“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” and “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”Although both Marlowe and Raleigh’s poems reflect the pastoral tradition, the speakers present opposing views of rural life. (a) Make a chart comparing the details that signal the shepherd’s idealized view with the nymph’s more realistic view of country life. (b) Based on their attitudes toward nature, what conclusions can you draw about the personalities of the shepherd and the nymph?In line 16 of “The Nymph’s Reply…,” in what way does the speaker use a striking balance of opposites to illustrate the effect of time?What is the tone of the nymph’s response? Include textual evidence to support your answer.Love is one of the common themes in these poems, but the speakers present contrasting views. (a) What offerings does the shepherd make to the nymph? (b) In today’s world, what might the shepherd offer to win the nymph’s affections? (c) Do you think material offerings like the shepherd’s are idealistic, or do they have practical purposes? Explain.In what way are these two poems carpe diem examples-(a) In what way does the motto “seize the day” apply to them? Use textual evidence for support. (b) In what way is this theme universal to all people?Do you sympathize with the speaker in “The Passionate Shepherd…”? Why or why not?(a) In “The Nymph’s Reply…”, how does the speaker reveal a skeptical side to her nature? (b) How does she reveal a wistful side?(a) What experiences might have shaped the nymph’s attitudes in “The Nymph’s Reply…”? (b) If you were the nymph, what kind of future might you project for the shepherd? (c) If you were the shepherd, what experiences might you wish for the nymph?Idyllic escape with a loved one still has a strong appeal, whether the retreat is a remote island or a mountaintop hideaway. How is this romantic escape motif used today in literature, television, movies, and advertising? ................

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