Branches of Government Worksheet

Unit 3 Recycling : Three Branches

|Executive Branch |Legislative Branch |Judicial Branch |

| | | |

Use the following factoids to complete the above chart. Place the item under the appropriate heading. Mark through each one as you place it above. NO Shortcuts.

President Confirms judges and other appointments by President

House of Representatives Vice-President Congress

Senate Controls Federal government finances Proposes laws

Decides constitutionality of laws Appoints judges or other officials

Makes laws Makes laws by court decisions Can veto laws

Supreme Commander of the Military Supreme Court

Can impeach President or Judges Appointed for life

Can declare war Limited to terms of six or two years

Term of four years Elected by the people Can override vetoes Approve treaties Elected by the people and Electoral College Cabinet Interprets laws Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices Senators Representatives Carries out laws Federal Courts

Branches of Government Worksheet Name: _______________

Read each of the following phrases and decide which branch of the national government is described. Write L for legislative, E for executive, or J for judicial in the blank at right.

1. includes the Supreme Court and other national courts ____

2. sees that laws are carried out ____

3. has members elected by voters within each state ____

4. is headed by the President ____

5. settles disagreements about the meaning and use of national laws ____

6. makes laws for the nation ____

7. is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives ____

8. has judges chosen by the President ____

The diagram below shows the system of checks and balances in our national government. Use the diagram to complete the questions below.

9. According to the diagram, does each branch of government check the power of the other two branches?


10. Which branch of government has its power checked by the President’s power to veto laws? ____________

11. Which branch of government has its power checked by the power of Congress to approve or disapprove

agreements with other countries? _______________

12. Which branch of government has its power checked by the power of Congress to approve or disapprove its

membership? ______________


Can pass laws over the President’s veto

Can approve or disapprove agreements with other countries

Can approve or disapprove choices of judges


Can remove judges from office

Can gain support to help pass laws

Can veto laws passed by Congress

Can rule that the President’s actions do not agree with the Constitution

Can decide on the meaning of laws

Can rule that laws do not agree with the Constitution



Can choose judges

Can pardon people convicted of crimes



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