Review and Discuss1.Explain the difference between complementary and analogous color plementary colors are two colors directly across from each other on the color wheel. Analogous colors are colors that are next to one another on the color wheel.2.Define triadic color theme.Triadic color theme includes three evenly separated hues from a color wheel. Primary colors red, yellow, and blue are a triadic color theme because they are separated by three other colors on the traditional color wheel.3.Summarize the three most common color models in digital media.The three most common color models are RGB, CMYK, and HSB. RGB is based on red, green, and blue and is used for computer displays. CMYK is based on cyan, magenta, yellow, and black and is used for printing. HSB is based on hue, saturation, and brightness and is used to adjust colors in line with human perceptions.4.Explain the scale for RGB colors.RGB colors are based on a scale ranging from 0 to 255. The higher number represents the purest color.5.Describe how the color mode is useful.The color mode tells the computer which color model data to use to represent colors.6.Explain “out of gamut.”When you create a color in RGB that cannot be matched in CMYK, it is referred to as out of gamut.7.Define RGB and CMYK and explain the differences in the use of the two.RGB uses a percentage of red, blue, and green to deliver a color, and CMYK uses a percentage of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black to deliver a color. RGB is used primarily for Web or electronic delivery, and CMYK is used primarily for print delivery.8.Detail how the Kuler color tool helps to generate a color theme.The Kuler color tool generates a color theme by selecting a base color and then selecting a color rule such as complementary or triadic. It can also extract a color theme from a photo based on a mood you designate.9.Describe the HSB color model.HSB is a color model based on human perception of color (hue, saturation, and brightness). It is used to make adjusting colors easier and can be used in either RGB or CMYK mode.10.Cite the determining factors in what message is communicated by color.Age, gender, and culture of the person viewing the color determine the message received by that person.11.Summarize the relationship between different colors and how those relationships are determined.Color wheels are used to demonstrate the relationship of different colors. Colors opposite each other on the color wheel are called complementary colors. Analogous colors are those next to each other on the color wheel, which can also be combined successfully.12.In your own words, explain Web-safe colors.Web–safe colors are the 216 colors that can be seen on even the most limited computer screen. 13.Differentiate between the ways in which a computer screen and paper send color images to our brain.A computer screen uses light to send an image to our brain, and a paper uses ink, which absorbs light.14.Detail how color is reproduced on a printed page in the CMYK printing process.Images are separated into the four CMYK colors and then transferred to plates which are inked. The four inks are then layered on the printing material to reassemble the full-color image on the paper. Spot colors can also be used to add color to a printed page.15.Describe the Pantone Matching System.The Pantone Matching System is a series of predefined colors that allows you to choose a color by name or number. The printer then uses a single ink that matches the color you designate. ................

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