

Chapter 16 Reconstruction and the South

1. T/F Despite its bloodiness, the Civil War had caused less intersectional hatred than might have been expected.

2. T/F The only Southerner executed for war crimes was Major Henry Wirz, the commandant of Andersonville military prison

3. Readmission: Southerners could reinstate themselves as United States citizens by taking a simple_________________________. When, in any state, a number equal to _______ percent of those voting in the 1860 election had taken this oath, they could set up state government. This included recognizing the “_______________ __________________” of slaves and providing black education. However, the plan did not require that black be given ________________________.

4. How did the “10 Percent Plan” reflect Lincoln’s wisdom?

5. Why did Lincoln choose Andrew Johnson as his running mate?

6. The 13th Amendment:

7. What were Black Codes? Give examples

8. On April 9, 1866, Congress repassed the Civil Rights Act by a two-thirds majority, the first time in American history…

9. According to the picture on page 429, what did the Freedmen’s Bureau help accomplish?

10. The 14th Amendment:

11. Reconstruction Acts: If the new constitutions proved satisfactory to Congress, and if the new governments ratified the Fourteenth Amendment their representatives would be _______________________ Congress and military rule ended.

12. It was not until July 1870 that the last southern state, ____________ qualified to the satisfaction of Congress.

13. What was President Johnson guilty of violating?

14. Impeachment: Although impeached in the House, the Senate failed to convict Johnson by ______________ vote(s).

15. The 15th Amendment:

16. Why were Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other feminists even more upset by the passage of the 15th Amendment than the 14th Amendment?

17. Scalawags:

18. Carpetbaggers:

19. What kind of individuals became carpetbaggers?

20. During Reconstruction, _____ blacks won election to the House of Representatives and two, ________________________ and Blanche K. Bruce served in the Senate.

21. Mapping the Past: According to the election maps on page 433, how did the Republican Party collapse in the South?

22. The picture on page 437: The Freedmen’s Bureau built _______________ schools, attended by some _____________ former slaves.

23. What did Congressmen Thaddeus Stevens propose to help black planters. How was his plan naïve and inadequate?

24. T/F Cotton and other southern staples declined precipitously after slavery was abolished

25. Explain why agricultural production declined in the South

26. How did black women become like that of white women?

27. What is sharecropping?

28. Name some of the secret terrorist societies

29. Why was Ulysses S. Grant a disappointment as a president?

30. What kind of people made up the Liberal Republicans? Why did they take the title liberal?

31. Explain the election shenanigans of 1877

32. Why did the Compromise of 1877 mark the end of Reconstruction?


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