to be altered.

3. All Company Names are to be shown as per Companies House.

4. Additional information is to be provided in the relevant section following from the main paragraph.

5. All coordinates must be provided in WGS84 format (XXO XX’ XX.XX”N XXO XX’ XX.XX”E).

6. All coordinates must be provided in WGS84 format (XXO XX’ XX.XX”N XXO XX’ XX.XX”W).

7. All Table As and DepCon Forms are to be provided in landscape.

8. All attached drawings or schematics must be a high resolution, legible, use the full A4 space with routes and co-ordinates shown in bold.

9. Operators must remove notes from drawings & tables that are no longer applicable to the proposed works.

10. Following completion of all works & associated testing, “As Built” information must be submitted to OGA.

11. If Branding must be used it should be restricted to the front page only.

12. Please ensure the application is thoroughly checked before submitting to OGA.

13. Remove OGA advice in red including completion instructions and change blue text to black. Do Not remove wording already in black.

14. Please do not remove Version number/date from the footer on page 1 – Coversheet.

15. Please ensure the application file size is no larger than 10mb.

16. Submit this application as 1 pdf initially to claire.grant@ogauthority.co.uk and thereafter to the case officer.

Document Control - Optional - to be completed by the Operator

Insert completed Tables of Document revisions as per example below

Approvals- Optional - to be completed by the Operator

| |Name |Signature |Date |

|Prepared by | | |DD MMM YY |

|Reviewed by | | | |

|Approved by | | | |

Revision Control – to be completed by the Operator

|Revision No |Reference |Changes/Comments |Issue Date |

|0 |Issued for comments to OGA | |DD MMM YY |

|1 |Application revised following feedback | | |

| |provided on review on DD MMM YY. | | |

| |… | | |

|5 |Final Issued Version | | |

Distribution List – Optional - to be completed by the Operator

|Name |Company |No of Copies |

|………… | | |

| | | |

| | | |


1 Introduction 4

2 Administrative Details 4

2.1 Overview - Description and diagram of project 4

2.2 Reference to Field Development Plan 5

2.3 Licence and block numbers 5

2.4 Approximate Location from shore 5

2.5 HSE 500m Safety Zone & PSR Notification 5

2.6 Method of transportation to shore 5

2.7 Pipeline Landfall details 5

2.8 Method of pipeline installation & Schedule 6

2.9 Pollution Liability Statement (OPOL member) 6

2.10 Block Crossing Agreements 6

2.11 Telecom cable crossings (KIS-ORCA) 7

2.12 Pipeline Crossing Agreements 7

2.13 Median Line Agreement 7

2.14 Applicant 7

2.15 Holder, User, Operator and Owner information 9

2.16 Transboundary environmental impact 10

2.17 Environmental permits 10

2.18 Decommissioning plans 10

3 Technical Details 10

3.1 Pipeline design 10

3.2 Design life of Pipeline and estimated field life 11

3.3 Fluid composition 11

3.4 Umbilical Details 11

3.5 Pipeline Route Details 12

3.6 Limits of deviation 12

3.7 Design/Operating Limits 12

3.8 Corrosion Management Strategy 12

3.9 Future tie-ins 12

3.10 Trenching 13

4 Table A(s) and schematic(s) 13

5 Permanent Deposits 32

6 Temporary Deposits 32

7 Earliest Installation date and date brought into use 32

8 Admiralty Chart 33

Annex A - Umbilical Cross Section and layout 31

Annex X - Deposit Consent Table(s) and drawing(s) 33

Annex X – Block Crossing Agreements 36

Annex X – Cable Crossing Agreements 37

Annex X – Pipeline Crossing Agreements 38

Annex X - Partner Approval Letters 39

Annex X – Bathymetric Data 40

Annex X - Admiralty Chart 41

Note 1: - Once all sections within the application have been completed: Please right click on the contents page above and select “Update Field” then “Update Page Numbers Only”. This will ensure the location of text in the application matches the contents page exactly.

Note 2: - Please remove Annex references if not required in the application.


