Welcome First Graders and Parents,

Welcome First Graders and Parents,

My name is Mrs. Milne and I will be your first grade teacher this year at EDUPRIZE. I am very excited to meet you and begin our first grade journey together. Let me tell you a little about myself. This is my seventh year at EDUPRIZE and I am WveerlcyomexecFiitrsetdGfraodretrshaisndyPeaarre.ntIs,have been happily married for twelve yearMs.y nMaymehuissMbarsn.dMailnnedaIndhaI wviell tbewyoobureafirustt gifraudl echteiladcrheenr ;thRisilyeeyarwahto is E1D0UyPeRaIrZsE.oIladmavnedryJeaxccietewd htoomisee8t yyoeuaarnsdobledg.inWoeuhr afirvset gtrawdoe djoougrnsenyamed tBogaeiltehyer.aLnedt mSeabterlilnyaouaandlittwleeabliovuet imnyGseillfb. eTrhtis. is my 10th year at EDUPRIZE. IFrierssidteginraGdilebeirst, gAoZi.ngMytohubsebafnildleadndwIithhaveexbceiteninmg aardrievdenfotru1r5eyseaarnsd. Wneew hsakviellstw. oWbeeawutiilflubl cehgiilndrtenh;isRiyleeyawrhboyisg1e3tyteinagrstooldkannodwJaocneewahnooisth1e1ryeaanrds obldy. bWueildhainvge aa dsoagf, etwaontdortcooismesf,oarntdatbwloe bceoamrdmeudnditraygownist.hin our classFrirostogmra. dTe hisrogouignhgotoutbethfileleydewaitrh, ewxecitwinigll aledavernntunreews aannddneewxcsiktililnsg. We waicll abdegeimnitchiss kyiellasr.bWy egewttiinllgatolskonobwe sonteudanyointhgertahnedfboyllbouwilidninggCaostatfeagaensd: cSowmefoerttaSbhleocpo,mPmlyumnoityutwhithPinlaonutr acltaisosnr,ooMmin. eTrharoluMghaoruktethte, ayenadr,BwierdwiHll oleuasrne. nWeew aanrde egxociintigngtaochaadevmeicasfkuillns.sWcehowoilll byeeastrudtyoinggetthheerfo! llowing Cottages: SOwpeeent Shohuops,ePilsymoonuMthoPnladnatayt,ioJn,uMlyin1e8ratlhMfarrokmet,1a0n:d3B0irda.Hmo.u-s1e1.:1W5e aar.em. If gyooinugatorehauvneaablfeuntsochaototleynedaratotgtethhiesr!time, I will be available throOupgehnouhtoutsheeisdaoyn.MTonhidsayis, Jaulgyo2o2dndtfrimome t1o0:b30rian.gmi.n-1y1o:1u5r as.ump.pIfliyeosu atrheautnaabrlee tloisattetedndonattthhies stimeceo, Inwdilpl abegeavoafilatbhleisthlerotutgehro.utItfhetdhaey.suTphpisliiessa gaoroedbtirmoeutgohbtriinngeinaryolyu,r tsuhpisplwieisllthhaetlpartehliestfeidrosnt tdheayseocfonsdcphaogoelorfuthnis lsetmteor.oItwhillyl b. eIawvaiilllabblee atovaanilsawbelreqtuoesatinosnsw, egrivequaecslatsiosrnoso,mgtiovuer,aand show ycoluaswshreoreomyoutowuilrl ,linaenudpsohnotwheyfoirsut tdahye opflasccheowol.hMeryeeymoauil awdidllrelisnseisu:p on atphreil.mfiilrnset@deaduyproizfesscchhooolosl..neMt. y email address is: apriTl.hmeilnfiers@teddauyporfizsecshcohool oislsW.needtn.esday, July 24th, 2019. Please do not fTorhgeetftihrasttyoduanyeeodftoscbheooonl tiismeWtehdenfiersstddaayy,inJourldyer2to0htho,ld2y0o1u6r .spPoltease do antoEtDfUoPrRgIeZtE.tOhaurtreygouulanresecdhotool dbaey obengtinims eatt8h:0e0fair.ms.tadnadyenidnsorder to ahto2ld:30yop.umr. sOpnoFtriadatyEoDurUdPaRy IbZegEin. sOautr8:r0e0gau.lma.rasncdheonodlsdaat y begins at 181::0300aa.m.m. . Iawnidll peicnkdysoautup2a:4t 70:5p5.ma..mO. neaFcrhidmaoyrnionugratdoauyr begins at 8:00 dae.smig. naantdedeanrdesa. at 11:30 a.m. I will pick you up at 7:55 a.m. each mornPianrgenatst, oyouur adreesaigvnearytiemdpoarrtaenat.part of our classroom aPnadroennetosf, tyheoukeayrsetoamvaekrinygiEmDpUoPrtRaIZnEt spuacrctesosffulo. uTorgceltahesrsroom and one woef ctahnemkaekyesytouormchaikldi'nsgfirEstDgUraPdReIyZeaEr sauscuccceessssf! Iullo. oIkf you have a fgoerwnaerrdatloidmeeaetoinfg wyohue!n you will be available to help in the classroom, I will have a sign up sheet at Open House. I look forward to not only meeting your child, -buMtrsy. oMuilnaes well. Together we can make your child's first grade year a success! I look forward to meeting you!

