“E” UNIT E1Henretta- READ ONLY!- pg. 376-391 (no outline required!) Pg. 391-392, 412-418 (outline required)AMSCO- 230-233E2Henretta- Pg. 418-425AMSCO- 233-235, 247-248E3Henretta- Pg. 425-431AMSCO- 248-250E4Henretta- Pg. 431-436AMSCO- 255-256E5Henretta Pg. 437-440AMSCO- 256-257E6Henretta- Pg. 444-452AMSCO- 259-260, 268-270E7Henretta- Pg. 452-462AMSCO- 271-276E8Henretta- Pg. 462-475AMSCO- 277-278E9Henretta- Pg. 478-482AMSCO- 291-296E10Henretta- Pg. 482-496AMSCO- 296-300E11Henretta- Pg. 497-505AMSCO- 300-303LESSON E1AIM: Was Manifest Destiny Justified?A. What is the main point of the Chapter 12 intro section?B. What did you learn from Figure 12.1?C. How did the Southern defense of slavery change?D. Why did Southern defense of slavery become even more adamant after 1831?E. How did some slaves resist slavery?F. Why did many American southerners move to Texas in the 1820’s and 1830’s?G. Why did Texans declare independence from Mexico in 1836?H. Why didn’t the U.S. annex Texas in 1836?I. What did “Manifest Destiny” mean?J. Was Manifest Destiny a form of Imperialism? Why or why not?K. Why did “Oregon Fever” develop?L. What were the key issues in the election of 1844?M. Who won? What party? Why?SummaryA. Compare and contrast Manifest Destiny to the westward expansion of the 17th and 18th centuriesLESSON E2AIM: What were the causes and results of the Mexican War (1846-1848)?A. What evidence is there to indicate that President Polk provoked the Mexican War?B. Were Polk’s actions justified? Why?C. We had a border dispute with Britain at the same time over Oregon. We did we not fight Britain also?D. What did the Wilmot Proviso call for?E. Why did some Americans oppose the Mexican War? NOTE: Pattern of dissent in almost every war!!F. What were the main causes of the Mexican War?G. Did the Wilmot Proviso become law or not? Why or why not?H. What was the difference between abolitionism and the “free soil” movement?I. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? List them in order of importanceJ. What states were formed from the Mexican Cession?K. Who won the 1848 election? Why? Which party?SummaryA. How might the Mexican Wat help lead to the Civil War?B. How should we evaluate Polk as president?LESSON E3AIM: How did the Compromise of 1850 try to solve the dispute over the expansion of slavery? A. How did the California gold rush of 1849 cause sectional conflict?B. Create a small chart on the Compromise of 1850 that covers the provisions of the compromise on one side, and which section EACH provision favored and why on the other sideC. Note: Senators Clay, Calhoun, and Webster were very famous Senators. Sometimes they are called the Triumvirate. Yet, none of them was ever elected president although Clay ran several times.D. Do you think the Compromise of 1850 will end the dispute over slavery? Why or why not?E. Why did the Fugitive Slave Law infuriate northerners? How did it also wind up infuriating southerners?F. How did Uncle Tom’s Cabin anger both sections?G. How did the Fugitive Slave Law begin the breakdown of the Second Party System?H. What was the Ostend Manifesto and why did it cause many northerners to fear a “slave power” conspiracy?LESSON E4AIM: How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 increase section tension?A. What were the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?B. Which previous law was repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act?C. Which section was infuriated by the Kansas-Nebraska Act? Why?D. How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act complete the destruction of the Second Party System?E. What were the views of the new Republican Party?F. What were the views of the American or “Know Nothing” Party?G. Why did settlers from the North and the South rush to Kansas?H. What was the Lecompton Constitution? Why was it fraudulent?I. How did “Bleeding Kansas” develop?J. How did the election of 1856 further divide the country?K. What were the two main parts of the Dred Scott decision of 1857? YLC!!L. What section was infuriated by this ruling? Why?M. What evidence is there that President Buchanan was in on the ruling?N. How did President Buchanan further anger northerners?SummaryA. Was the Civil war inevitable in 1858, or could it have still been avoided? Why?LESSON E5AIM: How did Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party win the election of 1860?A. What does “admitted to the bar” mean?B. What were Lincoln’s views on slavery?C. Was Lincoln an abolitionist? Why or why not?D. Who won the Illinois Senatorial contest between Lincoln and Douglas?E. What was the significance of Lincoln-Douglas debates?F. How did Douglas’ “Freeport Doctrine” ruin his chances at becoming president?G. How did John Brown’s raid increase sectional tension even further?H. What was the Republcian (Lincoln’s) platform (group of views) in the 1860 campaign? Do NOT forget the economic viewpoints!I. What were the results of the 1860 election?J. Did the Mexican War make the Civil War inevitable? Why or why not?K. Where (Which region/regions) was all of the Republican support?SummaryA. Why did southerners feel so threatened by Lincoln’s election?LESSON E6AIM: Why did the Southern states secede from the Union in 1860-1861? How did the Civil War start in 1861?A. Note: At the time of the Civil War, there was a long gap between Election Day (November) and inauguration day of the new President (March). Therefore, it was President Buchanan who first had to deal with the succession of the southern states.B. What does secede mean?C. Why did the Southern states of the Deep South secede after Lincoln was elected?D. What did the southern states call themselves?E. Who was their President? What should we know about him?F. What did President Buchanan do about succession?G. What was the Crittenden plan and why did Lincoln reject it?H. Analyze the main thesis of Lincoln’s inauguration speech.I. How, when, and where did the Civil War start?J. Why was it important for Lincoln to gain control of at least some of the Upper South states?K. To what extent was Lincoln successful?L. What was the Confederacy fighting for?M. What was the Union fighting for?N. What were the advantages of 1) the Confederacy 2) the