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Global 9R/Period: Neolithic Revolution Video Notes

Human Origins

The Paleolithic and Neolithic Revolutions

By the end of this video, I should be able to answer this question:

• How did people live during the Paleolithic? …the Neolithic?

First Humans


Where are some of the oldest hominids found?

How would the hominids’ ability to walk upright be useful?

What was another important human development?

How do we know about early hominids?

Found human-like footprints preserved in volcanic ash


3.5 million yrs old

Hominids in Order of Development


Homo Habilis-

Homo Erectus-


Cro-Magnon/Homo Sapiens-

Paleolithic Age

(Old Stone Age)


Hunters & Gatherers:

Paleolithic Age Advancements

What was the Turning Point?

That turning point helped to begin…

Also known as the

Agricultural Revolution

What caused the Neolithic Revolution/ Agricultural Revolution?

Increase in temperature leads to longer growing period and dryer land

What effect did the Neolithic Revolution have?

Slash and Burn Farming-



Specialized Workers-


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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