
Name: ________________________________________Fall Final Exam Study GuideVocabulary Sedentary DifferentiatedForagingStratificationEgalitarian RenounceTransientArtisansRevereTransmittalSchism Commercial Economy Grassroots movementDiplomacy StimulatePatronageOmnipotentDeity ReverenceAdvocatedMonastic LifeDivineSemi-Monastic Military OrderPandemicsIndigenousImpetusSpiritual Advancement HubExaltAssertFilial Marital Fidelity Degradation Imposition UniversalizingNeolithic Revolution:What event begins it?What is the difference between foraging and agricultural societies?What time period does the term pre-agricultural refer to? What does the word “disparity” mean?What was the major effect of the Neolithic Revolution on the way people lived their lives now? How did population change in societies that previously relied on hunting and gathering after the development of agriculture?Early Civilizations:Why did organized government arise?What is a patriarchal society?Contrast cultural diffusion to independent developmentWhat distinguishes a river valley civilization from a classical civilization?What are some changes that are associated with the end of the classical period (200 CE-600 CE?)What was the Code of Hammurabi and what did it say about Babylonian society?Greece:How did the geography of Greece influence its political and cultural development?What impact did the Phoenicians have on Greece?What is the major impact of Alexander the Great’s conquests?How did Greek science and technology affect other parts of the world?Han/Rome/Persian Empires: Compare Roman and Han societies. How were merchants regarded in each?What was the major trade route between the two countries?What were the causes of the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Han dynasty?What led to the fall of the Roman, Han, and Gupta empires?How did large centralized empires, such as the Han, Persian, and Roman empires, extend their military power? What kind of infrastructure did they put in place to supply and move their troops?China:How does the Mandate of Heaven affect China?What type of ship did the Chinese use in the 15th century?What were the Great Wall and the Grand Canal and why did the Chinese build them?Describe Chinese views about Buddhism. What issues did many upper class Chinese have with this new religion? Why?Describe the Confucian social order. What role did women play?Compare and contrast the social structures of China and India between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E.Japan:What was the name of the Japanese warrior class?Describe the social hierarchy in Japan during the feudal period. What were the responsibilities of women in feudal Japan? Religions:Review the main beliefs of all major pare/contrast Hinduism and pare/contrast monotheistic pare and contrast the origins and the spread of Christianity and Buddhism before 600 C.E. (influences by other religions, role of women, role of trade networks)What are the Vedic religions? What role did caste play in them?What role did books play in Judaism and Hinduism?Islamic civilization:Describe Islamic architecture.What was Islam’s expansion most important effect on the civilization of medieval Europe?What type of knowledge did Arabs, Indians and European societies transfer during by 1200 CE?Describe Arab expansion. How were the Muslim armies able to expand so rapidly? Describe Islamic art. In what areas of Northern Africa did Christianity remain after the expansion of Islam?Byzantine Empire:Why did it survive while the western Roman Empire collapsed?What effect did the empire have on the religion of Slavic people?Europe: Describe the type of architecture that developed in Europe around 1100 CE.Describe the Viking invasions and how they were able to defeat their opponents. What world region experienced the most urban decline by 600 CE?What was life like for women in Europe around 1000 CEWhat were the responsibilities of women in feudal Europe?What were some of the cause of the crusades?Who are the crusaders? Why did the Muslims call them Franks? What are the Teutonic Knights and Hospitallers?What type of ships did the Europeans being using in the 15th century?Describe the relationship between lord and vassal. Who was Joan of Arc and what was her significance?What were the major artistic advancements made during the Renaissance?What was the Magna Carta and what is its significance? What was the bubonic plague and what effect did it have on global populations? Mongol Empire: Where was the Mongol Empire located?Describe the Mongol Empire’s role in trans- Eurasian trade.Africa:What caused the growth of Islam there before 1450?From 900 CE-1450 CE, who controlled trade in Sub-Sahara Africa and what is the major export?What were the Bantu migrations and impact did they have on sub-Saharan Africa?What led to the spread of Bantu-speaking peoples over southern Africa before 1400 C.E.?How did Islam spread to West Africa?Trade: Describe Indian Ocean trade and who was involved in this network.Describe the travels of Ibn Battuta. What religions spread along the Indian Ocean trade routes? How did they spread?What language was developed as a result of the Indian Ocean trade?What commodity was the second most important commodity in the trans-Saharan trade of the 15th century?Describe the role of the monsoon in trade in the Indian Ocean.What impact did the Indian Ocean trade have on urbanization in East Africa and South East Asia? Give examples.What was the main export of sub-Saharan Africa before 1450CE?In the period 1450–1750, which of the following, produced on large plantations by slave labor, were significant commodities in the growing world market?Explain how wind patterns and oceanic currents helped trade in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.Explain the role of Mali in international trade. What was its main export?What led to an increase in the trade of slaves after 1500 CE?Explain how increased trade led to the growth of cities in Afro-Eurasia in the period 1000–1450.How did the decimal system spread from India to Europe? When did that happen?Describe Middle Eastern trade from 1000 CE-1450 CE. ................

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