1. Ototoxic agents

□ Can harm the function of the balance organ and hearing organ

2. The pneumatic attachment on the otoscope is used for

□ Evaluating mobility of eardrum

3. Delayed language development, limited vocabulary and short attention span may indicate

□ Hearing loss in a child

4. Nose bleed (epistaxis) is commonly caused by

□ Seeping bleeding from injured capillaries along mucosa of inferior nasal septum

5. Most common cause of acquired conductive hearing loss in children is

□ Otitis media w/ effusion

6. Positive Rinne test bilaterally signifies

□ Sensorineural hearing loss

7. Abnormal finding when performing Weber test is

□ Lateralizing to blocked ear (+) Weber

8. Pathophysiology mechanism for otitis media w/ effusion is

□ Blocked passage of air from middle ear to pharynx

9. Typical otoscopic appearance of an ear w/ OME is

□ Retracted, thin, immobile tympanic membrane w/ visible fluid

10. Two most common causes of hearing loss in adults are

□ Wax impaction and presbycusis

11. Terminal branches of arteries that provide vascular supply to nose are

□ Internal and external carotid arteries

12. Which sinuses that don’t exist in children

□ Frontal sinus

13. Protective roles of the nose are all of the following except

□ Conducting sound waves to the cochlea

14. Which of the following is not a function of the paranasal sinuses

□ Conveying chemicals to olfactory nerves

15. Which sinuses drain through the middle meatus

□ Maxillary, anterior ethmoid, and frontal sinuses

16. Orbital abscesses, seen in children, are most commonly caused by extension of sinusitis of

□ Maxillary sinuses

17. Cartilage of outer ear and nasal septum

□ Are prone to injury/deformity after hemorrhage

18. Ossicles of the ear are located in

□ Middle ear

19. Ossicle that contacts the eardrum is

□ Malleus

20. What cranial nerve traverses the middle ear

□ Facial nerve

21. Referred pain from cervical spine may cause earache by

□ Posterior roots of 2nd and 3rd cervical nerves

22. Common symptom/cause of nasal pathology is

□ Nasal obstruction

23. Another word for nasal hemorrhage is

□ Epistaxis

24. Total loss of smell is called

□ Anosmia

25. Inferior turbinate is seen well and often mimics a

□ Nasal polyp

26. Most reliable test for allergic rhinitis is

□ RAST test

27. Nasal pathology may cause referred head and neck pain via

□ Trigeminal nerve (CN 5)

28. Skin prick tests for allergies are

□ Quite unreliable

29. What is rhinnitis

□ Inflammation of the nose

30. What is the common means of managing nasal allergies

□ Avoidance of the allergen

31. Rhinnitis medicamentosa is

□ Overuse of topical vasoconstrictors

32. Most common causes of referred ear pain in adults are

□ Osteoarthritis of cervical spine and TMJ problems

33. Most common causes of otologic pain in children are

□ OME and AOM

34. Malignant otitis externa is

□ Osteomyelitis of temporal bone due to infection of ear canal (not cancer)

35. Watery ottorhea is typical of

□ Eczema of ear canal

36. Most common complication of AOM is

□ Chronic OME and perforations (Rare complication is mastoiditis)

37. Most common bacterium causing AOM is

□ Streptococcus Pneumonia (pneumococci)

38. Most common infectious organisms causing acute sinusitis are

□ Common cold virus (haemophilus influenza) and streptococcus pneumonia

39. Stiff neck, high fever and severe headaches are key symptoms of

□ Acute meningitis

40. Swimmer’s ear is also called

□ Acute Otitis externa


1. Glaucoma involves which of the following…

□ Increased intra-ocular pressure

2. Cataracts involve which of the following…

□ Clouding of the lens

3. Pseudomonas keratitis is associated w/

□ Infection of the cornea by improper handling of contact lenses

4. Reiter’s and ankylosing spondylitis are associated w/

□ Autoimmune disease of the iris (iritis) …. Or Keratic Precipitates

5. Most common cause of legal blindness in developed countries is

□ Diabetes Mellitus

6. Conjunctivitis is

□ Inflammation/irritation of the conjunctiva

7. Conjunctival injection (hyperemia) is associated w/

□ Bacterial conjunctivitis

8. Ciliary hyperemia is typical for

□ Immovable vessels encircling the iris and having purulent secretions (bacterial cause)