Insert introductory paragraph outlining a brief description of the project, referencing the field, the subsea infrastructure to be installed, as per example in blue.

In accordance with the Petroleum Act 1998 and under the Guidance of the Oil and Gas Authority guidance notes (Company Name of PWA Holder) apply for authorisation to construct and use a 7” Production Pipeline, 3” NB gas lift flowline, Controls umbilical pipeline, 6” production jumper, 3” gas lift jumper and Control jumpers.

Administrative Details

2.1 Overview - Description and diagram of project

Insert a brief description of the project, why it is needed (see example in blue). Provide an overall project layout diagram showing pipeline(s) to be covered by the Authorisation and route of the pipeline(s) see below drawing.

For the purposes of this PWA application the scope of the (Field Name) Development pipelines system is as follows;

• 7” NB production flowline

• 3” NB gas lift flowline

• Controls umbilical pipeline

In addition, short well rigid jumpers and control jumpers will be required:

• 6” production jumper

• 3” gas lift jumper

• Control jumpers

The (Field Name) reservoir will be initially developed using a single production well. This well was drilled in mid YYYY to appraise the discovery and was completed as a production well with the wellhead installed and suspended in anticipation of production in January YYYY. A second well may be drilled to develop upside in the area, contingent on the performance of the first. Production wells will be gas lifted. The reservoir will require water injection for pressure maintenance. The design and location of the water injection well and flowline are currently being considered and will be subject of a variation to this PWA once the detail is finalised. Nonetheless, provision for a water injection well has been included in the initial facilities design.


2.2 Reference to Field Development Plan

Provide a statement confirming the application is compliant with the FDP (see example in blue).

The proposed works outlined in this application are consistent with the development as described in the FDP.

2.3 Licence and block numbers

Insert the details as per example in blue.

The (Field Name) is located in block 1 in the Northern North Sea (licences P1 and P2) with pipelines crossing blocks 2/1a, 2/1b and 3.

2.4 Approximate Project location from shore

Provide the approximate location details as per example in blue.

The project location is approximately XXXkm due east of Aberdeen.

2.5 HSE 500m Safety Zone & PSR Notification

A statement should be provided stating the action taken to satisfy Regulation 22 in regards to the Pipelines Safety Regulation (PSR) notification including date (month and year) it will be submitted.  Please liaise with HSE directly HSE Aberdeen or HSE Norwich. A timely submission in advance of work is advised to avoid potential delays.

Select whether or not work will be carried out within a HSE recognised safety zone.

Works will be carried out totally within a HSE recognised 500m safety zone (name of structure).


Works will be carried out totally outside a HSE recognised 500m safety zone.


Works will be carried out partially within a HSE recognised 500m safety zone (name of structure).

2.6 Method of transportation to shore

State the method of transportation to shore, if not applicable then state is it not applicable to this project, see example in blue.

This is not applicable to this project.


Processed oil is stored on the FPSO before being exported onshore by tanker. Gas is either exported via a 16” flowline to Platform and onward to the SAGE system, or used as fuel or lift gas.

2.7 Pipeline landfall details

Insert the details of nearest landfall, see example in blue.

All facilities associated with this development are wholly offshore and subsea.


Pipelines come ashore at (location).

2.8 Method of pipeline installation & schedule

Insert the details of the method of pipeline installation, see example in blue.

Installation is scheduled to begin in (state date MMM YY) using a dynamically positioned pipe lay vessel. The pipeline will be installed using the S-lay method.

Proposed works which are to be undertaken using a campaign approach should include the following timeline information in the application in the format below. Applicants should ensure that the completed table matches the supporting permit applications to other relevant organisations. The works schedule should be in date order going forward. Please remove the following information if proposed works are not to be undertaken in a campaign approach.

Campaign Works Proposed Schedule

|Pipelines |Schedule for completion of Works |

|PL1, PL2, PL3 etc. |Mar 18 – Dec 18 |

|PL4, PL5, PL6 etc. |Mar 18 – Feb 19 |

2.9 Pollution Liability Statement (OPOL member)

Insert the statement below in blue to confirm that your Company has funds available to discharge any liability for damage attributable to the release or escape of anything from the pipeline, referencing OPOL.