Union?SummaryA. Compare and contrast how southerners felt in 1860 with how New Englanders felt in 1814.B. Could the Civil War have been avoided at any point? Why or why not?C. What were the main political, economic, and social causes of the Civil War? YLCS!!!!!!LESSON E7AIM: How was the Civil War fought by each side?A. Summarize (briefly) the fighting in 1961-1862B. Why would the Union have an advantage in “total war”?C. How did each side provide soldiers?D. How did President Lincoln drastically increase his power during the Civil War?E. Were his actions proper or improper? Why?F. Note: Presidents ALWAYS increase their power during wars largely because they then add the role of Commander in ChiefG. Note: After wars, Congress generally tries to re-assert its equality to the PresidentH. Why may the war be considered a rich man’s war, but a poor man’s fight?I. Where did the biggest anti-draft riot take place? What happened?J. How did a majority of fatalities occur?K. How did the Civil War change the role of women? YLC!!!!L. Describe the economic laws passed by the Republicans while the Southern states were out of the Union: Tariffs, National Bank, Transcontinental Railroad, Homestead ActM. To what extent did their new laws resemble the American System of Henry Clay and the Whig Party?N. Note: Remember: The Republican Party embraced both the free soil movement and Pro-business policiesO. How did the North raise money? What was their greatest source of money?SummaryA. How was the differing philosophy of government a huge advantage for the Union?B. Up to the end of 1862, what was the war aim of the Union and what was the war aim of the Confederacy?LESSON E8AIM: How and why did the Union win the Civil War in 1865?A. What was the ORIGINAL goal of the Civil War for the Union?B. How was emancipation of the slaves seen as a military help for the Union?C. Define “Contrabands.”D. What were the provisions of the Confiscation Act of 1862?E. What did Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation say (in your own words)?F. How many slaves did the Emancipation Proclamation free? Why?G. Why didn’t Lincoln free the slaves in the Border states?H. Why didn’t the Confederate States obey the Emancipation Proclamation?I. THINK!! Why would the Emancipation Proclamation also be a useful diplomatic step?J. During the Civil War, what was the diplomatic (foreign policy) aim of 1) the Confederacy 2) the Union?K. Why didn’t England recognize the Confederacy or help it after 1863?L. What was the turning point battle? Discuss Lincoln’s address at this siteM. How did African-American troops help the Union win?N. Why was the appointment of Ulysses S. Grant important?O. How did the battle of Atlanta help Lincoln win re-election in 1864?P. What did the 13th Amendment do?Q. What type of war did General Sherman conduct in the South?R. How did the war end?S. What were the 2 MOST important results?LESSON E9AIM: How did Presidents Lincoln and Johnson envision Reconstruction?A. What questions had to be answered about Reconstruction?B. What was President Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan?C. Why wasn’t Lincoln able to carry out his plan?D. How did President Lincoln’s plan differ from President Johnson’s plan? Be specificE. How did southern whites respond to Johnson’s plan?F. What were “Black Codes”?G. How did Congress then respond to southern actions?H. What was the Freedmen’s Bureau?I. Why weren’t the freedmen’s expectations for land satisfied?J. Why did the freedmen resist wage labor?K. How did Johnson respond to the Civil Rights Act?L. How did Congress respond the Johnson?M. What were the provisions of the 14th Amendment? OWN WORDS!!N. How did the 14th Amendment corroborate the results of the Civil War AND the rulings of the Marshall Court?O. How did the 1866 Congressional elections affect Reconstruction?P. How did President Johnson help the Radical Republicans achieve victory?SummaryA. If Lincoln had lived, how do you think Reconstruction would have gone?B. Evaluate the goals regarding Reconstruction of the following groups: Northern whites, Southern whites, FreedmenLESSON E10AIM: How did Radical Reconstruction affect the Freedmen?A. How did Congress take control of Reconstruction in 1867?B. What were the provisions of the Reconstruction Act of 1867?C. How did this plan differ from the plans of Lincoln and Johnson?D. Why didn’t the former Confederate states simply refuse to follow the plan of Congress?E. On what grounds did the House of Representatives IMPEACH President Johnson?F. Was Johnson removed as President? Why or why not?G. Who won the election of 1868? Party? Why?H. What did the 15th Amendment say? OWN WORDS!I. For which party would ALL African Americans vote? Why?J. Why were many women upset at the 15th Amendment? K. How long did Republican rule last in the South?L. Who were the Scalawags?M. Who were the Carpetbaggers?N. What role did African Americans play in southern politics? YLC!!!!O. What was the Radical Republican goal for the South? P. What was the greatest achievement of Radical rule?Q. What was the role of black churches? YLC!! What religious denominations did they form?R. How did the Sharecropping system and tenant farming system develop?S. How did storekeepers hurt freedmen? How did Sharecropping hurt the South?LESSON E11AIM: How does Reconstruction come to an end?A. What was the goal of the “redeemers?”B. How did northerners help “undo” Reconstruction?C. How did the Ku Klux Klan help undo Reconstruction?D. Why didn’t the federal government enforce the KKK act?E. How did the attitudes of northern Republicans begin to change in regards to Reconstruction?F. How did the Liberal Republicans form? What were they most interested in?G. How did the depression of 1873 (one of the worst in US history) hurt Reconstruction?H. Why was the presidential election of 1876 disputed?I. How did the Compromise of 1877 end Reconstruction?J. What did the north and south get out of the Compromise?SummaryA. Was Reconstruction a success or failure for the following groups: African Americans, Northerners, Southern whites?B. What were the main achievements of Reconstruction? ................

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