National Leadership Development Programs

■ Executive Management and Leadership( General

Executive Management and Leadership – Academic and Health Care

Faculty Professional Development

Discipline-specific Leadership Training Programs

■ Medical School Based Leadership Development Programs

Executive Management and Leadership - General


|American College of |Physicians in Management Seminar|Fundamentals in business and |New physician managers |800-562-8088 | |

|Physician Executives | |management | | | |

|American College of |Executive Leaders Program |Single-subject workshops on various |Senior physician executives |800-562-8088 | |

|Physician Executives | |management topics | | | |

|Harvard Graduate School of |Management Development Program |Provides innovative and practical |Mid-level professionals |617-495-2655 |gse.harvard.edu/ppe |

|Education | |ideas about critical management | | | |

| | |issues | | | |

|The Wharton School |Executive Development Program |Reviews key business principles and |Managers who are moving into |800-255-3932 ext. |wharton.upenn.edu/execed |

| | |explores the challenges of being in |new management positions that |1408 | |

| | |positions of authority in global |require the integration of | | |

| | |organizations |several difference functions, | | |

| | | |products, regions, and | | |

| | | |operations | | |

|Center for Creative |African-American Leadership |Leadership development experience |Experienced African-American |336-545-2810 |programs/aalp |

|Leadership |Program |with personal assessment and |managers | | |

| | |feedback | | | |

|Center for Creative |Women's Leadership Program |Focuses on issues and perceptions |Women in middle- to |336-545-2810 |programs/wlp |

|Leadership | |surrounding women's leadership and |senior-level management | | |

| | |work experiences |positions | | |

|Center for Creative |Leadership Development Program |Focuses on enhancing individual |Experienced managers |336-545-2810 |programs/ldp |

|Leadership | |leadership capacities as part of a | | | |

| | |self-awareness-based learning | | | |

| | |process | | | |

|Harvard Graduate School of |Institute for Management and |Designed to increase capacity to |Experienced administrators |617-495-2655 |gse.harvard.edu/ppe |

|Education |Leadership Education |lead and manage change, develop | | | |

| | |effective strategy, realign faculty | | | |

| | |and financial resources, and | | | |

| | |evaluate impact of new initiatives | | | |

|Harvard Kennedy School of |Skills for the New World of |Provides participants with concepts |Physicians and non-physician |617-495-1100 | |

|Government |Heath Care |and tools to influence the evolution|leaders of health care | | |

| | |of the health care system |organizations | | |

|Harvard Medical School, |Harvard Macy Institute Physician|Educational leaders develop their |Leaders with major |617-535-6409 | |

|Harvard Graduate School of |Educators Program |own action plans for leading and |responsibilities for medical | | |

|Education, and Harvard | |managing change to fulfill their |education | | |

|Medical International | |institution's educational mission | | | |

|Simmons Graduate School of |Strategic Leadership for Women |Management program that shows how to|Women managers in any industry |617-521-3835 |simmons.edu/gsm/exec_ed/strategic.html |

|Management Center for | |work within one's organization to |or sector | | |

|Gender in Organizations | |develop a path for professional | | | |

| | |success | | | |

Executive Management and Leadership – Academic and Health Care


|American Council on |Chairing the Academic Department |Development of the chair as an |Department and division chairs,|202-939-9415 |acenet.edu/programs/dlp/ |

|Education | |academic leader within the department|deans | | |

| | |and within the institution as a whole| | | |

|Association of American |Executive Development Seminar for|Advancement of academic medical |New department chairs and |202-828-0400 |meetings |

|Medical Colleges |Associate Deans and Department |center leadership and managerial |associate deans at medical | | |

| |Chairs |capacity through the exploration of |schools | | |

| | |management topics, theories and | | | |

| | |techniques | | | |

|Association of American |Graduate Medical Education |Provides professional development in |Designated institutional |202-828-0400 | |

|Medical Colleges |Leadership Program |the key elements of responsibility |officers for residency programs| | |

| | |for those who serve as their |in teaching hospitals | | |

| | |institutions' graduate medical | | | |

| | |education leaders | | | |

|Duke University |Master of Health Sciences in |Prepares clinicians to become |Practicing health clinicians |919-681-3192 | |

| |Clinical Leadership Program |division chiefs, leaders of |for all disciplines | | |

| | |healthcare systems, directors of | | | |

| | |health plans and heads of large-group| | | |

| | |practices | | | |

|Georgetown University |Health Care Leadership Institute |Provides knowledge and skills needed |Health care professionals |202-687-6991 |msb.georgetown.edu/exec_ed/executive_programs/healt|

|School of Business and | |for successful management of complex |responsible for the integration| |hcare.htm |

|School of Nursing and | |organizations |of new programs and services. | | |

|Health Studies | | | | | |

|Harvard Business School |Leadership |Designed to give participants ideas, |High-level executives |800-HBS-5577 |exed.hbs.edu/programs |