Liability insurance in respect of North Sea operations is arranged under the General Third Party Liability Risk Insurance and the complementary arrangements effected under the Offshore Pollution Liability Agreement (OPOL) of (Company Name).

2.10 Block Crossing Agreements

Complete table to show details of all blocks crossed and reference the Block Crossing Agreements letters which should be provided in an Annex, see example in blue.

All blocks to be crossed are 100% owned by (Company Name - applying for authorisation) therefore no block crossings are required.


The pipeline traverses blocks 2/1a, 2/1b & 3. Block crossing agreements have been confirmed as shown below. Agreement letters are contained in Annex X.

Block Crossing Agreements

|UK Block Number |Licence Number |Agreement Confirmation from Operator |

|2/1a |4 |(Company Name A) |

|2/1b |5 |(Company Name B) |

|3 |6 |(Company Name C) |

| | | |

2.11 Telecom cable crossings (KIS-ORCA)

Details to be provided that the proposed route(s) have been checked for the presence of telecom cables against the KIS-ORCA, and details of findings, see example in blue.

(Company Name) has checked for the presence of telecom & offshore renewable cables against Kingfisher Information Service Offshore Renewable Cable Awareness (KIS-ORCA) and has found no evidence of any existing lines in the vicinity of the planned route for the new pipeline.


Cable crossing agreements are provided at Annex X.

Telecom Cable Crossing Agreements

|Cable Name/Location |PWA Holder of Cable |

|XXXX to XXXX Submarine Communications Cable |(Company Name P) |

|YYYY to YYYY Submarine Communications Cable |(Company Name Q) |

2.12 Pipeline Crossing Agreements

Insert details of any pipeline crossing (see example in blue). Written confirmation from the owner of any pipeline whose pipe is being crossed that there are no objections is required, in an Annex and referenced as such.

No pipelines are crossed; therefore no pipeline crossing agreements are required.


The pipeline(s) crosses PL1, PLU2 and PL3 which are all owned by operator name (company applying for application, name to be exactly as per the licence) therefore no pipeline crossing agreement letter(s) are required.


The pipelines crosses pipeline PL10, PL11 & PL12. Pipeline crossing agreements have been confirmed as shown below. Agreement letters are contained in Annex X.

Pipeline Crossing Agreements

|Pipeline Number |Owner of Pipeline (PWA Holder) |

|PL10 |(Company Name P) |

|PL11 |(Company Name Q) |

|PL12 |(Company Name R) |

2.13 Median Line Agreement

Median line is not crossed; therefore no Median Line agreement is required.


We (Company Name of Holder) confirm that we are in discussions with the Norwegian Ministry regarding this project to ensure all regulatory requirements will be met. (Contact email address and name……… Norwegian Ministry)


We (Company Name of the Holder) confirm that we have held (are in) discussions with the Norwegian Ministry regarding this project and they are content all regulatory requirements have been met (letter of agreement in Annex X). (Contact email address and name……… Norwegian Ministry)

2.14 Applicant

Provide the following statement as appropriate referencing the company name exactly as presented on Companies House/Licence.

The PWA is solely being applied for by (Company name) and no partners are involved.


(Company Name) on behalf of itself and its partners as specified in 2.15 makes this Pipeline Works Authorisation application. Partner approval can be found in Annex X.

Partner approval letters should be drafted as per the template in Annex X. If this is not possible due to timings etc., then an FDP agreement letter may be accepted provided this is addressed to Claire Grant as follows:

Mrs Claire Grant

Consents & Authorisations Manager

Oil & Gas Authority

AB1, 2nd Floor

48 Huntly Street


AB10 1SH

2.15 Holder, User, Operator and Owner information

Submitted by: [Company Name] (Holder of PWA)

on behalf of: [Holder & Partners Company Name]

Field Name: XXXX Field (Same as consented in original PWA)

List Pipelines within PWA & Associated Variations: [PLXXXX – PLXXXX, PLXXXX] (Only Pipeline numbers are required)


1. Date of licence transfer: [dd/mmm/yy]

2. Commercial agreement: [dd/mmm/yy]

All details to be stated exactly as per Companies House (i.e. no abbreviations unless listed in Companies House).

