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Shooter Manish Narwal smashed a Games record while shuttler Pramod Bhagat yet again asserted his supremacy with his Gold-winning performance as India's tally swelled to 17 after a four-medal show on a memorable penultimate day at the Tokyo Paralympics, here on Saturday.

The 19-year-old Narwal shot a total of 218.2, a Paralympic record, for Gold in P4 Mixed 50m Pistol SH1 event while Bhagat humbled Great Britain's Daniel Bethell in the men's singles SL3 class final for a historic yellow metal.

India now have four Gold, seven Silver and six Bronze medals to be placed 26th with one day left in the Games.

India had won just four medals in the last edition in Rio while the total count from the 1972 edition when the country competed for the first time till these Tokyo Games was 12.

More medals are in store for India on the final day on with shuttlers Suhas Yathiraj and Krishna Nagar sailing into the men's singles finals of SL4 class and SH6 class respectively. Tarun Dhillon too stayed in




contention for a Bronze after losing his semifinals while the duo of Bhagat and Palak Kohli will also feature in the third-

place play-off in the mixed SL3SL5 class.

Narwal smashed the Paralympic record to clinch

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