| | |frameworks, and tools to become | | | |

| | |better leaders | | | |

|Harvard Graduate School of|Institute for Educational |Examines critical leadership issues |Senior-level administrators |617-495-2655 |gse.harvard.edu/ppe |

|Education |Management |at colleges and universities | | | |

|Harvard Medical School, |Harvard Macy Institute Leaders in|Designed to assist participants in |Leaders with major |617-535-6409 | |

|Harvard Graduate School of|Healthcare Education |developing their own strategies for |responsibilities for health | | |

|Education, and Harvard | |leading change in their institutions.|education. | | |

|Medical International | | | | | |

|Harvard School of Public |Leadership Development for |Designed to enhance leadership |Physicians in administrative |617-432-1171 | |

|Health |Physicians in AHCs |abilities and effectiveness |positions who are not chairs of| | |

| | | |clinical departments | | |

|Harvard School of Public |Leadership Development for |Designed to enhance leadership |Chairs/chiefs of major clinical|617-432-1171 | |

|Health |Physicians in AHCs: Program for |abilities and effectiveness |departments in teaching | | |

| |Chiefs of Clinical Services | |hospitals | | |

|Higher Education Resource |Management Institute for Women in|Integrated series of five seminars in|Faculty women who are |781-283-2529 |wellesley.edu/WCW/Hers/Cnt_MIFWIHE.htm |

|Services |Higher Education |fiscal management, managing in |department chairs and women | | |

| | |organizations, and professional |administrators who have | | |

| | |development |responsibility for curriculum | | |

| | | |and faculty development | | |

|Institute for Women's |Hedwig van Ameringen Executive |Focuses on preparing women faculty at|Senior women faculty |215-842-6041 |drexel.edu/elam |

|Health at Drexel |Leadership in Academic Medicine |AHCs for senior leadership positions | | | |

|University College of |Program for Women (ELAM) | | | | |

|Medicine | | | | | |

|Johns Hopkins Schools of |MBA in Medical Services |Provides full range of business |Experienced health |410-955-3988 | |

|Medicine and Professional |Management |skills and knowledge needed to move |professionals | | |

|Studies in Business & | |to the next level | | | |

|Education | | | | | |

|Johns Hopkins Schools of |Business of Medicine Graduate |In four courses, students learn |Individuals with two- to |410-955-3988 | |

|Medicine and Professional |Certificate |leadership skills, the vocabulary, |five-years' health-related | | |

|Studies in Business & | |and understand the techniques applied|professional post-baccalaureate| | |

|Education | |to business aspects of medicine |experience | | |

|Levinson Institute (in |Leadership for Physician |Applies fundamental principles about |Physician leaders |617-384-8605 |physexec.htm |

|association with Harvard |Executives |human behavior to leadership | | | |

|Medical School) | |development | | | |

|Medical Group Management |Executive Education Seminar |Provides leadership strategies and |Senior-level administrators in |877-275-6462 |education |

|Association | |skills to integrate governance, |group practice management | | |

| | |strategic planning, business |settings | | |

| | |goal-setting, physician relations, | | | |

| | |and overall practice management | | | |

|Stanford Graduate School |Executive Program |Intensive academic program in general|Seasoned, senior-level |650-723-2921 |gsb.stanford.edu/exed/sep/ |

|of Business | |management for experienced business |executives with company-wide | | |

| | |leaders |and/or country responsibilities| | |

| | | |or at the top level of a | | |

| | | |functional unit | | |

Faculty Professional Development


|Association of American |Professional Development Seminar for|Provides participants with insights |Women associate or full |202-828-0586 |members/wim/meetings |

|Medical Colleges |Mid-Career Faculty |into the realities of gaining a |professors | | |

| | |senior administrative position in | | | |

| | |academic medicine | | | |

|Association of American |Professional Development Seminar for|Assists participants in creating an |Women in their first faculty |202-828-0586 |members/wim/meetings |

|Medical Colleges |Early Career Women |agenda for working toward their |appointment | | |

| | |professional development agenda | | | |

|Association of American |Minority Faculty Career Development |Assist participants with goal |Under-represented minority |202-828-0400 |meetings |

|Medical Colleges |Seminar |development, advancement strategies,|junior faculty who wish to | | |

| | |personal and professional skills, |pursue positions of leadership | | |

| | |grant-making, and networking |in academic medicine | | |

Discipline-specific Leadership Training Programs

(This list was compiled in Summer 2001 from a question to Academic Chairs)

|Society of Academic Anesthesiologist Chairs |New chairs handbook on SAAC web site |

|American Association of Bioethics and Humanities |Annual meeting pre-conference program |

|American Academic of Family Physicians |National Institute for Program Director Development |

|Society of Teachers of Family Medicine |F. Marian Bishop Charitable Trust Fellowship Program |

|Association of Professors of Medicine |Annual new chairs program |

| |“Pre-course” at annual meetings organized by Boston University School of Management |

| |Weeklong executive education program at Wharton School of Management |

|Association of University Professors of Neurology |One-day leadership course for department and division heads, program directors, and others. |

|Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) |APGO-Solvay Scholars |

| |Annual Faculty Development Seminar |

|American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Council of Resident Education in Obstetrics |School for New Residency Program Directors |

|and Gynecology | |

|Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology |One-half day session at annual meeting |

| |Annual workshop on problems of the new chair |

| |Management course for chairs in conjunction with the Anderson School of Management at UCLA |

|Association of Academic Departments of Otolaryngology |Pre-conference workshop prior to annual meeting |

|Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs |New chairs program every third year at annual meeting |

|American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry |New chair orientation workshop |

|Society of Chairmen of Academic Radiology Departments |One-day program for new chairs |

|Thoracic Surgery Foundation for Research and Education |Executive course on health care policy at the Kennedy School of Government |