Names, registered addresses and registered company numbers of Holder; Users; Operator and Owners

| | | | | |

|Complete company details & annotate (() whether Holder, User, Operator or Owner |Holder |User(s) |Operator |Owner(s) |

|Company Name |( |( |( |( |

|UK registered Company address | | | | |

|Registered Company Number | | | | |

|Company Name W | |( | |( |

|UK registered Company address | | | | |

|Registered Company Number | | | | |

|Company Name X | |( | |( |

|UK registered Company address | | | | |

|Registered Company Number | | | | |

|Company Name Y | |( | |( |

|UK registered Company address | | | | |

|Registered Company Number | | | | |

|Company Name Z | |( | |( |

|UK registered Company address | | | | |

|Registered Company Number | | | | |

2.16 Transboundary environmental impact

A statement should be selected to state whether or not there is likely to be a significant impact (as described in the ESPOO Convention), see example in blue and delete as applicable.

The development does not present a significant trans-boundary environmental effect, as described in the ESPOO Convention.


The development does present a significant trans-boundary environmental effect, as described in the ESPOO Convention.

2.17 Environmental permits

A statement should be provided stating the action taken to satisfy any relevant environmental regulations (i.e. Environmental Statement (ES), Direction and Exemption) including date (month and year) they were/will be submitted. Please liaise with BEIS EMT emt@.uk. Timely submission is advised to avoid potential delays.

2.18 Decommissioning plans

A statement should be provided describing decommissioning plans, including the quote below.

Options for the decommissioning of the pipeline(s) will be considered at the end of the field life and should adhere to Government policies and regulations in force at the time.  Any mattresses or grout bags which have been installed to protect pipelines during their operational life should be removed for disposal onshore. If the condition of the mattresses or grout bags is such that they cannot be removed safely or efficiently then any proposal to leave them in place must be supported by an appropriate comparative assessment of the options.

If a pipeline bundle is included in the PWA application, also include the quote below.

We note that BEIS expects that any new pipeline bundle(s) which are currently under construction will have been designed for future removal, as per current requirements on decommissioning programmes. 

3 Technical Details

3.1 Pipeline design

A general statement of pipeline design is required, including whether it is flexible, rigid – carbon steel, duplex etc.), see example in blue.

The Production and Gas Lift flowlines are flexible pipelines.

The pipelines system has been designed in accordance with and meets the requirements of industry recognised codes and standards.

|Primary design code for Pipelines/risers: |PD 8010 n2004 Part 2 Subsea Pipelines |

|Primary design code for piping on Manifolds: |PD 8010 n2004 Part 2 Subsea Pipelines, supplemented by other codes as|

| |appropriate. |

|Manifolds: |PD8010 Part 2 supplemented by ANSI B31.2 and other ANSI codes where |

| |appropriate. |

|Subsea Structures: |Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms and supplemented |

| |by other codes as appropriate. |

3.2 Design life of pipeline and estimated field life

Details of the design life of the pipeline and estimated field life are to be provided, see example in blue.

Design life of pipeline: 30 years

Estimated field life: 20 years

3.3 Fluid composition

Details of product to be conveyed (incl breakdown mol %), see example tables directly below.

|Component |Mol% |Component |Mol% |

|H2S |trace |C4 |X |

|CO2 |XX |C5 |X |

|H2O |X |C6 |X |

|N2 |X |C7 |X |

|C1 |X |C8 |X |

|C2 |X |C9 |X |

|C3 |X |C10+ |X |

List other components affecting pipeline design.

|Wax content |X wt% |

|Wax appearance temperature |XX °C |

|Acid Number (TAN) | ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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