Welcome to the “Preparing for the BTS College” WebEx!

Welcome to the "Preparing for the BTS College" WebEx!

Please feel free to type a message in the bottom area of your screen if you have any questions.

October 2 and October 7, 2014

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Welcome To the BTS College!

You are now a member of the College with over 800 members, all working on collaborative improvement.

Objectives for the College: Equip you to operate a successful Collaborative improvement project Increase your ability to teach and use the Model for Improvement, an improvement strategy used in the Breakthrough Series (BTS)

IHI Faculty and Staff

Marie Schall, Director Sandy Murray, Improvement Adviser Kelly McCutcheon Adams, 2015 Director Lauren Showalter, Program and Event Manager

The IHI BTS College Team





WebEx Agenda

Orientation to the WebEx Collaboration For Improvement Getting Results: The Breakthrough Series Preparing for the College Session ? Topic, team, timeline, storyboard ? Beginning with the end in mind-Spread Questions

Orientation To WebEx


How to mute your line to avoid background noise

Option A

Option B


1. Highlight your name

2. Right click 3. Press mute!

Press *6 on your phone to mute and


Tools for Our Interaction!

To raise your hand

Emoticons and applause!

When polling Yes!

When polling No!

To de-select any of these tools simply click the eraser icon.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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