Medical School Based Leadership Development Programs

Many universities offer in-house leadership development and orientation programs for faculty leaders and department chairs. Below is a sampling of just a few. Medical schools and their universities may be interested in developing similar programs for their academic leaders and may wish to consult with these institutions.

|Sponsor |Program |Description |Audience |Contact Information |

|Duke University School of|Leadership for Executives|LEAP is an intensive and highly |Clinicians with leadership |Donna Pratt |

|Medicine |in the Health Professions|interactive leadership and management |responsibilities in the DUHS are |919-681-1662 |

| | |skills training course that takes |eligible to attend. |pratt009@mc.duke.edu |

| | |place over 11 days in a three-month | | |

| | |period. | | |

|Duke University School of|Master of Health Sciences|Provides individualized mentoring |Clinicians committed to shaping |Michelle J. Lyn |

|Medicine |in Clinical Leadership |experiences, seminars, group projects,|America’s health care environment |919-681-3192 |

| | |and a longitudinal policy project | |lyn00001@mc.duke.edu |

| | |where students interact with a client | | |

| | |to analyze a real-world problem. | | |

|Duke University School of|Health Leadership Program|Develops strong community health |All Health Professionals |Michelle J. Lyn |

|Medicine | |planning skills. | |919-681-3192 |

| | | | |lyn00001@mc.duke.edu |

|Emory University School |Chair School |Provides information that will enhance|New department chairs and selected|Claudia R. Adkison, JD, PhD |

|of Medicine | |leadership ability in the medical |division chiefs |Executive Associate Dean |

| | |school and its affiliated clinical | |cadkison@emory.edu |

| | |entities. | |(404) 727-5673 |

|Medical College of |Faculty Leadership |In collaboration with the University |Targeted at faculty in both |Russell Robertson, MD |

|Wisconsin |Development Program |of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of |clinical and basic science |Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs |

| | |Business, addresses leadership and |departments with an interest and |414-456-4622 |

| | |management challenges of faculty |potential for leadership |rrdoc@mcw.edu |

| | |leaders. | | |

|Ohio State University |New Academic Leader |Address issues such as leader roles, |New academic leaders, including |614-292-4500 |

| |Orientation |promotion and tenure, faculty review, |deans, associate and assistant | |

| | |compensation, legal issues, managing |deans, department chairs and | |

| | |staff, and financial stewardship |school/center directors | |

|Stanford University, |Department Chair |Orientation, discussion of university |New chairs, school deans, and |650-725-8471 |

|Office of the Provost |Institute |issues, and opportunities for |senior administrators | |

| | |interaction | | |

|University of Michigan, |Leadership Development |Goal is to enhance the leadership |Senior physician leaders, clinical|Paul Taheri |

|Schools of Public Health |Program |capabilities of current and future |and basic science department |Assistant Dean for Academic Business Development |

|and Business | |University of Michigan Health System |chairs, medical school deans, and |taheri@umich.edu |

| | |leaders. |other health system administrators| |

|University of Missouri |President’s Academic |Provides leadership development |Academic department chairs and |573-884-6754 |

|System |Leadership Institute |opportunities and ongoing support to |directors, as well as assistant | |

| | |academic leaders on all four campuses.|and associate deans. | |

|Penn State University | | | |Awaiting information from Kevin Grigsby |

|College of Medicine | | | | |

|University of Ottawa |Academic Health Sciences |Designed to systematically develop |Faculty and staff in competitive |Rose Goldstein, MD |

| |Leadership Program |leaders from within the University of |nomination process |Associate Dean |

| | |Ottawa Faculty of Medicine and | |613-562-5800 x8327 |

| | |affiliated hospitals | |rgoldstein@ottawahospital.on.ca |

|University of Texas |Academic Leadership |Designed to increase knowledge of the |Senior faculty members, nominated |713-500-3064 |

|Health Science Center at |Development Program |health science center and to enhance |by department chair and endorsed | |

|Houston | |the leadership and management skills |by dean | |

| | |needed by academic administrators | | |

|University of |Academic Leadership |Provides new academic leaders with |Department and program chairs, |608-263-1016 |

|Wisconsin-Madison |Series |information and valuable resources. |academic center directors, | |

| | | |assistant deans, associate deans, | |

| | | |and deans | |


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