The Black Death:

The Black Death:

What were they thinking?

Medieval Actuality

|Causes |God’s wrath |Flea bites (bubonic) |

| |Earthquakes |Airborne (pneumonic) |

| |Southerly wind |Septocemic (blood stream) |

| |Lust |Mongol army in Asia to Italian merchants |

| |Filth | |

|Symptoms |Confusion |Neurological dysfunction |

| |Fatigue |Swollen lymph nodes |

| |Fever |Internal hemorrhaging |

| |Headache |Infected lungs |

| |Black sores/skin | |

| |Buboes | |

| |Dancing fits | |

| |Bloody cough | |

|Prevention |Swallow pus |Sanitation |

| |Bathe in urine |Extermination |

| |Religious ritual |Antibiotics (now—not available at the time) |

| |Prayer | |

| |Alternative odor | |

| |Wear cross | |

| |Flight | |

| |Avoid bathing | |

| |Avoid exercise | |

| |Walled in house | |

| |Frogs & toads | |

Immediate Effects

• Trade disrupted

• Murder of gypsies, gravediggers, beggars, drunks, strangers, Jews

• Psychic breakdown/Terror

• Emotional impact

• Prices dropped due to supply and demand

• Clergy diminished role

Long-term effects

• Improvement in medicine

• New people and new ideas

• Feudal system destroyed

• Wages rise

• Rise of middle class

• Man has direct access to God

• Diminished role of church

• Struggle between faith and reason

• Stage set for Renaissance and Reformation

The Black Death

What Were They Thinking?

|Doc # |Conclusion |Actuality |

|Causes | | |

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|Symptoms | | |

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|Prevention & Cure | | |

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|Spread | |Short-term Effects: |

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|Effects | |Long-term Effects: |

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The Bubonic Plague

|Doc # |Conclusion |Actuality |

|Causes |4 – filth & sputum |Flea bites (bubonic) |

|4, 7, 15 |7 – purposely spreading |Airborne (pneumonic) |

| |15 – chastisement from God |Septocemic (blood stream) |

| |God’s wrath |Mongol army in Asia to Italian merchants |

| |Earthquakes | |

| |Southerly wind | |

| |Lust | |

| |Filth | |

|Symptoms |9 – fever; 13 – from wigs |Neurological dysfunction |

|9, 13 |Confusion |Swollen lymph nodes |

| |Fatigue |Internal hemorrhaging |

| |Headache |Infected lungs |

| |Black sores on skin | |

| |Buboes | |

| |Dancing fits | |

| |Bloody cough | |

|Prevention & Cure |9 – look to church; |Sanitation |

|9, 11 |11 – toads around neck |Extermination |

| |Swallow pus; bathe in urine |Antibiotics (now—not available at the time) |

| |Religious ritual; prayer | |

| |Alternative odor | |

| |Flight | |

| |Avoid bathing & exercise | |

| |Walled in house | |

|Spread |1 – started in Italy | |

|1, 7, 12 |7 – purposely spreading | |

| |12 – began 1347; still around | |

| |in 1656 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Effects |Social: 2 – population declines from 85-60 million in | |

|2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, |50 years; 3 – school ends; 5 – hit rich & poor; 8 – |See next page |

|17, 18 |quarantine; 10 – turn against family; 12 – some | |

| |ignored | |

| |Economic: 6 – no one can pass from place to place; 13 | |

| |– no one buying wigs; 14 – no trade; 17-18 – business | |

| |stand still; | |

| |Political: 8 - punishment | |


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