
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Discussion QuestionsTaking into consideration the time period of this book, discuss the race issues that are present. Why does Calpurnia speak differently around other black people? Why does Mr. Raymond pretend he is drunk to help people cope with his mixed marriage?At one point, Jem describes four kinds of “folks” in Maycomb County: “Our kind of folks don’t like the Cunninghams, the Cunninghams don’t like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and despise the colored folks.” What does To Kill a Mockingbird teach us about how people cope with issues of race and class? Do you classify people in your world as different “folks?” Do you see these sort of distinctions today? Explain in detail using real incidents from today’s society.Making connections is important. Make the following connections from your reading of To Kill a Mockingbird and explain your rationale for these connections.Text to Text:Text to Self:Text to World:Which character do you identify with the most? Which character do you identify with the least? Write two, one-page letters to Harper Lee from the perspective of these characters. In your letters, tell Harper Lee about the importance of her choice to create these characters.Example:Book: The Hate You GiveCharacter: Starr CarterSample Letter:Dear Ms. Thompson,Thank you for creating my character for your book, The Hate You Give. My character, Starr Carter, is one that many children in today’s society can relate to. In your book, you allowed me to show my community the importance of being brave enough to stand up for something that touches many of us, speaking out against police brutality. You characterized me as a teen who felt hurt, angry, afraid and alone, even though, I had a strong family to support me. Thanks to you, I showed many teens across the world that they can gain the courage to say something, no matter how they may feel. I hope that my example resonated in a way that will help others rise and take action against injustices they face in their communities…In Appreciation for Your Creativity,Starr Carter(Make sure to write a full page or more for each letter.) ................

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