Jim Crow

Jim Crow

1. What is the most common type of Jim Crow law listed?

2. Looking through the packet, which black and whites specifically did most of these laws try to keep apart? Why do you think that is?

3. Which of these laws seem strangest to you and why?

4. Which part of the country are most of these laws concentrated in, why do you think that is?

Progressive Era

1. How did Booker T. Washington’s and W.E.B. Dubois’ views differ on how African American’s should gain equality?

2. What is a muckraker? Give 3 muckrakers and the results of their investigations. Why do you think they were so successful?

3. What is the difference between the city commissioner plan and the city manager plan, which do you think is most effective and why?

4. Who were 3 state reformers, which 2 will become president?

5. Did state reforms decrease or increase public involvement in elections, give 2 examples to back up your choice.

6. In a larger sense who did the federal legislation limit during the progressive era? (Example: The government was limited Incorrect Example: Congress was limited)

7. Why do you think the Pure Food and Drug Act, and the Meat Inspection Act were so important to the average person?

8. Why do you think America would vote for the 18th amendment, how did people think it would help the whole country?

9. There are many people who want to repeal (get rid of) the 16th amendment, what do you think the results of that would be? Back up your answer.

10. Using your book and notes, what tactics did women use to achieve the 19th amendment? Why do you think men would support giving women the right to vote? Back up your answer.


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