
Personality ? Lecture Goals ??? Introduce Perspectives on Personality ??? Introduce Freud & His Ideas ? Corresponding Readings ??? Modules 46-48? Introduction??? Personality = characteristic ___________________________________________ ????????= serves to distinguish us from one another ? ??? 4 Perspectives on Personality ??????? Psychoanalytic ??????? Trait ??????? Humanistic ??????? Social-Cognitive ? Psychoanalytic Approach ??? Sigmund Freud's Theory ??? 1st comprehensive theory of personality ??? Mind = ______________________________ ??????? Tip (above water, visible) = ____________ ? ??????? Body (below water) = _______________ ? ??? Unconscious Mind ??????? Includes thoughts, desires, repressed memories we are ____________ ??????? Influences daily lives ??????? Dreams & Freudian slips ? ??? Personality arises from conflict ????????Biological Desires???????????????????? vs.???????????????????? Social Rules ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? Personality Structure??????? Id??????? Ego??????? Superego??????? Id ??????????? Unconscious ??????????? Goal = satisfy ________________ ??????????? Operates on _____________________ = when unrestrained seek immediate gratification ? ? ??? Superego ??????? Partially conscious ??????? Goal = ______________________________ ??????? Demands often oppose Id ??????? Overbearing = ____________________ ??????? Weak = _________________________ ? ??? Ego ??????? Mediates Id vs. Superego conflicts ??????? Goal = ___________________________ ??????? Operates on ____________________ = seeks to gratify Id in socially acceptable ways ? ? ? ??? Assessing Personality ??????? Freud = dreams, hypnosis, trances ? ??????? Modern day - ____________________ ??????????? = ___________ thoughts/feelings to neutral or ambiguous items ??????????? = Scoring problems ? ? Trait Approach ??? ______________ personality, does NOT explain??? People have traits = ____________________________________ ??? Personality profile = set of traits Use self-described traits To make predictions (e.g. teachers) In ________________________________ How to describe? How many traits???? BIG 5 Personality Traits ??????? Conscientiousness??????? Agreeableness??????? Neuroticism ??????? Openness ??????? Extroversion Study people’s perceptions of others What affects impressions of personality? Stereotypes??? What about Situational Dependence? ?????? Trait scales ____________predict beh. for a particular situation ??????? = predict _______________ Ex. Average happiness, shyness? ? Humanistic Approach ??? Focus on qualities that differentiate animals & humans ??? Conscious ____________________ matters ?? ________ View of human nature ? ? ??? "Self" ????????= Center of personality ????????= Answer to question "_____________" ????????= Sense of identity & __________________ ????????= ________________ of thoughts, feelings, memories (POV, self-relevance) ? ??? Assessing the Self ??????? Questionnaires & Interviews ??????????? Greater match between real & ideal selves = __________________________ ? ??? Human nature is basically ________________________________________ ??? People work to better themselves ??? Person-centered therapy??????? Therapist = sounding board ??????? Client = analyzer, _____________________ ? ????Optimal environ. for self-growth (therapy) ??????????? 1) __________ = open, honest, disclosing ??????????? 2) __________ = unconditional + regard ??????????? 3) Empathetic = listeners show _______________________________ ? ? Social-Cognitive Approach ??? Personality ??????? = determined by our __________ beliefs about our __________ with the __________ ??? Locus of Control ??????? = learned feelings of personal control ??????? 2 types???????? Internal Locus of Control ???????? External Locus of Control????????Internal Locus of Control???????? = ___________________________________ ????????????Promotes ??????????????????????? - Achievement ??????????????????????? - Independence ??????????????????????? - Coping & less depression ??????????????????????? - Health & happiness ? ????????External Locus of Control = perceive ___________________________ ??????????? = chance, environ., others control outcomes ???????????Promotes psychological & behavioral problems ? ??? Learned Helplessness = when bad outcomes are unavoidable ????????= learn not to try to avoid ????????????_______________ ????????????College tests ??????? ** Carries over to controllable situations ** ................

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