9. Eye pain is typical for all of the following except…

□ Cataract

10. Rapidly developing loss of vision is typical for all except…

□ Allergic Conjunctivitis

11. Strep throat is a common name for

□ Tonsillitis from streptococcus A bacteria

CASE 1 – 8 year old patient comes into your office w/ red eyes, sore throat, cough, headache and a

temperature above 100 degrees.

12. During your exam you discover movable, dilated blood vessels on the eye bulb. This indicates…

□ Conjunctival Hyperemia

13. The finding in question 12 is most likely caused by…

□ Staph infection secondary to an URI

14. The presentation in case 1 is not typical for…

□ Streptococcus Tonsillitis

15. Allergic conjunctivitis is associated w/ all of the following except…

□ Ciliary Hyperemia

16. Conservative treatment (nutrition advice, rest, antioxidants, chiropractic adjustments…) is indicated in which of the following…

□ OME – otitis media w/ effusion

17. Immune complications to group A Strep related tonsillitis include…

□ Glomerulonephritis and Rheumatic Fever

18. A loud murmur is heard over the left 5TH ICS in the midclavicular line in a recurrent case of G. A. S. This could explain…

□ Mitral valve stenosis from Strep and scarlet fever

19. What’s true in regard to ear tubes and OM…

□ The cost to insert ear tubes is astronomical

20. Conjunctivitis in neonates in the US is most commonly caused by…

□ Chlamydia Trachomatus

21. Macular degeneration mainly affects which group of people…

□ People over age of 65 yrs.

22. Macular degeneration causes…

□ Difficulty reading

23. Bacterial conjunctivitis should primarily be treated w/…

□ Washing your eyes out w/ water first and then applying a salve

24. Nutritional support for macular degeneration includes…

□ Lutein and Zinc

25. What structure in the neck should be penetrated when a secondary airway is needed…

□ Cricothyroid Membrane

26. Before doing that procedure in #25, what should you do first…

□ Heimlich maneuver

CASE 2 – A 2 year-old boy comes to our office w/ fever, severe dyspnea and inspiratory stridor.

27. In our list of differential diagnoses, what must we include as a possibility…

□ Epiglottidis

28. Haemophilus Influenza can cause…

□ All of the above (meningitis, Epiglottidis, AOM)

29. Streptococcus Pyogens (GAS) is an example of infectious bacteria of what group…

□ Gram (+) bacteria

30. Diphtheria may present w/ severe dyspnea and inspiratory stridor caused by the formation of membranes in the hypopharynx and larynx. What is this condition called…

□ Croup

31. When a person has an URI, how should they handle their contact lenses…

□ Discard them and don’t put in new ones until they are well. Bacteria on your hands could transfer to contact lenses and result in eye infections.


32. Purulent secretion of the eyes --- Bacterial conjunctivitis

33. Scarlet fever associated w/ --- Strep (GAS) and mitral valve stenosis

34. Function of saliva --- protect teeth (IgA), start digestion process, taste, lubricate food, articulation

35. Function of larynx --- phonation and protection

36. Function of epiglottis and larynx --- protection of respiratory tract

37. Size of pupil due to iritis --- miosis (small pupil)

38. Size of pupil due to acute glaucoma --- mydriasis (large dilated pupil)

39. Unilateral tonsillitis is associated w/ --- cancer

40. Most common agent of tonsillitis --- viral (adults) … bacterial (younger ages)

41. Common cause of loss of sense of taste --- nasal obstruction


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