Adult focus sheetELGs – Junk model031750This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting ELGs in Moving and handling. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.020000This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting ELGs in Moving and handling. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.770013557255400057734207900035000770013557255400057734207900035000Adult focus sheet- Junk model Week beg:PD, EAD, PSEAdult:Learning Intention:To make a model using junk modelling.Success Criteria:*handle equipment and tools effectively.* To take in account other ideas.* Listen and respond to instructions.*To select materials for a particular purpose.Differentiation:Mixed ability pairsActivity:Have a variety of junk modelling and joining resources on a table such as split pins, string, glue, cello tape and treasury tags. In pairs explain that they are going to make a …. (Have a picture of your choice to fit into topic e.g. boat). Look at some pictures of robots and talk about the main features we may need when making our robot. Go through the different materials and talk about what they could be used for. Now allow the children to work collaboratively to make their model. Encourage them to talk to each other and share ideas.KEY NOTES:Assist children where necessary but try to allow them to be as independent as possible. Don’t forget to encourage the children to explore with the different joining materials.RESOURCES: Printed pictures (Have a picture of your choice to fit into topic e.g. boat)Junk modelling- such as boxes, bottles, bottle tops, tubes, buttons, pegs, yogurt tubs.Joining materials such as treasury tags, spit pins, cell tape, glue, masking tape.One handed tools- hole puncher and scissorsChildren ( * achieved / support) Evaluation:Next step: ................

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