
Doctor Bio Questionnaire

Tips for Preparing Your Biography

Your biography is a chance for you to not only share about yourself, but also to let your patients know why they should choose to work with you. The information in your biography should be less technical and more patient friendly. We want to help your patients get to know you and trust that they’re putting their oral health in good, competent, professional hands. Our goal is to communicate how you approach your work, your life, and what makes you stand out among the rest.

Continuing education is an important note to touch on. Your patients like to know that you are always staying on top of trends within your industry. This also lets them know that when they come to you for treatment, they are going to receive the best there is.

Tell your patients why everything your practice has to offer is beneficial to them! It’s great to let patients know that you are involved, but they also want to know why that matters.

When you’re preparing information for your biography, remember that it’s all about you… and your patients! Why are your patients important to you? How do your services benefit them? What are they going to get out of coming to your practice?

Have fun with this! Your patients want to read about you, so really let your personality shine!

**Hand written, scanned or faxed documents are not accepted. **

The perspective of your biography makes a difference in how you come across to your patients. First person is more friendly and relaxed while third person is more formal and professional. Please highlight which you would prefer:

First Person Third Person Surprise Me!

Doctor Name:

Education and Continuing Education

Where did you go to obtain your education?

What forms of continuing education are you involved in?

How will this benefit your patients? Why do you choose to participate in continuing education?

Professional Memberships

Professional Info

What are you most passionate about professionally? What most excites you about your work?

What do you love about working with your patients?

How long have you been practicing? Why did you choose to join the oral healthcare field?

Tell us about your team and what makes them so exceptional! What is special about the way your team interacts with your patients?

Tell prospective patients something UPBEAT and FUN about your office. Why should they choose your practice over others?

Personal Info

Where did you grow up?


Where do you live now and how long have you been there?

Tell us about your family! (spouse, children, pets, anyone else?)

Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend your time away from work?

What are you passionate about personally?

Are you involved in any community programs, volunteer activities, or nonprofits? Why is being active in your community important to you?

Anything else you’d like to tell people about yourself?

Personal Statement

What does your profession mean to you? How does working with so many unique people every day affect your life? How do you feel you truly make a difference in your patients’ lives?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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