Quiz # 1

Midterm # 2

Econ 2610: Principles of Microeconomics, Spring 2010

Yogesh Uppal

Date: April 1, 2010

Questions (1)-(20) are multiple choice questions and worth 2 point each. Please select the right answer. If you any questions, quietly raise your hands. Good luck and I am sure you guys will do great.

|1) Suppose John follows the rational spending rule to allocate his budget between food and cloths. He is maximizing his utility and|

|spends half of his income on cloths. What must be true if he buys one more unit of cloths instead given the same income? |

|A) His marginal utility from food must be greater than from cloths. |

|B) His marginal utility from cloths must be greater than from food. |

|C) His total utility will increase. |

|D) None of the above |

|Answer: A |

|2) If Ann’s marginal utility per dollar from buying one more pair of shoes is 20 units. Whereas the same from buying one more |

|dress is 10 units. Then Ann should |

|A) buy more of shoes. |

|B) buy more of dresses. |

|C) buy more of both. |

|D) None of the above |

|Answer: A |

|3) The equilibrium price and quantity for doughnuts is $1 and 500 units per day. Suppose the government sets a price ceiling of 50 |

|cents. This results in a: |

|A) shortage for doughnuts. |

|B) surplus of doughnuts. |

|C) will not have any effect. |

|D) Need more information. |

|Answer: A |

|4) In a competitive market, supply measures |

|A) the average cost of production. |

|B) the marginal cost of production. |

|C) the total cost of production. |

|D) the variable cost of production. |

|Answer: B |

|5) In the market for coffee, the cost of last cup produced is $2 and the benefit from the last unit is $1. What can be said about |

|economic efficiency? |

|A) Economic efficiency has not been reached, more needs to be produced. |

|B) It has been reached. |

|C) Economic efficiency has not been reached, less needs to be produced. |

|D) Need more information to reach a conclusion. |

|Answer: C |

|6) The government levies sales tax on two goods A and B, which have an elasticity of demand of 0.75 and 1.25, respectively. In |

|which of the goods, the tax will create lower deadweight loss? |

|A) Good A |

|B) Good B |

|C) Both A and B have equal dead weight loss. |

|D) Need more information to answer the question |

|Answer: A |

|7) An example of a long run adjustment is: |

|A) GM laying off some workers to bring down its costs. |

|B) the local bakery orders more flour. |

|C) A Xeroxing company buying another Xerox machine. |

|D) your local Walmart hires two more associates. |

|Answer: |

|8) If average total cost is $50 and average variable cost is $35 when output is 20 units, then the firm's fixed cost at that level|

|of output is: |

|A) $45 |

|B) $300 |

|C) $150 |

|D) $85 |

|Answer: B |

Figure 1


|9) Refer to figure 1. The point at which curve A intersects curve B, the firm produces 20 units. The cost reading from curve D is |

|10 and from curve C is 20 at that level of output. What is the average total cost at 20 units of output? |

|A) 15 |

|B) 20 |

|C) 25 |

|D) 30 |

|Answer: D |

|10) Refer to figure 1. How much does this firm spend on variable inputs? |

|A) 200 |

|B) 300 |

|C) 400 |

|D) 600 |

|Answer: C |

|11) Refer to figure 1. How much does this firm spend on fixed inputs? |

|A) 200 |

|B) 300 |

|C) 400 |

|D) 600 |

|Answer: A |

|12) Refer to figure 1. If the firm charges a price of $30, how much should the marginal cost of production be at the profit |

|maximizing level of output? |

|A) 10 |

|B) 20 |

|C) 30 |

|D) 40 |

|Answer: C |

|13) Refer to figure 1. If the firm charges a price of $30, how much profit does it earn? |

|A) 200 |

|B) 300 |

|C) 400 |

|D) 600 |

|Answer: 0 (credit was given as the right answer was not listed) |

|14) Refer to figure 1. What should the firm do? |

|A) Firm is not making a loss and continues to produce. |

|B) Firm is making a loss and continues to produce. |

|C) Firm is making a loss and should shut down. |

|D) None of the above |

|Answer: A |

|15) Refer to figure 1. What can you say about the market efficiency? |

|A) The market is efficient because the firm is in the long run equilibrium. |

|B) The market is NOT efficient because the firm is over-producing. |

|C) The market is NOT efficient because the firm is under-producing. |

|D) None of the above |

|Answer: A |

The figure below shows the market for granola. The market is initially in equilibrium at a price of P1 and a quantity of Q1. Now suppose producers decide to cut output to Q2 in order to raise the price to P2.

Figure 2


|16) Refer to Figure 2. What is the area that represents consumer surplus at the price P1? |

|A) A |

|B) A+B |

|C) A+B+C |

|D) A+B+C+D |

|Answer: C |

|17) Refer to Figure 2. What is the area that represents producer surplus at the price P1? |

|A) D+E |

|B) D+B |

|C) D+B+G |

|D) D+E+G+H |

|Answer: A |

|18) Refer to Figure 2. What is the state of the market at a price of P2? |

|A) surplus |

|B) shortage |

|C) equilibrium |

|D) none of the above |

|Answer: A |

|19) Suppose the elasticity of demand for good X is 0.5. The government imposes a sales tax of a dollar. Who bears greater burden of|

|this tax? |

|A) consumer |

|B) producer |

|C) burden is the same for consumer and producers |

|D) none of the above |

|Answer: B |

|20) You are given the following long run information about a perfectly competitive firm, which produces wheat: ATC = $15, P =$10 |

|and Q = 100. What should the firm do? |

|A) This firm should continue to produce. |

|B) This firm should shut down. |

|C) The firm is indifferent between staying open and shutting down. |

|D) need more information to answer the question. |

|Answer: B |

SHORT ANSWERS. Write your answers in the space given below each question.

21) (20 points) Ann likes coffee and doughnuts and has only $5 to spend. The price of a cup of coffee is $2 and the price of a doughnut is $1. The following table provides information about her total utilities from both coffee and doughnuts.

|Quantity |Total |Quantity of |Total |MUcoffee |MUcoffee |

|of coffee |Utility |doughnut |Utility from| |per dollar |

| |from coffee | |doughnuts | | |

|0 |$0 |10 | | | |

|1 |15 |25 |25 |15 |15 |

|2 |25 |35 |17.5 |12.5 |10 |

|3 |40 |50 |16.67 |13.33 |15 |

|4 |60 |70 |17.5 |15 |20 |

|5 |85 |95 |19 |17 |25 |

|6 |115 |125 |20.83 |19.01 |30 |

|7 |150 |160 |22.85 |21.4 |35 |

|8 |190 |200 |25 |22.75 |40 |

a. What is profit maximizing level of output the firm should produce?

ANS: For a perfectly competitive firm, profit maximizing condition is P = MC.

That happens when Q =5.

b. How much profit does the firm make at the profit maximizing level of output?

ANS: Profit = (P-ATC)*Q = (25 – 19)*5 = 30

c. What happens to the output and profits if the price falls to $15.

ANS: At P = 15, the firm will produce 3 units. Profit = (15- 16.67)*3 = -5

d. What is the shutdown point for this firm?

ANS: The shut down point is where AVC is minimum. That happens at Q = 2 where AVC is 12.5.

e. At what price will the firm reach its long run equilibrium?

ANS: The firm reaches its long run equilibrium at a price equal to minimum value of ATC. That happens at Q=3 where ATC is minimum at 16.67. SO, when the price is 16.67 the firm is in long run equilibrium.


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