Tom: Hey everyone. It is Tuesday, January 27th. And today, we are waist-deep in snow. We will show you how all that cold weather is affecting your digital devices. Plus, we are marking the 70th anniversary of a major event that changed the world. I am Tom Hanson and Channel One News starts right now.


First up today, the northeast part of the country is digging out after being pounded by a severe and historic blizzard. Several states declared a state of emergency, shutting down roads and mass transit late last night.

In some areas it came down as fast as four inches per hour.

The blizzard warning was issued from New Jersey all the way to Maine with wind gusts hitting near or at 50 miles an hour.

Schools are closed in several states and cities including New York and Boston. New York City officials urged people to get home yesterday before subway service was cut off and roads were closed.

Mayor Bill de Blasio: This is not going to be like other snowstorms. It is going to be, by all indications, worse. And people have to be ready.

Tom: More than 100,000 pounds of salt are being used to clear roads in the city and get traffic back to normal.

In Connecticut, a travel ban began at 9 p.m. last night. Even before the storm started, airlines canceled more than 6,000 flights. Boston's Logan Airport grounded all flights last night, and more cancellations and delays are on the way.

Coming up, we know how much cold humans can handle. But how much cold can your smartphone handle and still work? We put it to the test.

Now, you may have been there. You are weathering these freezing temps. You go to pull your phone out of your coat, but it is dead. Well, there's actually some science behind that. Here's Arielle Hixson.


Arielle: When it’s cold outside, everything gets more difficult. Like you, your phone does not like the cold.

Sopia Scherr: I hate the cold. I’m from California, so I’m really not used to it being so cold.

Bailey Bosdley: When I went to Quebec and Canada, I couldn’t use my phone at all the entire time, just because it was so cold, like it was off the entire time. 

Arielle: According to the Geek Squad at Best Buy, at 32 degrees or freezing, battery life on phones drop to 20 percent. And for young people in the winter, that can be pretty tough. 

Justin Kemper: Basically batteries, when they get to zero degrees, your battery life will cut in half. [They’ll] go from 100 percent down to 50 percent when the battery is at zero degrees.

David Mendoza: When I use my battery life it is usually at 100 percent. And I’ll use it for maybe 10 minutes, 15 minutes, just going on the web. And it will go down to 80, 75 percent.

Sopia: I think it’s definitely frustrating cause around the city you don’t have a lot of outlets to charge your phones.


Arielle: In cold weather like this, it is hard to keep your smartphone alive. But there are a few tricks. The ideal temperature for your phone is 70 degrees. So to extend that battery life, keep your phone in your warm pocket. 

Justin: When the phone shuts down, it may appear that the battery is dead, but most likely it's that the chemical reaction isn't happening. So if you get it warm, put it in your pocket for about a half hour. Get it at that optimal level, most likely you can power it on and get a little bit of a charge out of it.

Arielle: Justin has some more tips to preserve battery life. For Android, set your phone to power-saving mode.

Justin: That basically dims your display, dims processing power and makes it last up to 30 percent longer.

Arielle: For iPhone, turn down the brightness and turn off the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. You could also go out and get a portable battery pack.

Justin: So you don't need to actually plug your phone in. Basically your case is re- charging your phone.

Arielle: You may think this is just a cold-weather thing, but brace yourselves, the same thing happens in really hot weather. So how do you fix your phone when it is too hot out? Well, we will wait for summer for those tips.

Arielle Hixson, Channel One News. 

Tom: Thanks Arielle.

Alright coming up, we turn back the clock and listen to the voices from those who 70 years ago today, were rescued from the most notorious site of the Holocaust.

On this day, 70 years ago, the Soviet Army entered Auschwitz, Poland, liberating the extermination camps run by the Nazis.

More than one million people were killed at the Auschwitz death camps. But for those who managed to survive, well, they bare a legacy of horror and memories of brutality.

As a look back at Channel One, our former reporter Derrick Shore has the story of one woman's struggle to persevere.


Derrick: Behind this barbwire, on these grounds, Nazis carried out unthinkable acts of hate. Today, one survivors’ story.

Eva Mozes: I lost my whole family here. And I lost my childhood here.

Derrick: In 1935, Eva Mozes was born in a small town in Romania.  

Eva: Well, we had a pretty good life. The family was together and we had enough to eat, and we lived in our own home.  

Derrick:  But in the early 1940s, Adolf Hitler was in power in Germany, and his plan for a "master race" didn't include Eva and her family.  

Eva: I could hear Hitler’s voice yelling on the radio that he was going to kill all the Jews.  

Derrick:  Hitler’s Nazi army was quickly gaining strength throughout Europe, and in the process was sending millions of so-called "undesirables" to various concentration camps.  

Eva's family was forced from their home and packed into a train car by Hitler’s feared SS troopers. They weren't told where they were headed.  

Eva: The cattle car doors opened. There was sheer bewilderment, confusion.  People were ordered out fast, fast.  Within a split minute, another SS came, pulled my mother in one direction. We were pulled in the opposite direction. 

We were crying, she was crying, nobody explained anything.  And as I looked back to see my mother with her arms stretched out toward us, that's the last picture I have of her in my mind. 

Years went by, and I always wished that I would have had the courage to run back and say goodbye to her.  

Derrick:  Most children were killed in gas chambers almost immediately upon arriving at Auschwitz. But because Eva and her sister Miriam were twins, they were spared.  All identical twins were kept by Doctor Josef Mengele and used in medical experiments, in many cases, trying to create Hitler’s perfect race.  

Eva: What they wanted to do is, is they would inject some of the twins who had brown eyes with dyes to see if they could change the color. Luckily, I had blue eyes, so I didn't have to have that experiment done on me.  

Derrick:  This sort of experimentation went on day after day, month after month, as Eva and her sister struggled to survive.  

Eva:  We were starved for food. We were starved for the love of our mothers and fathers.  We were starved for human kindness, and we got none of it.  

Derrick:  As the Soviets approached and the Germans realized the war was coming to an end, one of the things the Nazis tried to do was cover up their crimes.  You can see these remains of one of the crematoriums, which the Nazis blew up a week before Auschwitz was liberated.  

On January 27, 1945, the Soviet Army liberated Eva and her sister, along with nearly 8,000 survivors.  

Eva: They gave us cookies and chocolates, and the nicest thing, they gave us hugs; the first human touch of freedom.  

Derrick:  Sadly, more than a million others at Auschwitz didn't live to see that day.  

Now, Eva is living in Terre Haute, Indiana, where she continues to share her story of survival and forgiveness with thousands of people each year.  

Julie Cook: I think it's important for people to learn about their past because they need to know what happened and they need to know how lucky that they realize that they are.  

Eva: One's whole life can be turned upside down, and that doesn't mean that the person has to be bitter or angry and try to deal in revenge and get even, 'cause it's not going to accomplish anything.

Tom: At least 11 million people were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust, including 6 million Jews; definitely an important part of history.

Now, to learn more about Auschwitz and its liberation, head on over to . And we are all out of time. We will see you right back here tomorrow.


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