Seasons Tree DIY - Generation Genius

[Pages:1]Four Seasons and Day Length Activity for Kids

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Seasons Tree DIY

Duration: 30 min

Difficulty: Medium

Cost: $0 to $5

Make a flip book to show how the seasons happen in a pattern!

Material List


4 Pieces of construction paper 1 Bowl 1 Pencil 1 Glue stick 1 Pair of scissors 1 Pack of markers

1 Turn the bowl upside down on the construction paper and trace around it.

2 Cut out four circles of equal size following the line you traced. 3 Fold each circle in half. 4 Open each paper and draw one tree on each one for each

season. 5 The tree for winter should have no leaves on it. 6 The tree for spring should have buds and flowers. 7 The tree for summer should have lots of leaves. 8 The tree for fall should have leaves in red, yellow and brown. 9 Fold the circles in half. 10 Put the winter one in front of you, put glue on it and stack the

spring one on top. 11 Next, glue the summer circle on top. 12 Finally glue the fall circle on top.

How It Works

As you flip through the book you will see that the seasons always happen in the same order: Winter, spring, summer, and then fall. Once you've gone through the four seasons, they start over again and continue in the same order. Seasons happen in the same pattern each year.

? 2022


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