What determines blood type? - Weebly

What determines blood type?

March 18, 2014

Do Now: In your own words, explain the function of each of the following components of blood: 1. Erythrocytes (RBC) 2. Leukocytes (WBC) 3. Platelets 4. Plasma

Reminders and Announcements

If you have still not taken Exam 1, you must do so by Thursday.

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E-race review of blood components The Immune System Antibodies and Antigens Blood Type Proteins Rh Factor Blood and Organ Transplants Universal Donors and Acceptors Blood Typing Review

E-Race Review

Everyone gets a white board and marker

Create a line of people to pass down the eraser

Once you have the correct answer, hold up your board

Don't cheat of off other people!


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