Riddle 1

Riddle 1

I am a geometric solid.

I have six faces.

All my faces are squares.

What am I? (cube)

Riddle 2

I am a geometric solid.

I have two surfaces.

My base is formed by a circle.

I come to a point at the top.

What am I? (cone)

Riddle 3

I am a polyhedron.

I have the fewest number of faces of all the polyhedrons.

All of my faces are triangular.

I come to a point at the top.

What am I? (triangular pyramid)

Riddle 4

I am a polyhedron.

My faces are pentagons.

I am useful for calendars.

What am I? (dodecahedron)

Riddle 5

I am a polyhedron.

I have two triangular bases.

My other faces are rectangles.

Sometime I am used for keeping doors open.

What am I? (triangular prism)

Riddle 6

I am a geometric solid.

I have only one surface.

My one surface is curved.

I have no base.

What am I? (sphere)


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