Assignment #

Chapter 11 Study Guide:

North and South Take Different Paths

Section 1: The Industrial Revolution:

Focus Question: How did the new technology of the Industrial revolution change the way Americans lived?

1. Define the term Industrial Revolution:

2. How did the War of 1812 affect U.S. Industry? Why did advances in industry occur mainly in the north?

3. Define the term Factory System:

4. Define the term Capitalists:

5. How did the Industrial Revolution change the way work was performed?

6. Look at the Steam Engine on page 383 and answer the following question. What advantage would the steam engine have given to a manufacturer over competitors who depended on waterpower to operate their machinery?

7. Who brought the factory system to America? Why did he have to build his machines from memory?

8. Who was Francis Cabot Lowell? Where was he located/from? What were the girls who worked in his factories called?

9. How was the Lowell factory system different from the European factory system?

10. Look at the picture “Factory Workers” on page 386. What were some disadvantages for children who worked in early American factories?

11. Define the term Mass Production:

12. Define the term Interchangeable Parts:

13. Who invented interchangeable parts?

14. How did the system of interchangeable parts speed up the manufacturing process?

Section 2: The North Transformed:

Focus Question: How did urbanization, technology, and social change affect the north?

15. Define the term Urbanization:

16. What led to the rapid growth of cities?

17. What problems did cities face in the early 1800’s?

18. Look at the picture on page 391 where it says Growing Cities. What problems did the rapid growth of cities pose for city dwellers?

19. Who invented the following items?

A. Telegraph_________________________

B. Mechanical Reaper____________________________

C. Steel Plow_______________________________

D. Sewing Machine__________________________

E. Steamboats_____________________________

F. First American to invent Steam Locomotive______________________

20. How did advances in agriculture also affect industry?

21. What new inventions helped northern industry grow?

22. What was a Clipper Ship? How did it help transportation?

23. What was the name of the Steamboat Robert Fulton created?

21. Why were railroads a better means of transportation than steamboats?

22. Why were immigrants coming from Ireland?

23. Why were immigrants coming from Germany?

24. Define the term Famine:

25. Define the term Nativists:

26. Define the term Discrimination:

27. What obstacles did African Americans face in the north?

Section 3: The Plantation South:

Focus Question: How did cotton affect the social and economic life in the South?

28. What was the South also known as in the 1790’s up to the Civil War?

29. What invention increased the need for slaves in the south and helped make cotton sorting easier?

30. What became the greatest source of wealth for the United States between 1790-1860?

31. Look at the graphs on page 397 under Cotton Production and Slavery. How much did cotton production increase between 1800 and 1850? In what 10-year period did slavery grow the fastest?

32. Looking at the same two graphs, If cotton production had decreased, would the number of slaves have declined? Explain your reasoning.

33. How widespread was slave ownership?

34. Look at the picture on pages 398-399 about Plantation Life. How do these pictures support the view that plantation owners and enslaved African Americans lived very different lives?

35. What were the slave codes?

36. How were northern textile mills and southern cotton plantations linked? What key invention deepened this connection?

37. Place the items in chronological order?

Population of cotton-producing states triples

Whitney invents the cotton gin

Nat Turner leads a slave revolt

The need for slaves increases

Northern textile factories have need for cotton

Support for slavery hardens among southern whites

38. Using the handout, what is the social class system in the south? What percentage are the Planter Class?

Section 4: The Challenges of Growth:

Focus Question: How did Americans move west, and how did this intensify the debate over slavery?

39. Who was Daniel Boone?

40. How did American settlers heading west reach their new homes?

41. Looking at the map on page 402, Roads and Canals, 1820-1850, answer the questions below.

A. What were two major routes (land and water) between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh?

B. What problems did the builders of the Wilderness Road have to overcome?

42. Define Corduroy Roads:

43. What was the National Road?

44. Define the term Canal:

45. What New York governor helped get the Erie Canal built?

46. What two major cities did the Erie Canal connect?

47. How did the Erie Canal help farmers in the interior of the country?

48. Who persuaded Congress to adopt the Missouri Compromise?

49. What was stated in the Missouri Compromise?





50. Why would issues addressed by the Missouri Compromise continue to tear the nation apart?

51. Why as Jefferson alarmed at the bitterness of the debate over the extension of slavery?


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