Mrs. Milne

Mrs. Milne's

Supply List Welcome First Graders and Parents, My name is Mrs. Milne and I will be your first grade teacher this year at EDUPRIZE. I am very excited to meet you and begin our first grade journey together. Let me tell you a little about myself. This is my seventh year at EDUPRIZE and I am very excited for this year. I have been happily married for twelve yeDaerasr.FrMieyndhsu,sband and I have two beautiful children; Riley who is 10 years old and Jace who is 8 years old. We have two dogs named BWaileelycoamnedtoSaFbirrsitnGaraadned! wPleealisvee pinrinGt itlhbeerotp.en house forms and bring Ftihrsetcogmrapdleeteisd fgoorminsg ttooybouerfcihlleildd'swtietahcehxecr.iJtuinsgt iandcvaesnetyuoruewsiashndtondeow skyoilulsr."BWaeckwtiollSbcehgoinolt" hsihsopypeianrg beyarglye, thteirnegistoa lkisntoowf sounpeplaiensotyohuercaannd bycobnutriilbduintegaat Osapfeen aHnodusceo: mfortable community within our classroom. Throughout the year, we will learn new and exciting yttaSWOhhco______wpear______uaeeo1at11111dneaurt-e-----ahrgempsgyp1roeShaeekgrieuoihcceuntglolsuokeloc.oniisatepnnhstfawhkg,gh,tibttieiswnewtPellhwtlaehedosbleoooydinl.ttnappoedmdphWocohnaoMao3okcoecayufvktnodrketpi.thweernneteythesgtdiTa(nele(walsPbcw(nhrfi*aiiyealtdlnii*ahtuscsle,*hdsneNnaoroeJioaotsrontrmssruawd(beecawaotltyierarthpphisihktrgooehias1eosbonnootr8guuosu,ltftuetdrdtMyhbiodsmborenfytirapfneatariicl,emfnecrotkorIakgeemhrtaesticwtstoetsl1so)h*ogiM)0v*llfeeleo*efba:o)ttlbr3fdrlrhdtesoe0ikeehnelrarelregroat!ve.w.i,tamn)Iiain.flynag-od1tbCu1hlBer:oe1itrs5stduuaappHg.ppmoellis.uiee:Isssfe. are brought in early, this will help the first day of school run

smoothly. I will be availa*b*Olepttioonaanlsitweemrsq**uestions, give a classroom tour, and sho-wtreyaosuurtehebopxlaicteemwshere you will line up on the first day of school. My e-mspaoiloandsdress is:

april.milne@. The first day of school is Wednesday, July 20th, 2016. Please do noWteflcoormgeettotFhairstt yGoruadnee!ed to be on time the first day in order to hoSledeyYoouurSsopoont! at EDUPRIZE. Our regular school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:40 p.m. On Friday our day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. I will pick you up at 7:55 a.m. each morning at our designated area. Parents, you are a very important part of our classroom and one of the keys to making EDUPRIZE successful. If you have a general idea of when you will be available to help in the classroom, I will have a sign up sheet at Open House. I look forward to not only meeting your child, but you as well. Together we can make your child's first grade year a success! I look forward to meeting you!

Mrs. Milne


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